2010-01-03 26 views

我一直在寻找如何排除视觉SVN文件的任何文档,但没有发现任何。我找到的所有文档似乎都与我的文件结构不匹配,或者我缺少一些引用的文件/目录。例如,我发现配置项中的唯一文件似乎已被完全注释掉,并且缺少其他部分以及任何自动属性启用 - 等等...配置可视颠覆排除


Here is information I would love to use,但不能因为它不匹配:

How to “fix” Subversion in XCode 3 
Posted on December 10, 2008 by Rodney Aiglstorfer in Xcode 

If you don’t take the necessary steps to prepare for subversion, you will run into 
problems using it in XCode. This is because XCode produces files that “confuse” 
Subversion because it either thinks they are text files when they are really binary 
files or the reverse. To overcome these limitations, you need to make some simple 
changes to the subversion configuration file in your user home directory. Here are 
some steps you can follow to ensure that you will be able to use Subversion within 
XCode without any issues. 

Step 1. Open the subversion configuration file 

NOTE: If the “.subversion” directory doesn’t exist yet then run this command which 
fails but will create the necessary files to get you started: 

svn status 
Step 2. Enable “global-ignores” and add new things to ignore 

Find the line that contains the text “global-ignores” and append the following text: 

build *~.nib *.so *.pbxuser *.mode* *.perspective* 

什么我要寻找真正的是如何排除我知道我需要为视觉颠覆文件 - 它不应该是不同真正从普通SVN,因为它声称使用相同的产品只是在它上面放置一个gui。




所以简单地:在MAC CD 开端子提示〜/的.subversion/ 打开配置 进行编辑如上的初始的文章中详细介绍。 保存配置 密切Xcode和重新