2011-10-10 113 views





MDX语法非常复杂,你的目标究竟是什么? –


@OedipusPrime:我已经告诉过了,将部分分割成单独的字符串。 – Mohayemin



最好的解决方案是找到解析器,但总是很难找到解析器来满足您的特定需求。因此,如果最终编写解析器Ve Parser与正则表达式相比是一个更好的工具,因为它提供了更多的解析功能,您可以生成更好的输出,并且由于您调用.net方法,它隐含地具有编写解析器的智能特性。 缺点是它还没有很好的记录,所以你可能会发现一些特殊情况下很难。




using VeParser; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System; 

public class MDXParser : TokenParser 
    protected override Parser GetRootParser() 
     // read the following line as : fill 'select' property of 'current object(which is a statement)' with the 'new value of selectStatement' after facing a sequence of a select statement and then the symbol of (and then a delemitied list of identierfiers filling the 'fileds' property of 'current selectStatement object' delemitied by ',' and finally expect the sequence to be finished with a symbol of ')' 
     var selectStatement = fill("select", create<selectStatment>(seq(expectKeyword_of("select"), expectSymbol_of("("), deleimitedList(expectSymbol_of(","), fill("fields",identifier)), expectSymbol_of(")")))); 
     // read the following line as : fill the from property of 'current object(which is a statement)' with an expected identifier that is after a 'from' keyword 
     var fromStatement = seq(expectKeyword_of("from"), fill("from", identifier)); 
     // the following statement is incomplete, as I just wanted to show a sample bit, If you are interested I can help you complete the parser until the full documentation become available. 
     var whereStatement = fill("where", create<whereStatement>(seq(expectKeyword_of("where")))); 
     var statement = create<statement>(seq(selectStatement, fromStatement, whereStatement)); 

     return statement; 

    public statement Parse(string code) 
     var keywords = new[] { "select", "where", "from" }; 
     var symbols = new[] { "(",")", ".", "[", "]" }; 
     var tokenList = Lexer.Parser(code, keywords, symbols, ignoreWhireSpaces : true); 
     // Now we have our string input converted into a list of tokens which actually is a list of words but with some additional information about any word, for example a "select" is marked as keyword 
     var parseResult = base.Parse(tokenList.tokens); 
     if (parseResult == null) 
      throw new Exception("Invalid Code, at the moment Ve Parser does not support any error reporting feature."); 
      return (statement)parseResult; 
public class statement 
    public selectStatment select; 
    public string where; 
    public identifier from; 
public class selectStatment 
    public List<identifier> fields; 
public class whereStatement 


此代码是不完整,我只想演示如何使用Ve Parser为MDX编写自己的解析器。如果您喜欢图书馆并想使用它,我很乐意为您提供您需要的所有说明和技巧。


谢谢山姆,我相信它会工作。 :D – Mohayemin


当然,我希望你喜欢它。 – 000


你能给我语法吗?如果我有机会,可能我可以在下周末实施语法。 – 000





谢谢,但语法对我来说真的很复杂。 :( – Mohayemin


好吧,我发现了一个语法为MDX :) – Mohayemin