2014-12-04 56 views

我想创建一个计时器,计算秒数并显示它们,但并行地我想执行其他操作。有人可以解释我怎么做,或者如果这是可能的(在Visual Studio中)?如何在C中创建一个定时器?


This is one way to handle your desired actions. 

in main thread, 
-fork a child process. passing 
    1) a desired time interval 
    2) a callback function ptr 
    3) indication of oneShot or repeating timer 
    into the child process, 

in the child process: 
-begin loop 
    -sleep the passed-in-time-interval 
    -execute the call back function 
    -if non repeating timer 
     -exit child process 
-end loop 

in main thread, in the call back function: 
-get current time 
-display the current time to user 

in main thread, when ready to exit, kill child thread 