2016-09-29 89 views

这个错误发生在我身上的Genexus X Evo1, Generating Java for Web.错误GXJMake:“索引超出范围必须为非负数且小于集合的大小。”

当我尝试编译任何对象,在结束它总是返回以下错误。我注意到该对象在Models文件夹中生成,但不在WebApps.中我尝试了Rebuild all选项,并且发生同样的事情。我不知道还有什么要做。

========== Build With This Only started ========== 
========== Target Environment update started ========== 
Target Environment update Success 
Building changed objects list 
========== Specification started ========== 
Generating messages for Spanish ... 
Generating messages for English ... 
Generators messages generated. 
Specifying EnviarCorreoNoReply (1 of 1) ... 
Specifying stub EnviarCorreoNoReply ... 
Specification Success 
========== Generation started ========== 
Generating Resources...Success 
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\aenviarcorreonoreply.java 
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\enviarcorreonoreply.java 
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\SdtMessages_Message.java 
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\StructSdtMessages_Message.java 
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\gxcfg.js 
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\GXcfg.java 
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\client.cfg 
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\bld12.info 
Generating to sm12_4.ari 
Compressing static files...Success 
Generation Success 
File 'upload.jar' copied to "C:\Models\abc\DESARROLLO\web\drivers\upload.jar" 
========== EnviarCorreoNoReply Compilation started ========== 
callmake.bat "C:\Models\abc\DESARROLLO\web\GXJMake.exe" "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin\javac.exe" aenviarcorreonoreply options: -O 
GeneXus Java Make v1.0 
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. 
Parameter Name: index 
Build failed. 
EnviarCorreoNoReply Compilation Failed 
Build With This Only Failed 


C:\Models\abc\DESARROLLO\web>GXJMake -f home.mak 
GeneXus Java Make v1.0 
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. 
Build failed. 

你应该试试http://es.stackoverflow.com/。这里预计你会用英文提问,请阅读:http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask –




我所做的是删除C中的.ari档案的所有:\型号\ ABC \文件夹和所有子文件夹,而不仅仅是的C:\型号\ ABC \ DESARROLLO \状态文件夹,因为我已经尝试过,没有运气。

