2016-11-07 169 views


糟糕!出了些问题。此页面未正确加载谷歌地图 。查看JavaScript控制台了解技术细节。


* @package  Joomla.Platform 
* @subpackage Google 
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved 
* @license  GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE 

defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die; 

use Joomla\Registry\Registry; 

* Google Maps embed class for the Joomla Platform. 
* @since 12.3 
class JGoogleEmbedMaps extends JGoogleEmbed 
    * @var JHttp The HTTP client object to use in sending HTTP requests. 
    * @since 12.3 
    protected $http; 

    * Constructor. 
    * @param Registry $options Google options object 
    * @param JUri  $uri  URL of the page being rendered 
    * @param JHttp  $http  Http client for geocoding requests 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function __construct(Registry $options = null, JUri $uri = null, JHttp $http = null) 
     parent::__construct($options, $uri); 
     $this->http = $http ? $http : new JHttp($this->options); 

    * Method to get the API key 
    * @return string The Google Maps API key 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getKey() 
     return $this->getOption('key'); 

    * Method to set the API key 
    * @param string $key The Google Maps API key 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setKey($key) 
     $this->setOption('key', $key); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to get the id of the map div 
    * @return string The ID 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getMapId() 
     return $this->getOption('mapid') ? $this->getOption('mapid') : 'map_canvas'; 

    * Method to set the map div id 
    * @param string $id The ID 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setMapId($id) 
     $this->setOption('mapid', $id); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to get the class of the map div 
    * @return string The class 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getMapClass() 
     return $this->getOption('mapclass') ? $this->getOption('mapclass') : ''; 

    * Method to set the map div class 
    * @param string $class The class 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setMapClass($class) 
     $this->setOption('mapclass', $class); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to get the style of the map div 
    * @return string The style 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getMapStyle() 
     return $this->getOption('mapstyle') ? $this->getOption('mapstyle') : ''; 

    * Method to set the map div style 
    * @param string $style The style 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setMapStyle($style) 
     $this->setOption('mapstyle', $style); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to get the map type setting 
    * @return string The class 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getMapType() 
     return $this->getOption('maptype') ? $this->getOption('maptype') : 'ROADMAP'; 

    * Method to set the map type() 
    * @param string $type Valid types are ROADMAP, SATELLITE, HYBRID, and TERRAIN 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setMapType($type) 
     $this->setOption('maptype', strtoupper($type)); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to get additional map options 
    * @return string The options 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getAdditionalMapOptions() 
     return $this->getOption('mapoptions') ? $this->getOption('mapoptions') : array(); 

    * Method to add additional map options 
    * @param array $options Additional map options 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setAdditionalMapOptions($options) 
     $this->setOption('mapoptions', $options); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to get additional map options 
    * @return string The options 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getAdditionalJavascript() 
     return $this->getOption('extrascript') ? $this->getOption('extrascript') : ''; 

    * Method to add additional javascript 
    * @param array $script Additional javascript 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setAdditionalJavascript($script) 
     $this->setOption('extrascript', $script); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to get the zoom 
    * @return int The zoom level 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getZoom() 
     return $this->getOption('zoom') ? $this->getOption('zoom') : 0; 

    * Method to set the map zoom 
    * @param int $zoom Zoom level (0 is whole world) 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setZoom($zoom) 
     $this->setOption('zoom', $zoom); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to set the center of the map 
    * @return mixed A latitude longitude array or an address string 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getCenter() 
     return $this->getOption('mapcenter') ? $this->getOption('mapcenter') : array(0, 0); 

    * Method to set the center of the map 
    * @param mixed $location  A latitude/longitude array or an address string 
    * @param mixed $title   Title of marker or false for no marker 
    * @param array $markeroptions Options for marker 
    * @param array $markerevents Events for marker 
    * @example with events call: 
    *  $map->setCenter(
    *   array(0, 0), 
    *   'Map Center', 
    *   array(), 
    *   array(
    *    'click' => 'function() { // code goes here } 
    *   ) 
    *  ) 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The latitude/longitude of the center or false on failure 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setCenter($location, $title = true, $markeroptions = array(), $markerevents = array()) 
     if ($title) 
      $title = is_string($title) ? $title : null; 

      if (!$marker = $this->addMarker($location, $title, $markeroptions, $markerevents)) 
       return false; 

      $location = $marker['loc']; 
     elseif (is_string($location)) 
      $geocode = $this->geocodeAddress($location); 

      if (!$geocode) 
       return false; 

      $location = $geocode['geometry']['location']; 
      $location = array_values($location); 

     $this->setOption('mapcenter', $location); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to add an event handler to the map. 
    * Event handlers must be passed in either as callback name or fully qualified function declaration 
    * @param string $type  The event name 
    * @param string $function The event handling function body 
    * @example to add an event call: 
    *  $map->addEventHandler('click', 'function(){ alert("map click event"); }'); 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function addEventHandler($type, $function) 
     $events = $this->listEventHandlers(); 

     $events[$type] = $function; 

     $this->setOption('events', $events); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to remove an event handler from the map 
    * @param string $type The event name 
    * @example to delete an event call: 
    *  $map->deleteEventHandler('click'); 
    * @return string The event handler content 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function deleteEventHandler($type = null) 
     $events = $this->listEventHandlers(); 

     if ($type === null || !isset($events[$type])) 

     $event = $events[$type]; 
     $this->setOption('events', $events); 

     return $event; 

    * List the events added to the map 
    * @return array A list of events 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function listEventHandlers() 
     return $this->getOption('events') ? $this->getOption('events') : array(); 

    * Add a marker to the map 
    * @param mixed $location A latitude/longitude array or an address string 
    * @param mixed $title  The hover-text for the marker 
    * @param array $options Options for marker 
    * @param array $events Events for marker 
    * @example with events call: 
    *  $map->addMarker(
    *   array(0, 0), 
    *   'My Marker', 
    *   array(), 
    *   array(
    *    'click' => 'function() { // code goes here } 
    *   ) 
    *  ) 
    * @return mixed The marker or false on failure 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function addMarker($location, $title = null, $options = array(), $events = array()) 
     if (is_string($location)) 
      if (!$title) 
       $title = $location; 

      $geocode = $this->geocodeAddress($location); 

      if (!$geocode) 
       return false; 

      $location = $geocode['geometry']['location']; 
     elseif (!$title) 
      $title = implode(', ', $location); 

     $location = array_values($location); 
     $marker = array('loc' => $location, 'title' => $title, 'options' => $options, 'events' => $events); 

     $markers = $this->listMarkers(); 
     $markers[] = $marker; 
     $this->setOption('markers', $markers); 

     return $marker; 

    * List the markers added to the map 
    * @return array A list of markers 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function listMarkers() 
     return $this->getOption('markers') ? $this->getOption('markers') : array(); 

    * Delete a marker from the map 
    * @param int $index Index of marker to delete (defaults to last added marker) 
    * @return array The latitude/longitude of the deleted marker 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function deleteMarker($index = null) 
     $markers = $this->listMarkers(); 

     if ($index === null) 
      $index = count($markers) - 1; 

     if ($index >= count($markers) || $index < 0) 
      throw new OutOfBoundsException('Marker index out of bounds.'); 

     $marker = $markers[$index]; 
     $markers = array_values($markers); 
     $this->setOption('markers', $markers); 

     return $marker; 

    * Checks if the javascript is set to be asynchronous 
    * @return boolean True if asynchronous 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function isAsync() 
     return $this->getOption('async') === null ? true : $this->getOption('async'); 

    * Load javascript asynchronously 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function useAsync() 
     $this->setOption('async', true); 

     return $this; 

    * Load javascript synchronously 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedAMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function useSync() 
     $this->setOption('async', false); 

     return $this; 

    * Method to get callback function for async javascript loading 
    * @return string The ID 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getAsyncCallback() 
     return $this->getOption('callback') ? $this->getOption('callback') : 'initialize'; 

    * Method to set the callback function for async javascript loading 
    * @param string $callback The callback function name 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setAsyncCallback($callback) 
     $this->setOption('callback', $callback); 

     return $this; 

    * Checks if a sensor is set to be required 
    * @return boolean True if asynchronous 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function hasSensor() 
     return $this->getOption('sensor') === null ? false : $this->getOption('sensor'); 

    * Require access to sensor data 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function useSensor() 
     $this->setOption('sensor', true); 

     return $this; 

    * Don't require access to sensor data 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedAMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function noSensor() 
     $this->setOption('sensor', false); 

     return $this; 

    * Checks how the script should be loaded 
    * @return string Autoload type (onload, jquery, mootools, or false) 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getAutoload() 
     return $this->getOption('autoload') ? $this->getOption('autoload') : 'false'; 

    * Automatically add the callback to the window 
    * @param string $type The method to add the callback (options are onload, jquery, mootools, and false) 
    * @return JGoogleEmbedAMaps The object for method chaining 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function setAutoload($type = 'onload') 
     $this->setOption('autoload', $type); 

     return $this; 

    * Get code to load Google Maps javascript 
    * @return string Javascript code 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getHeader() 
     $zoom = $this->getZoom(); 
     $center = $this->getCenter(); 
     $maptype = $this->getMapType(); 
     $id = $this->getMapId(); 
     $scheme = $this->isSecure() ? 'https' : 'http'; 
     $key = $this->getKey(); 
     $sensor = $this->hasSensor() ? 'true' : 'false'; 

     $setup = 'var mapOptions = {'; 
     $setup .= "zoom: {$zoom},"; 
     $setup .= "center: new google.maps.LatLng({$center[0]},{$center[1]}),"; 
     $setup .= "mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.{$maptype},"; 
     $setup .= substr(json_encode($this->getAdditionalMapOptions()), 1, -1); 
     $setup .= '};'; 
     $setup .= "var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('{$id}'), mapOptions);"; 

     $events = $this->listEventHandlers(); 

     if (isset($events) && count($events)) 
      foreach ($events as $type => $handler) 
       $setup .= "google.maps.event.addListener(map, '{$type}', {$handler});"; 

     $markers = $this->listMarkers(); 

     if (isset($markers) && count($markers)) 
      $setup .= "var marker;"; 

      foreach ($markers as $marker) 
       $loc = $marker['loc']; 
       $title = $marker['title']; 
       $options = $marker['options']; 

       $setup .= 'marker = new google.maps.Marker({'; 
       $setup .= "position: new google.maps.LatLng({$loc[0]},{$loc[1]}),"; 
       $setup .= 'map: map,'; 
       $setup .= "title:'{$title}',"; 
       $setup .= substr(json_encode($options), 1, -1); 
       $setup .= '});'; 

       if (isset($marker['events']) && is_array($marker['events'])) 
        foreach ($marker['events'] as $type => $handler) 
         $setup .= 'google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "' . $type . '", ' . $handler . ');'; 

     $setup .= $this->getAdditionalJavascript(); 

     if ($this->isAsync()) 
      $asynccallback = $this->getAsyncCallback(); 

      $output = '<script type="text/javascript">'; 
      $output .= "function {$asynccallback}() {"; 
      $output .= $setup; 
      $output .= '}'; 

      $onload = "function() {"; 
      $onload .= 'var script = document.createElement("script");'; 
      $onload .= 'script.type = "text/javascript";'; 
      $onload .= "script.src = '{$scheme}://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&callback=initMap" : "") 
       . "sensor={$sensor}&callback={$asynccallback}';"; 
      $onload .= 'document.body.appendChild(script);'; 
      $onload .= '}'; 
      $output = "<script src='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&callback=initMap'>"; 
      $output .= '</script>'; 
      $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">'; 

      $onload = "function() {"; 
      $onload .= $setup; 
      $onload .= '}'; 

     switch ($this->getAutoload()) 
      case 'onload': 
      $output .= "window.onload={$onload};"; 

      case 'jquery': 
      $output .= "jQuery(document).ready({$onload});"; 

      case 'mootools': 
      $output .= "window.addEvent('domready',{$onload});"; 

     $output .= '</script>'; 

     return $output; 

    * Method to retrieve the div that the map is loaded into 
    * @return string The body 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function getBody() 
     $id = $this->getMapId(); 
     $class = $this->getMapClass(); 
     $style = $this->getMapStyle(); 

     $output = "<div id='{$id}'"; 

     if (!empty($class)) 
      $output .= " class='{$class}'"; 

     if (!empty($style)) 
      $output .= " style='{$style}'"; 

     $output .= '></div>'; 

     return $output; 

    * Method to get the location information back from an address 
    * @param string $address The address to geocode 
    * @return array An array containing Google's geocode data 
    * @since 12.3 
    public function geocodeAddress($address) 
     $uri = JUri::getInstance('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json'); 

     $uri->setVar('address', urlencode($address)); 

     if (($key = $this->getKey())) 
      $uri->setVar('key', $key); 

     $response = $this->http->get($uri->toString()); 

     if ($response->code < 200 || $response->code >= 300) 
      throw new RuntimeException('Error code ' . $response->code . ' received geocoding address: ' . $response->body . '.'); 

     $data = json_decode($response->body, true); 

     if (!$data) 
      throw new RuntimeException('Invalid json received geocoding address: ' . $response->body . '.'); 

     if ($data['status'] != 'OK') 
      if (!empty($data['error_message'])) 
       throw new RuntimeException($data['error_message']); 

      return null; 

     return $data['results'][0]; 

当你打开浏览器控制台究竟是什么错误消息是? – xomena



这只是Joomla的谷歌地图类 - 本身的类并没有做任何事情。如果您要复制并粘贴代码 - 它应该是您遇到问题的代码。


