2015-09-07 93 views

我在wordpress中使用Stripe插件。我有一个函数名fullstripe_payment_charge()在文件名wp-content \ plugins \ wp-full-stripe \ include \ wp-full-stripe-customer.php。现在我想在我的新文件中调用fullstripe_payment_charge()函数/theme/fifteenth/paytest.php。我试图把这个函数放在themes/fifteenth/functions.php中,但是运行时,函数没有正确工作,可能是需要类似“context”的东西。 这是WP-全条纹customer.php从一个页面中的另一个类文件调用函数WordPresspress



//deals with customer front-end input i.e. payment forms submission 
class MM_WPFS_Customer { 

    private $stripe = null; 
    private $log; 

    public function __construct() { 
     $this->stripe = new MM_WPFS_Stripe(); 
     $this->db = new MM_WPFS_Database(); 
     $this->log = Logger::getLogger("WPFS"); 

    private function hooks() { 
     add_action('wp_ajax_wp_full_stripe_payment_charge', array($this, 'fullstripe_payment_charge')); 
     add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_wp_full_stripe_payment_charge', array($this, 'fullstripe_payment_charge')); 
     add_action('wp_ajax_wp_full_stripe_subscription_charge', array($this, 'fullstripe_subscription_charge')); 
     add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_wp_full_stripe_subscription_charge', array($this, 'fullstripe_subscription_charge')); 
     add_action('wp_ajax_wp_full_stripe_check_coupon', array($this, 'fullstripe_check_coupon')); 
     add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_wp_full_stripe_check_coupon', array($this, 'fullstripe_check_coupon')); 
     add_action('wp_ajax_fullstripe_checkout_form_charge', array($this, 'fullstripe_checkout_charge')); 
     add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_fullstripe_checkout_form_charge', array($this, 'fullstripe_checkout_charge')); 

    function fullstripe_payment_charge() { 

     //get POST data from form 
     $valid = true; 
     $card = $_POST['stripeToken']; 
     $name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_name']); 
     $amount = $_POST['amount']; 
     $formName = $_POST['formName']; 
     $isCustom = $_POST['isCustom']; 
     $doRedirect = $_POST['formDoRedirect']; 
     $redirectPostID = $_POST['formRedirectPostID']; 
     $showAddress = $_POST['showAddress']; 
     $sendReceipt = $_POST['sendEmailReceipt']; 
     $options = get_option('fullstripe_options'); 

     if ($isCustom == 1) { 
      $amount = $_POST['fullstripe_custom_amount']; 
      if (!is_numeric($amount)) { 
       $valid = false; 
       $return = array('success' => false, 'msg' => __('The payment amount is invalid, please only use numbers and a decimal point', 'wp-full-stripe')); 
      } else { 
       $amount = $amount * 100; //Stripe expects amounts in cents/pence 

     $address1 = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_line1']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_line1']) : ''; 
     $address2 = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_line2']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_line2']) : ''; 
     $city = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_city']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_city']) : ''; 
     $state = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_state']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_state']) : ''; 
     $zip = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_zip']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_zip']) : ''; 

     if ($showAddress == 1) { 
      if ($address1 == '' || $city == '' || $zip == '') { 
       $valid = false; 
       $return = array('success' => false, 'msg' => __('Please enter a valid billing address', 'wp-full-stripe')); 

     $email = ''; 
     if (isset($_POST['fullstripe_email'])) { 
      $email = $_POST['fullstripe_email']; 
      if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { 
       $valid = false; 
       $return = array('success' => false, 'msg' => __('Please enter a valid email address', 'wp-full-stripe')); 
     } else { 
      $valid = false; 
      $return = array('success' => false, 'msg' => __('Please enter a valid email address', 'wp-full-stripe')); 

     if ($valid) { 
      $customInputs = isset($_POST['customInputs']) ? $_POST['customInputs'] : null; 
      $customInputValues = isset($_POST['fullstripe_custom_input']) ? $_POST['fullstripe_custom_input'] : array(); 
      $description = "Payment from $name on form: $formName"; 
      $metadata = array(
       'customer_name' => $name, 
       'customer_email' => $email, 
       'billing_address_line1' => $address1, 
       'billing_address_line2' => $address2, 
       'billing_address_city' => $city, 
       'billing_address_state' => $state, 
       'billing_address_zip' => $zip 

      try { 
       //check email 
       $sendPluginEmail = true; 
       if ($options['receiptEmailType'] == 'stripe' && $sendReceipt == 1 && isset($_POST['fullstripe_email'])) { 
        $sendPluginEmail = false; 

       do_action('fullstripe_before_payment_charge', $amount); 
       //create/get customer object 
       $stripeCustomer = $this->create_or_get_customer($card, $email, $metadata, ($options['apiMode'] === 'live')); 
       //try the charge 
       $metadata = $this->add_custom_inputs($metadata, $customInputs, $customInputValues); 
       $result = $this->stripe->charge_customer($stripeCustomer->id, $amount, $description, $metadata, ($sendPluginEmail == false && $sendReceipt == true ? $email : null)); 
       $result['wpfs_form'] = $formName; 
       do_action('fullstripe_after_payment_charge', $result); 

       //save the payment 
       $address = array('line1' => $address1, 'line2' => $address2, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'zip' => $zip); 
       $this->db->fullstripe_insert_payment($result, $address, $stripeCustomer->id, $email); 

       $return = array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'Payment Successful!'); 
       if ($doRedirect == 1 && $redirectPostID != 0) { 
        $return['redirect'] = true; 
        $return['redirectURL'] = get_page_link($redirectPostID); 

       //send email receipt (it is better if done in a background thread...) 

       if ($sendPluginEmail && $sendReceipt == 1 && isset($_POST['fullstripe_email'])) { 
        $this->fullstripe_payment_send_email_receipt($email, $amount, $name, $address); 
        $this->db->insert_to_custom_user($result->id, $email, $amount, $name, $address); 
      } catch (Exception $e) { 
       $this->log->error('Error during Payment Charge: ', $e); 
       //show notification of error 
       $return = array('success' => false, 'msg' => __('There was an error processing your payment: ', 'wp-full-stripe') . $e->getMessage()); 

     //correct way to return JS results in wordpress 
     header("Content-Type: application/json"); 
     echo json_encode(apply_filters('fullstripe_payment_charge_return_message', $return)); 

    function fullstripe_subscription_charge() { 
     $card = $_POST['stripeToken']; 
     $name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_name']); 
     $planID = $_POST['fullstripe_plan']; 
     $customInputs = isset($_POST['customInputs']) ? $_POST['customInputs'] : null; 
     $customInputValues = isset($_POST['fullstripe_custom_input']) ? $_POST['fullstripe_custom_input'] : array(); 
     $couponCode = isset($_POST['fullstripe_coupon_input']) ? $_POST['fullstripe_coupon_input'] : ''; 
     $doRedirect = $_POST['formDoRedirect']; 
     $redirectPostID = $_POST['formRedirectPostID']; 
     $address1 = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_line1']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_line1']) : ''; 
     $address2 = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_line2']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_line2']) : ''; 
     $city = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_city']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_city']) : ''; 
     $state = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_state']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_state']) : ''; 
     $zip = isset($_POST['fullstripe_address_zip']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fullstripe_address_zip']) : ''; 
     $setupFee = $_POST['fullstripe_setupFee']; 
     $sendReceipt = $_POST['sendEmailReceipt']; 
     $options = get_option('fullstripe_options'); 

     $valid = true; 
     $email = ''; 
     if (isset($_POST['fullstripe_email'])) { 
      $email = $_POST['fullstripe_email']; 
      if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { 
       $valid = false; 
       $return = array('success' => false, 'msg' => __('Please enter a valid email address', 'wp-full-stripe')); 
     } else { 
      $valid = false; 
      $return = array('success' => false, 'msg' => __('Please enter a valid email address', 'wp-full-stripe')); 

     if ($valid) { 
      $description = "Subscriber: " . $name; 
      $metadata = array(
       'customer_name' => $name, 
       'customer_email' => $email, 
       'billing_address_line1' => $address1, 
       'billing_address_line2' => $address2, 
       'billing_address_city' => $city, 
       'billing_address_state' => $state, 
       'billing_address_zip' => $zip, 
      $metadata = $this->add_custom_inputs($metadata, $customInputs, $customInputValues); 

      try { 
       $sendPluginEmail = true; 
       if ($options['receiptEmailType'] == 'stripe' && $sendReceipt == 1) { 
        $sendPluginEmail = false; 

       // Check if we already have a customer created from a previous time 
       $stripeCustomer = $this->db->find_existing_stripe_customer_by_email($email, ($options['apiMode'] === 'live')); 
       do_action('fullstripe_before_subscription_charge', $planID); 

       $address = array('line1' => $address1, 'line2' => $address2, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'zip' => $zip); 

       if ($stripeCustomer && $stripeCustomer['stripeCustomerID']) { 
        $this->stripe->subscribe_existing($stripeCustomer['stripeCustomerID'], $planID, $card, $couponCode, $setupFee, $metadata); 
        $customer = $this->include_customer_subscription($this->stripe->retrieve_customer($stripeCustomer['stripeCustomerID'])); 

        // check because payments also create stripe customer objects 
        if ($stripeCustomer['is_subscriber']) { 
         $this->db->update_subscriber($stripeCustomer['subscriberID'], array(
          'planID' => $planID, 
          'addressLine1' => $address1, 
          'addressLine2' => $address2, 
          'addressCity' => $city, 
          'addressState' => $state, 
          'addressZip' => $zip 
        } else { // stripe customer was a payment but now a subscriber 
         $this->db->fullstripe_insert_subscriber($customer, $name, $address); 
       } else { // new subscriber 
        $customer = $this->include_customer_subscription($this->stripe->subscribe($planID, $card, $email, $description, $couponCode, $setupFee, $metadata)); 
        $this->db->fullstripe_insert_subscriber($customer, $name, $address); 

       // Do our after subscription action with the Stripe customer so other plugins can hook in 
       do_action('fullstripe_after_subscription_charge', $customer); 

       $return = array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'Payment Successful. Thanks for subscribing!'); 
       if ($doRedirect == 1 && $redirectPostID != 0) { 
        $return['redirect'] = true; 
        $return['redirectURL'] = get_page_link($redirectPostID); 

       $plan = $this->stripe->retrieve_plan($planID); 

       //send email receipt (it is better if done in a background thread...) 
       if ($sendPluginEmail && $sendReceipt == 1) { 
        $this->fullstripe_subscription_send_email_receipt($email, $setupFee, $plan['name'], $plan['amount'], $name, $address); 
      } catch (Exception $e) { 
       $this->log->error('Error during Subscription Charge: ', $e); 
       //show notification of error 
       $return = array('success' => false, 'msg' => __('There was an error processing your payment: ', 'wp-full-stripe') . $e->getMessage()); 

     header("Content-Type: application/json"); 
     echo json_encode(apply_filters('fullstripe_subscription_charge_return_message', $return)); 

    // In later versions of the Stripe API, the subscription property is removed so we must create it ourselves for compatibility 
    private function include_customer_subscription($customer) { 
     // the value is already set meaning user has Stripe API version 2013-02-13 or older 
     if (isset($customer->subscription)) 
      return $customer; 

     // get the first item from the subscriptions data as the most recently added 
     $customer->subscription = $customer->subscriptions->data[0]; 

     return $customer; 

    function fullstripe_checkout_charge() { 

     //get POST data from form 
     $token = $_POST['stripeToken']; 
     $name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['name']); 
     $email = $_POST['stripeEmail']; 
     $form = $_POST['form']; 
     $doRedirect = $_POST['doRedirect']; 
     $redirectPostID = $_POST['redirectId']; 
     $showBillingAddress = $_POST['showBillingAddress']; 
     $sendReceipt = $_POST['sendEmailReceipt']; 
     //get form 
     $formData = $this->db->get_checkout_form_by_name($form); 
     $amount = $formData["amount"]; 
     $description = "Payment for " . $formData["productDesc"]; 
     $options = get_option('fullstripe_options'); 

     try { 

      //check email 
      $sendPluginEmail = true; 
      if ($options['receiptEmailType'] == 'stripe' && $sendReceipt == 1 && isset($_POST['stripeEmail'])) { 
       $sendPluginEmail = false; 

      do_action('fullstripe_before_checkout_payment_charge', $amount); 
      //create/get customer object 
      $stripeCustomer = $this->create_or_get_customer($token, $email, null, ($options['apiMode'] === 'live')); 
      //try the charge 
      $result = $this->stripe->charge_customer($stripeCustomer->id, $amount, $description); 
      $result['wpfs_form'] = $formData["name"]; 
      do_action('fullstripe_after_checkout_payment_charge', $result); 

      //save the payment 
      $address1 = ''; 
      $address2 = ''; 
      $city = ''; 
      $state = ''; 
      $zip = ''; 

      if ($showBillingAddress == 1) { 
       $address1 = $result["source"]["address_line1"] != null ? $result["source"]["address_line1"] : ''; 
       $address2 = $result["source"]["address_line2"] != null ? $result["source"]["address_line2"] : ''; 
       $city = $result["source"]["address_city"] != null ? $result["source"]["address_city"] : ''; 
       $state = $result["source"]["address_state"] != null ? $result["source"]["address_state"] : ''; 
       $zip = $result["source"]["address_zip"] != null ? $result["source"]["address_zip"] : ''; 

      $address = array('line1' => $address1, 'line2' => $address2, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'zip' => $zip); 
      $this->db->fullstripe_insert_payment($result, $address, $stripeCustomer->id, $email); 

      $return = array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'Payment Successful!'); 
      if ($doRedirect == 1 && $redirectPostID != 0) { 
       $return['redirect'] = true; 
       $return['redirectURL'] = get_page_link($redirectPostID); 

      //send email receipt (it is better if done in a background thread...) 
      if ($sendPluginEmail && $sendReceipt == 1 && isset($_POST['stripeEmail'])) { 
       $this->fullstripe_payment_send_email_receipt($email, $amount, $name, $address); 
     } catch (Exception $e) { 
      $this->log->error('Error during Chechout Charge: ', $e); 
      //show notification of error 
      $return = array('success' => false, 'msg' => __('There was an error processing your payment: ', 'wp-full-stripe') . $e->getMessage()); 

     header("Content-Type: application/json"); 
     echo json_encode(apply_filters('fullstripe_checkout_charge_return_message', $return)); 

    function fullstripe_check_coupon() { 
     $code = $_POST['code']; 

     try { 
      $coupon = $this->stripe->get_coupon($code); 

      if ($coupon->valid == false) { 
       $return = array('msg' => "This coupon has expired", 'valid' => false); 
      } else { 
       $return = array('msg' => "The coupon has been applied successfully", 
        'coupon' => array('percent_off' => $coupon->percent_off, 'amount_off' => $coupon->amount_off), 
        'valid' => true); 
     } catch (Exception $e) { 
      $this->log->error('Error during Coupon Check: ', $e); 
      $return = array('msg' => "You have entered an invalid coupon code", 'valid' => false); 

     header("Content-Type: application/json"); 
     echo json_encode($return); 

    function get_currency_symbol($options) { 
     $cur = $options['currency']; 

     $symbol = strtoupper($cur); 

     if ($cur === 'usd') 
      $symbol = '$'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'eur') 
      $symbol = '€'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'jpy') 
      $symbol = '¥'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'gbp') 
      $symbol = '£'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'aud') 
      $symbol = '$'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'chf') 
      $symbol = 'Fr'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'cad') 
      $symbol = '$'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'mxn') 
      $symbol = '$'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'sek') 
      $symbol = 'kr'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'nok') 
      $symbol = 'kr'; 
     elseif ($cur === 'dkk') 
      $symbol = 'kr'; 

     return $symbol; 

    function fullstripe_payment_send_email_receipt($email, $amount, $cardholderName, $billingAddress) { 

     if (defined('WP_FULL_STRIPE_DEMO_MODE')) { 

     $options = get_option('fullstripe_options'); 
     $name = get_bloginfo('name'); 

     //saved in db using htmlentities() 
     $subject = $options['email_receipt_subject']; 
     $message = html_entity_decode($options['email_receipt_html']); 
     $symbol = $this->get_currency_symbol($options); 

     $message = str_replace(
      "%ZIP%"), array(
      $symbol . sprintf('%0.2f', $amount/100), 
      $billingAddress['zip']), $message); 

     $this->fullstripe_send_email_receipt($email, $subject, $message); 

    function fullstripe_subscription_send_email_receipt($email, $setupFee, $planName, $planAmount, $cardholderName, $billingAddress) { 
     if (defined('WP_FULL_STRIPE_DEMO_MODE')) 

     $options = get_option('fullstripe_options'); 
     $name = get_bloginfo('name'); 

     //saved in db using htmlentities() 
     $subject = $options['subscription_email_receipt_subject']; 
     $message = html_entity_decode($options['subscription_email_receipt_html']); 
     $symbol = $this->get_currency_symbol($options); 

     $message = str_replace(
      "%ZIP%"), array(
      $symbol . sprintf('%0.2f', $setupFee/100), 
      $symbol . sprintf('%0.2f', $planAmount/100), 
      $symbol . sprintf('%0.2f', $planAmount/100), 
      $billingAddress['zip']), $message); 

     $this->fullstripe_send_email_receipt($email, $subject, $message); 

    function fullstripe_send_email_receipt($email, $subject, $message) { 
     $options = get_option('fullstripe_options'); 

     $name = get_bloginfo('name'); 
     $admin_email = get_bloginfo('admin_email'); 
     $headers[] = "From: $name <$admin_email>"; 
     $headers[] = "Content-type: text/html"; 

     wp_mail($email, apply_filters('fullstripe_email_subject_filter', $subject), apply_filters('fullstripe_email_message_filter', $message), apply_filters('fullstripe_email_headers_filter', $headers)); 

     if ($options['admin_payment_receipt'] == 1) { 
      wp_mail($admin_email, "COPY: " . apply_filters('fullstripe_email_subject_filter', $subject), apply_filters('fullstripe_email_message_filter', $message), apply_filters('fullstripe_email_headers_filter', $headers)); 

    private function create_or_get_customer($card, $email, $metadata, $livemode = true) { 
     // First check for existing Stripe customer 
     $stripeCustomerID = $this->db->get_customer_id_from_payments($email, $livemode); 
     if (!$stripeCustomerID) { 
      // also check the subscribers table for an existing Stripe customer 
      $subscriber = $this->db->get_subscriber_by_email($email, $livemode); 
      if (!$subscriber) { 
       return $this->stripe->create_customer($card, $email, $metadata); 
      } else { 
       return $this->stripe->update_customer_card($subscriber->stripeCustomerID, $card); 
     // update and return existing customer to charge 
     return $this->stripe->update_customer_card($stripeCustomerID, $card); 

    // insert the inputs into the metadata 
    private function add_custom_inputs($metadata, $customInputs, $customInputValues) { 
     // if not set, it's the old version with just one value 
     if ($customInputs == null) { 
      $metadata['custom_input'] = $customInputValues; 
     } else { 
      $labels = explode('{{', $customInputs); 
      foreach ($labels as $i => $label) { 
       $metadata[$label] = $customInputValues[$i]; 

     return $metadata; 



if (empty($_POST['street']) || empty($_POST['city']) || empty($_POST['zip'])) 
           throw new Exception("Fill out all required fields."); 
          if (!isset($_POST['stripeToken'])) 
           throw new Exception("The Stripe Token was not generated correctly"); 
          $ch = Stripe_Charge::create(array("amount" => 3000, 
             "currency" => "eur", 
             "card" => $_POST['stripeToken'], 
             "description" => $_POST['email'])); 
          if ($ch["paid"]) { 
           //insert_to_custom_user($stripeID, $email, $amount, $name, $billingAddress); 




$obj = new MM_WPFS_Customer(); 


第1步: 在你这样的.paytest.php”文件中包含该文件 '的wp-全条纹customer.php'。


第2步: 访问任何类函数之前创建的类的MM_WPFS_Customer“在你的文件“paytest.php”类对象。

$obj = new MM_WPFS_Customer(); 

步骤3: 然后,使用对象访问功能即

if (empty($_POST['street']) || empty($_POST['city']) || empty($_POST['zip'])) 
           throw new Exception("Fill out all required fields."); 
          if (!isset($_POST['stripeToken'])) 
           throw new Exception("The Stripe Token was not generated correctly"); 
          $ch = Stripe_Charge::create(array("amount" => 3000, 
             "currency" => "eur", 
             "card" => $_POST['stripeToken'], 
             "description" => $_POST['email'])); 
          if ($ch["paid"]) { 
           //insert_to_custom_user($stripeID, $email, $amount, $name, $billingAddress); 
           //instead of this. fullstripe_payment_charge(); 