2016-02-12 52 views




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var $ibWrapper = $('#ib-main-wrapper'), 

Template = (function() { 
    var kinetic_moving    = false, 
// current index of the opened item 
current      = -1, 
// true if the item is being opened/closed 
isAnimating     = false, 
// items on the grid 
$ibItems     = $ibWrapper.find('div.ib-main > a'), 
// image items on the grid 
$ibImgItems     = $ibItems.not('.ib-content'), 
// total image items on the grid 
imgItemsCount    = $ibImgItems.length, 

init      = function() { 

    // add a class ib-image to the image items 
    // apply the kinetic plugin to the wrapper 
    // load some events 


loadKinetic     = function() { 


    moved : function() { 

     kinetic_moving = true; 

    stopped : function() { 

     kinetic_moving = false; 



setWrapperSize    = function() { 

var containerMargins = $('#ib-top').outerHeight(true) + $('#header').outerHeight(true) + parseFloat($ibItems.css('margin-top')); 
$ibWrapper.css('height', $(window).height() - containerMargins) 


initEvents     = function() { 

// open the item only if not dragging the container 
$ibItems.bind('click.ibTemplate', function(event) { 


    return false; 


// on window resize, set the wrapper and preview size accordingly 
$(window).bind('resize.ibTemplate', function(event) { 


    $('#ib-img-preview, #ib-content-preview').css({ 
     width : $(window).width(), 
     height : $(window).height() 


openItem     = function($item) { 

if(isAnimating) return false; 

// if content item 
if($item.hasClass('ib-content')) { 

    isAnimating = true; 
    current = $item.index('.ib-content'); 
    loadContentItem($item, function() { isAnimating = false; }); 

// if image item 
else { 

    isAnimating = true; 
    current = $item.index('.ib-image'); 
    loadImgPreview($item, function() { isAnimating = false; }); 



loadImgPreview    = function($item, callback) { 

var largeSrc  = $item.children('img').data('largesrc'), 
    description  = $item.children('span').text(), 
    largeImageData = { 
     src   : largeSrc, 
     description : description 

// preload large image 

preloadImage(largeSrc, function() { 


    var hasImgPreview = ($('#ib-img-preview').length > 0); 

     $('#ib-img-preview').children('img.ib-preview-img').attr('src', largeSrc); 

    //get dimentions for the image, based on the windows size 
    var dim = getImageDim(largeSrc); 


    //set the returned values and show/animate preview 
     width : $item.width(), 
     height : $item.height(), 
     left : $item.offset().left, 
     top  : $item.offset().top 
     width : dim.width, 
     height : dim.height, 
     left : dim.left, 
     top  : dim.top 
     width : $(window).width(), 
     left : 0 
    }, 500, 'easeOutExpo', function() { 

      height : $(window).height(), 
      top  : 0 
     }, 400, function() { 

      var $this = $(this); 
      $this.find('span.ib-preview-descr, span.ib-close').show() 
      if(imgItemsCount > 1) 

      if(callback) callback.call(); 






loadContentItem    = function($item, callback) { 

var hasContentPreview = ($('#ib-content-preview').length > 0), 
    teaser    = $item.children('div.ib-teaser').html(), 
    content    = $item.children('div.ib-content-full').html(), 
    contentData   = { 
     teaser  : teaser, 
     content  : content 


//set the returned values and show/animate preview 
    width : $item.width(), 
    height : $item.height(), 
    left : $item.offset().left, 
    top  : $item.offset().top 
    width : $(window).width(), 
    left : 0 
}, 500, 'easeOutExpo', function() { 

     height : $(window).height(), 
     top  : 0 
    }, 400, function() { 

     var $this = $(this), 
      $teaser = $this.find('div.ib-teaser'), 
      $content= $this.find('div.ib-content-full'), 
      $close = $this.find('span.ib-close'); 

     if(hasContentPreview) { 


     if(callback) callback.call(); 





// preloads an image 
preloadImage    = function(src, callback) { 


    if(callback) callback.call(); 

}).attr('src', src); 


initImgPreviewEvents  = function() { 

var $preview = $('#ib-img-preview'); 

$preview.find('span.ib-nav-prev').bind('click.ibTemplate', function(event) { 


}).end().find('span.ib-nav-next').bind('click.ibTemplate', function(event) { 


}).end().find('span.ib-close').bind('click.ibTemplate', function(event) { 



//resizing the window resizes the preview image 
$(window).bind('resize.ibTemplate', function(event) { 

    var $largeImg = $preview.children('img.ib-preview-img'), 
     dim   = getImageDim($largeImg.attr('src')); 

     width : dim.width, 
     height : dim.height, 
     left : dim.left, 
     top  : dim.top 



initContentPreviewEvents = function() { 

$('#ib-content-preview').find('span.ib-close').bind('click.ibTemplate', function(event) { 




// navigate the image items in fullscreen mode 
navigate     = function(dir) { 

if(isAnimating) return false; 

isAnimating  = true; 

var $preview = $('#ib-img-preview'), 
    $loading = $preview.find('div.ib-loading-large'); 


if(dir === 'next') { 

    (current === imgItemsCount - 1) ? current = 0 : ++current; 

else if(dir === 'prev') { 

    (current === 0) ? current = imgItemsCount - 1 : --current; 


var $item  = $ibImgItems.eq(current), 
    largeSrc = $item.children('img').data('largesrc'), 
    description = $item.children('span').text(); 

preloadImage(largeSrc, function() { 


    //get dimentions for the image, based on the windows size 
    var dim = getImageDim(largeSrc); 

        .attr('src', largeSrc) 
     width : dim.width, 
     height : dim.height, 
     left : dim.left, 
     top  : dim.top 


    isAnimating = false; 



closeImgPreview    = function() { 

if(isAnimating) return false; 

isAnimating = true; 

var $item = $ibImgItems.eq(current); 

$('#ib-img-preview').find('span.ib-preview-descr, div.ib-nav, span.ib-close') 
        height : $item.height(), 
        top  : $item.offset().top 
        }, 500, 'easeOutExpo', function() { 

         width : $item.width(), 
         left : $item.offset().left 
         }, 400, function() { 

          $(this).fadeOut(function() {isAnimating = false;}); 




// closes the fullscreen content item 
closeContentPreview   = function() { 

if(isAnimating) return false; 

isAnimating = true; 

var $item = $ibItems.not('.ib-image').eq(current); 

$('#ib-content-preview').find('div.ib-teaser, div.ib-content-full, span.ib-close') 
          height : $item.height(), 
          top  : $item.offset().top 
         }, 500, 'easeOutExpo', function() { 

           width : $item.width(), 
           left : $item.offset().left 
          }, 400, function() { 

           $(this).fadeOut(function() {isAnimating = false;}); 




getImageDim     = function(src) { 

var img   = new Image(); 
img.src   = src; 

var w_w = $(window).width(), 
    w_h = $(window).height(), 
    r_w = w_h/w_w, 
    i_w = img.width, 
    i_h = img.height, 
    r_i = i_h/i_w, 
    new_w, new_h, 
    new_left, new_top; 

if(r_w > r_i) { 

    new_h = w_h; 
    new_w = w_h/r_i; 

else { 

    new_h = w_w * r_i; 
    new_w = w_w; 


return { 
    width : new_w, 
    height : new_h, 
    left : (w_w - new_w)/2, 
    top  : (w_h - new_h)/2 





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opacity: 0.2; 
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-webkit-border-radius: 10px; 
border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; 
opacity: 0.9; 



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你可以展示Java脚本的一部分?有一些JavaScript来实现看文档。 – Laurent


@Lauent我编辑它:) –



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