2010-06-05 357 views




using (var ctx = geometry.Open()) 
    ctx.BeginFigure(new Point(100+5, 100), isFilled: true, isClosed: true); 
     new Point(100 + 5*Math.Cos(0.01), 100 + 5*Math.Sin(0.01)), // need a small angle but large enough that the ellipse is positioned accurately 
     new Size(10/2, 10/2), // docs say it should be 10,10 but in practice it appears that this should be half the desired width/height... 
     0, true, SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, true, true); 







using(var ctx = geometry.Open()) 
    var ellipse = new EllipseGeometry(new Point(100,100), 10, 10); 
    var figure = PathGeometry.CreateFromGeometry(ellipse).Figures[0]; 
    DrawBezierFigure(ctx, figure); 

void DrawBezierFigure(StreamGeometryContext ctx, PathFigure figure) 
    ctx.BeginFigure(figure.StartPoint, figure.IsFilled, figure.IsClosed); 
    foreach(var segment in figure.Segments.OfType<BezierSegment>()) 
    ctx.BezierTo(segment.Point1, segment.Point2, segment.Point3, segment.IsStroked, segment.IsSmoothJoin); 


using(var ctx = geometry.Open()) 
    ctx.DrawGeometry(new EllipseGeometry(new Point(100,100), 10, 10)); 


public static class GeometryExtensions 
    public static void DrawGeometry(this StreamGeometryContext ctx, Geometry geo) 
    var pathGeometry = geo as PathGeometry ?? PathGeometry.CreateFromGeometry(geo); 
    foreach(var figure in pathGeometry.Figures) 

    public static void DrawFigure(this StreamGeometryContext ctx, PathFigure figure) 
    ctx.BeginFigure(figure.StartPoint, figure.IsFilled, figure.IsClosed); 
    foreach(var segment in figure.Segments) 
     var lineSegment = segment as LineSegment; 
     if(lineSegment!=null) { ctx.LineTo(lineSegment.Point, lineSegment.IsStroked, lineSegment.IsSmoothJoin); continue; } 

     var bezierSegment = segment as BezierSegment; 
     if(bezierSegment!=null) { ctx.BezierTo(bezierSegment.Point1, bezierSegment.Point2, bezierSegment.Point3, bezierSegment.IsStroked, bezierSegment.IsSmoothJoin); continue; } 

     var quadraticSegment = segment as QuadraticBezierSegment; 
     if(quadraticSegment!=null) { ctx.QuadraticBezierTo(quadraticSegment.Point1, quadraticSegment.Point2, quadraticSegment.IsStroked, quadraticSegment.IsSmoothJoin); continue; } 

     var polyLineSegment = segment as PolyLineSegment; 
     if(polyLineSegment!=null) { ctx.PolyLineTo(polyLineSegment.Points, polyLineSegment.IsStroked, polyLineSegment.IsSmoothJoin); continue; } 

     var polyBezierSegment = segment as PolyBezierSegment; 
     if(polyBezierSegment!=null) { ctx.PolyBezierTo(polyBezierSegment.Points, polyBezierSegment.IsStroked, polyBezierSegment.IsSmoothJoin); continue; } 

     var polyQuadraticSegment = segment as PolyQuadraticBezierSegment; 
     if(polyQuadraticSegment!=null) { ctx.PolyQuadraticBezierTo(polyQuadraticSegment.Points, polyQuadraticSegment.IsStroked, polyQuadraticSegment.IsSmoothJoin); continue; } 

     var arcSegment = segment as ArcSegment; 
     if(arcSegment!=null) { ctx.ArcTo(arcSegment.Point, arcSegment.Size, arcSegment.RotationAngle, arcSegment.IsLargeArc, arcSegment.SweepDirection, arcSegment.IsStroked, arcSegment.IsSmoothJoin); continue; } 

另一种选择是自己计算点。通过将控制点设置为半径的(Math.Sqrt(2)-1)* 4/3来找到椭圆的最佳近似值。所以,你可以明确地计算积分并绘制贝塞尔如下:

const double ControlPointRatio = (Math.Sqrt(2)-1)*4/3; 

var x0 = centerX - radiusX; 
var x1 = centerX - radiusX * ControlPointRatio; 
var x2 = centerX; 
var x3 = centerX + radiusX * ControlPointRatio; 
var x4 = centerX + radiusX; 

var y0 = centerY - radiusY; 
var y1 = centerY - radiusY * ControlPointRatio; 
var y2 = centerY; 
var y3 = centerY + radiusY * ControlPointRatio; 
var y4 = centerY + radiusY; 

ctx.BeginFigure(new Point(x2,y0), true, true); 
ctx.BezierTo(new Point(x3, y0), new Point(x4, y1), new Point(x4,y2), true, true); 
ctx.BezierTo(new Point(x4, y3), new Point(x3, y4), new Point(x2,y4), true, true); 
ctx.BezierTo(new Point(x1, y4), new Point(x0, y3), new Point(x0,y2), true, true); 
ctx.BezierTo(new Point(x0, y1), new Point(x1, y0), new Point(x2,y0), true, true); 



感谢您的详细解答! – 2010-06-06 16:06:50