2016-12-16 79 views


name DWORD 4E617465h 

main PROC 
    mov eax, name 
(begin my loop here) 






name DB 'Nate', 00H 

main PROC 
    mov edx, OFFSET [name]  ; get pointer to beginning of string 

    movzx eax, BYTE PTR [edx] ; get the current character 

    ; TODO: print the current character in EAX however you want to do it: 
    ;  calling the printf() standard-library function, making a BIOS call, etc. 

    inc edx     ; increment pointer so it points to the to next character 

    cmp BYTE PTR [edx], 0  ; keep looping as long as the next character is not NUL, 
    jne TopOfLoop    ; which we use to denote the end of the string 

    xor eax, eax    ; clear EAX register so we return 0 
    ret       ; return from main procedure 
main ENDP 


4E617465 ==> 4E 61 74 65 ==> E T A N 


6574614E ==> 65 74 61 4E ==> N A T E 

然后,一旦数字是按照正确的顺序,我们就看他们,一个接一个。每次通过循环时,我们都会将临时值右移 8,这会推开处理后的字符。一旦临时值为0,我们将停止循环,这意味着没有更多的字符(字节)需要处理。


name DWORD 4E617465h 

main PROC 
    mov edx, DWORD PTR [name] ; load value into EDX 
    bswap edx     ; reverse the byte order for convenience 

    movzx eax, dl    ; get the current character 

    ; TODO: print the current character in EAX however you want to do it: 
    ;  calling the printf() standard-library function, making a BIOS call, etc. 

    shr edx, 8     ; shift-right by 8, lopping off the current character, 
           ; and queueing up the next one to process 

    test edx, edx    ; are there any more chars to process? 
    jne TopOfLoop    ; if so, keep looping 

    xor eax, eax    ; clear EAX register so we return 0 
    ret       ; return from main procedure 
main ENDP 

是有图书馆,我将不得不进口,使这可以打印到控制台或我能做到这一点用一个命令? –


程序集中没有单个命令来打印东西。你需要某种库支持。如果您在某种模拟器上进行编程,则可能可以调用BIOS或DOS中断来输出文本。在DOS中,这将是'INT 21h',服务2和'DL'寄存器将包含要打印的字符。如果你使用的是现代操作系统,最简单的做法是链接到C标准库,然后调用类似'printf'的东西。 @nate –