我希望运行总共nAnalysis = 25个的Abaqus模型,核中的每使用X数目,我可以同时运行nParallelLoops = 5这些模型的。如果目前的5所分析的一个结束,然后又分析应该开始,直到所有nAnalysis完成。使用Concurrent.Futures.ProcessPoolExecutor运行同时与独立ABAQUS模型


  1. Using Python's Multiprocessing module to execute simultaneous and separate SEAWAT/MODFLOW model runs
  2. How to parallelize this nested loop in Python that calls Abaqus
def runABQfile(*args):  
    import subprocess 
    import os 

    inpFile,path,jobVars = args 

    prcStr1 = (path+'/runJob.sh') 

    process = subprocess.check_call(prcStr1, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=True, cwd=path) 

def safeABQrun(*args): 
    import os 

    except Exception as e: 
     print("Tread Error: %s runABQfile(*%r)" % (e, args)) 

def errFunction(ppos, *args): 
    import os 
    from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor 
    from concurrent.futures import as_completed 
    from concurrent.futures import wait 

    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nParallelLoops) as executor: 
     future_to_file = dict((executor.submit(safeABQrun, inpFiles[k], aPath[k], jobVars), k) for k in range(0,nAnalysis)) # 5Nodes 


def errFunction(ppos, *args): 
    import os 
    from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor 
    from concurrent.futures import as_completed 
    from concurrent.futures import wait  

    # Group 1 
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nParallelLoops) as executor: 
     future_to_file = dict((executor.submit(safeABQrun, inpFiles[k], aPath[k], jobVars), k) for k in range(0,5)) # 5Nodes   

    # Group 2 
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nParallelLoops) as executor: 
     future_to_file = dict((executor.submit(safeABQrun, inpFiles[k], aPath[k], jobVars), k) for k in range(5,10)) # 5Nodes   

    # Group 3 
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nParallelLoops) as executor: 
     future_to_file = dict((executor.submit(safeABQrun, inpFiles[k], aPath[k], jobVars), k) for k in range(10,15)) # 5Nodes   

    # Group 4 
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nParallelLoops) as executor: 
     future_to_file = dict((executor.submit(safeABQrun, inpFiles[k], aPath[k], jobVars), k) for k in range(15,20)) # 5Nodes   

    # Group 5 
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nParallelLoops) as executor: 
     future_to_file = dict((executor.submit(safeABQrun, inpFiles[k], aPath[k], jobVars), k) for k in range(20,25)) # 5Nodes   


请你能帮助找出正确的并行化,所以我可以运行nAnalysis,总是具有nParallelLoops同时运行? 您的帮助表示感谢。 我使用Python 2.7

最好成绩, 大卫P.

UPDATE JULY二千零十六分之三十〇


def safeABQrun(*list_args): 
    import os 

    inpFiles,paths,jobVars = list_args 

    nA = len(inpFiles) 
    for k in range(0,nA): 
     args = (inpFiles[k],paths[k],jobVars[k]) 
      runABQfile(*args) # Actual Run Function 
     except Exception as e: 
      print("Tread Error: %s runABQfile(*%r)" % (e, args)) 

def errFunction(ppos, *args): 
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nParallelLoops) as executor: 
     futures = dict((executor.submit(safeABQrun, inpF, aPth, jVrs), k) for inpF, aPth, jVrs, k in list_args) # 5Nodes 

     for f in as_completed(futures): 
      print("|=== Finish Process Train %d ===|" % futures[f]) 
      if f.exception() is not None: 
       print('%r generated an exception: %s' % (futures[f], f.exception())) 



它看起来OK我,但是,我是不能运行代码。如何极大地尝试一些简单的,然后添加的事情,直到“问题”出现?例如,下面显示了你想要的行为类型吗?它在我的机器上,但我正在运行Python 3.5.2。你说你正在运行2.7,但concurrent.futures没有在Python 2存在 - 如果你使用的是2。7,你必须运行某人的图书馆后台,也许问题在于此。尝试以下应有助于回答是否是这样的话:

from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, wait, as_completed 

def worker(i): 
    from time import sleep 
    from random import randrange 
    s = randrange(1, 10) 
    print("%d started and sleeping for %d" % (i, s)) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    nAnalysis = 25 
    nParallelLoops = 5 
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nParallelLoops) as executor: 
     futures = dict((executor.submit(worker, k), k) for k in range(nAnalysis)) 
     for f in as_completed(futures): 
      print("got %d" % futures[f]) 


0 started and sleeping for 4 
1 started and sleeping for 1 
2 started and sleeping for 1 
3 started and sleeping for 6 
4 started and sleeping for 5 
5 started and sleeping for 9 
got 1 
6 started and sleeping for 5 
got 2 
7 started and sleeping for 6 
got 0 
8 started and sleeping for 6 
got 4 
9 started and sleeping for 8 
got 6 
10 started and sleeping for 9 
got 3 
11 started and sleeping for 6 
got 7 
12 started and sleeping for 9 
got 5 


def safeABQrun(*list_args): 
    import os 

    inpFiles,paths,jobVars = list_args 

    nA = len(inpFiles) 
    for k in range(0,nA): 
     args = (inpFiles[k],paths[k],jobVars[k]) 
      runABQfile(*args) # Actual Run Function 
     except Exception as e: 
      print("Tread Error: %s runABQfile(*%r)" % (e, args)) 

def errFunction(ppos, *args): 
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nParallelLoops) as executor: 
     futures = dict((executor.submit(safeABQrun, inpF, aPth, jVrs), k) for inpF, aPth, jVrs, k in list_args) # 5Nodes 

     for f in as_completed(futures): 
      print("|=== Finish Process Train %d ===|" % futures[f]) 
      if f.exception() is not None: 
       print('%r generated an exception: %s' % (futures[f], f.exception())) 