2014-12-07 59 views

任何人都可以解释在EaselJS regX和regy的目的?它让我感到困惑。 从技术上讲,此代码段:EaselJS中的注册点是什么?

var shape = new createjs.Shape(); 
shape.graphics.beginFill("blue").drawRect(centerX - SIZE/2, centerY - SIZE/2, SIZE, SIZE); 


var shape = new createjs.Shape(); 
shape.graphics.beginFill("blue").drawRect(centerX - SIZE/2, centerY - SIZE/2, SIZE, SIZE); 
shape.regX = SIZE/2; 
shape.regY = SIZE/2; 

提供完全相同的结果。 那么,regX/regY实际上是从形状x/y中减去它们的值?为了说明,centerX,centerY代表画布的中心,尺寸是代表形状大小的属性。



您使用的示例是一个形状,它有一个单独的坐标系统,您可以绘制点。 regX/regY属性位于DisplayObject,因此它们适用于舞台上的所有对象。 Container也是如此,您可以在[50,50]处绘制元素,或在[0,0]处绘制元素,并抵消注册点。






<!DOCTYPE html> 
<script asrc="http://code.createjs.com/easeljs-0.7.0.min.js"></script> 
//this sample uses the timer to rotate a bitmap around its center 

var stage, rect, img; \t \t //declare global variables 

function init() { 
//this function is registered in the html body tag 

    stage = new createjs.Stage("demoCanvas"); \t //create a Stage object to work with the canvas element \t \t \t 
    img = new Image(); \t \t \t \t //create an Image object, then set its source property 
    img.src = 'green.jpg'; 
    img.onload = handleImageLoad; \t \t //register a handler for the onload event  

function handleImageLoad(event) { 
//this function rus when the onload event completes 
    rect = new createjs.Bitmap(img); \t //create a Bitmap object, then set properties 
    rect.scaleX = .5; \t \t 
    rect.scaleY = .5; 
    rect.x = 250; \t \t 
    rect.y = 250; 
    rect.regX = img.width/2; \t \t //move registration point to center of bitmap 
    rect.regY = img.height/2; 
    stage.addChild(rect); \t \t //add the Bitmap object to the stage 
    createjs.Ticker.setFPS(30); \t \t //set the Ticker frame rate 
    createjs.Ticker.on("tick", tick); \t //add a Ticker event listener; 1st parameter specifies the event type, 
    \t \t \t \t \t //2nd parameter registers the function that is called when the event fires 

function tick(event) { 
//this function is called when the tick event fires 

    rect.rotation += 8; \t \t //increments rotation by 8 degrees 
    stage.update(event); \t //update the stage 

//samples list: http://www.clarksoncs.com/JavaScriptSamples/EaselJS/easelJsSamplesIndex.html 

<body onLoad="init();"> 
    <!--add a canvas tag--> 
    <canvas id="demoCanvas" width="2000" height="2000"></canvas> 