2014-03-05 24 views


/*! Queue Size for all UARTS. Defines the size of static memory allocated for 
RX and TX Buffers. */ 
#define QUEUE_SIZE 300u 

* \brief Arbitrary FIFO queue structure used to store RAW serial data 
* \ingroup uart 
typedef struct 
    uchar8_t x[QUEUE_SIZE]; 
    uint16_t head_index; 
    uint16_t tail_index; 
    uint16_t length; 
} serial_queue_t; 

我声明这种结构的实例6 - 为每个我的UART的RX和TX缓冲器。


* \brief Private method used to get and remove the next character in an 
* arbitrary UART FIFO queue. 
* \ingroup uart 
* \param[in] *p_queue The queue to get data from 
* \param[out] *p_pull The next character in the buffer. This will not be 
* assigned if the character is unavailable. 
* \returns TRUE if the next character is available, FALSE if that character is 
* not available. 
* \note This Function is Atomic 
* If this function is executing and a UART ISR occurs which would recall this 
* function before the tail index has been updated it could cause a memory 
* leak/data loss. Therefore this function is not reentrant and must block 
* interrupts. 
static bool_t uart_pull(serial_queue_t volatile * p_queue, uchar8_t * p_pull); 

* \brief Private method to push a character onto an arbitrary UART queue. 
* \ingroup uart 
* \param[in,out] *p_queue The queue to push data onto. 
* \param[in] push The next character in the buffer. This will not be assigned 
* if the character is unavilable. 
* \returns TRUE if the character was placed in the queue successfully, FALSE 
* if the queue is full. 
* \note This Function is Atomic 
* If this function is executing and a UART ISR occurs which would recall this 
* function before the head index has been updated it could cause a memory 
* leak/data loss. Therefore this function is not reentrant and must block 
* interrupts. 
static bool_t uart_push(serial_queue_t volatile * p_queue, uchar8_t push); 



任何人都有更好的想法 - 因为几乎相同的事情定义多达6个不同的结构并不是那么干净?我不想把整个事情放在堆上,并分配运行时间 - 我希望分配在编译时由链接器处理。



我使用的环从缓冲区的Adam Dunkels ContikiOS:http://contiki.sourceforge.net/docs/2.6/a01686.html


我已经用intint32_t<stdint.h>等取代,以确保我有一个可移植的实现。除此之外,我认为我没有太大变化。 我使用各种不同的字大小不同处理器的代码,字节顺序等只是工作(TM):)

编辑: 后重新阅读你的问题,你确定你的意思是你想要更改大小编译时间而不是运行时间? 编译时间很简单,运行时通常意味着动态分配,或者至少有一个自制分配器的公共内存缓冲区。


我不想在运行时做到这一点。现在我的实现只使用静态内存,我想保持这种方式。我想避免动态分配。我现在在应用程序中使用堆,但我正在谨慎地做。我把这个注释放在避免提出“只是将指针放入动态内存,在启动时获取malloc”的提示。 – Nick


好的,我正在查看你链接的这个实现。它看起来与我的工作方式几乎完全一样,只是数据是从管理结构(ringbuf结构)中分别声明的,并且只有指向该数据的指针在管理结构中定义。我认为这对我来说可以很好地工作。 – Nick


@Nick编写一个在模块中声明的'struct'上运行的模块,是获取对象定位的常见方式 - 就像抽象和封装:) –
