2015-10-06 65 views




<p class="story-body__introduction">President Barack Obama stood in the White House briefing room and, once again, railed against those who object to increased firearm regulation.</p> 
<p>"Right now, I can imagine the press releases being cranked out,"&nbsp;<a class="story-body__link-external" href="http://time.com/4058961/oregon-shooting-president-obama-transcript-speech/">he said</a>. "We need more guns, they'll argue. Fewer gun safety laws. Does anybody really believe that?"</p> 
<p>Mr Obama cited polls that find "the majority of Americans understand we should be changing these laws".</p> 
<p>A mid-July survey by the Pew Research Center<a class="story-body__link-external" href="http://www.people-press.org/2015/08/13/continued-bipartisan-support-for-expanded-background-checks-on-gun-sales/">seems to support</a>&nbsp;his claim. Almost 80% of respondents backed laws preventing the mentally ill from purchasing firearms, and 70% were in favour of a national gun-sale database.</p> 
<h2 class="story-body__crosshead">So the public support it, why doesn't it happen?</h2> 
<p>Those numbers don't really mean much, however. What does matter is the opinion of members of the US Congress - and that legislative body is overwhelmingly against further gun regulation.</p> 
<p>This disposition of Congress is a reflection of the disproportionate power of less-populated states in the Senate, the conservative-leaning composition of the current House congressional map and a Republican primary process that makes officeholders more sensitive to vehemently pro-gun-rights voters within their party.</p> 
<p>Congress doesn't have to represent the views of the majority of Americans, at least as expressed in opinion surveys. It represents the views of Americans who go at the polls on Election Day and the simple majorities in the voting districts in which they cast their ballots.</p> 



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    return htmlspecialchars_decode(implode($new_lines), ENT_QUOTES); 


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    $html_content = dataFromDb['content']; 
    $html_content = getSingleLineHtml($html_content) 

    jQuery("#content-block-1").append('<?php echo $html_content; ?>'); 

把你得到的字符串放在问题中。 – Abhi


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它不起作用。我使用htmlspecialchars_decode来获取一个字符串。然后,我使用以下方式将字符串转换为javascript:jQuery('#element-1')。append('<?php $ content;?>');它仍然返回“Uncaught SyntaxError:missing”参数列表后“。 –


我认为你应该粘贴你的实际完整代码,这样才能理解clearlu –


谢谢你的帮助。我只是将我的phtml文件的代码添加到我的问题中。 –