2014-11-04 70 views


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<section class="hero thankyou"> 
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     <h1>Thank you for your interest! </h1> 
     <h3 id="putparadise"><em>Check your inbox for the link to the webinar, or click <a href="/">here</a> to return to the home page.</em></h3> 

<div class="row"> 
    <div class="large-8 columns webinar-video"> 
    <div class="black-box-2"> 
     <h3>6 critical questions that will be addressed in the webinar</h3> 
     <div class="row"> 
     <div class="large-6 columns question-list"> 
      <li><p><strong>1. Type of title</strong><br> What kind of title are you getting? Is it a Land Title, a Conveyance or A Land Lease?</li></p> 
      <li><p><strong>2. Taxation</strong><br> Capital gains taxes? Property taxes?</li></p> 
      <li><p><strong>3. Water/Sewer</strong><br> Are the water and sewer regulated or unregulated?</li></p> 

     <div class="large-6 columns question-list"> 
      <li><p><strong>4. Ownership Structure</strong><br> Learn about foreign ownership rights. Should you invest in your personal name vs company name vs IBC?</li></p> 
      <li><p><strong>5. Vehicle Ownership</strong><br> Can I own a vehicle? Yes... IF your property meets the requirements for vehicle permits.</li></p> 
      <li><p><strong>6. IRA/401K Eligibility</strong><br> Learn how you can use your retirement savings/funds to invest in Belize.</li></p> 
    <div class="large-4 columns sidebar"> 
     <div class="black-box-3"> 
     <p><strong>After watching the on-demand webinar, you'll receive an email from us.</strong></p> 

     <p>Simply reply to that e-mail if you'd like to receive more information, 
      be sure to ask any specific question you have! 
      We'll get back to you within 1 working day.</p>   
     <div class="row"> 
     <div class="large-12 followup"> 




它是否正确加载CSS文件时您浏览网页的源代码? – 2014-11-04 15:20:43


@MaximeMangel 当我看到在实时页面上编译的CSS时,我所提到的CSS都没有。为什么它不能正确推送到heroku? – meganlouise 2014-11-04 15:43:29


你使用了相对路径或绝对路径来引用你的css文件吗? – 2014-11-04 15:46:24




heroku run bundle exec rake assets:precompile 


heroku restart 

谢谢,但没有运气! – meganlouise 2014-11-04 14:59:09
