2014-10-30 152 views

学习Yii Framework 2.0我试图从Yii 2.0的文档中使用Role Bases访问控制。但是指南文件对我来说太短,我无法完成这一学习。我已将以下代码添加到我的配置文件中。Yii Framework 2.0基于角色的访问控制RBAC

'components' => [ 
    'authManager' => [ 
     'class' => 'yii\rbac\DbManager', 


drop table [auth_assignment]; 
drop table [auth_item_child]; 
drop table [auth_item]; 
drop table [auth_rule]; 

create table [auth_rule] 
    [name] varchar(64) not null, 
    [data] text, 
    [created_at]   integer, 
    [updated_at]   integer, 
    primary key ([name]) 

create table [auth_item] 
    [name]     varchar(64) not null, 
    [type]     integer not null, 
    [description]   text, 
    [rule_name]   varchar(64), 
    [data]     text, 
    [created_at]   integer, 
    [updated_at]   integer, 
    primary key ([name]), 
    foreign key ([rule_name]) references [auth_rule] ([name]) on delete set null on update cascade 

create index [idx-auth_item-type] on [auth_item] ([type]); 

create table [auth_item_child] 
    [parent]    varchar(64) not null, 
    [child]    varchar(64) not null, 
    primary key ([parent],[child]), 
    foreign key ([parent]) references [auth_item] ([name]) on delete cascade on update cascade, 
    foreign key ([child]) references [auth_item] ([name]) on delete cascade on update cascade 

create table [auth_assignment] 
    [item_name]   varchar(64) not null, 
    [user_id]    varchar(64) not null, 
    [created_at]   integer, 
    primary key ([item_name], [user_id]), 
    foreign key ([item_name]) references [auth_item] ([name]) on delete cascade on update cascade 


class RbacController extends Controller 
    public function actionInit() 
     $auth = Yii::$app->authManager; 

     // add "createPost" permission 
     $createPost = $auth->createPermission('createPost'); 
     $createPost->description = 'Create a post'; 

     // add "updatePost" permission 
     $updatePost = $auth->createPermission('updatePost'); 
     $updatePost->description = 'Update post'; 

     // add "author" role and give this role the "createPost" permission 
     $author = $auth->createRole('author'); 
     $auth->addChild($author, $createPost); 

     // add "admin" role and give this role the "updatePost" permission 
     // as well as the permissions of the "author" role 
     $admin = $auth->createRole('admin'); 
     $auth->addChild($admin, $updatePost); 
     $auth->addChild($admin, $author); 

     // Assign roles to users. 1 and 2 are IDs returned by IdentityInterface::getId() 
     // usually implemented in your User model. 
     $auth->assign($author, 2); 
     $auth->assign($admin, 1); 


public function create() 
    if ($this->validate()) { 
     $user = new User(); 
     $user->username = $this->username; 
     $user->email = $this->email; 

     // the following three lines were added: 
     $auth = Yii::$app->authManager; 
     $authorRole = $auth->getRole('author'); 
     $auth->assign($authorRole, $user->getId()); 

     return $user; 

    return null; 


if (\Yii::$app->user->can('createPost')) { 
    // create post 

if (\Yii::$app->user->can('updatePost')) { 
    // update post 

到目前为止好。一切正常。上述代码的场景是,普通作者可以创建帖子,但不能更新帖子。管理员可以更新帖子,并可以做一切作者可以做的事。现在我想让普通作者能够更新他/她自己的帖子。我不知道该怎么走。我遵循Yii Guide Documentation/Secury/Authorization段落基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)。我从来没有使用过Yii 1.这就是为什么我无法解释Yii 2.0文档RBAC的简短解释。


什么是很难理解? – 2014-10-30 14:51:42


下面的文档http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-security-authorization.html我不能让它与updateOwnPost一起工作,不知道变量$ post下的值是什么部分访问检查您是否访问链接。真的很感谢,如果你能帮助! – 2014-10-30 15:51:04


那是$ post模型。你能编辑你的问题,以特定的方式提出你想要的东西,解释你已经做了什么,以便给出具体的解决方案? – 2014-10-31 06:43:25




namespace app\rbac; 

use yii\rbac\Rule; 

* Checks if authorID matches user passed via params 
class AuthorRule extends Rule 
    public $name = 'isAuthor'; 

    * @param string|integer $user the user ID. 
    * @param Item $item the role or permission that this rule is associated with 
    * @param array $params parameters passed to ManagerInterface::checkAccess(). 
    * @return boolean a value indicating whether the rule permits the role or permission it is associated with. 
    public function execute($user, $item, $params) 
     return isset($params['post']) ? $params['post']->createdBy == $user : false; 


$auth = Yii::$app->authManager; 

// add the rule 
$rule = new \app\rbac\AuthorRule; 

// add the "updateOwnPost" permission and associate the rule with it. 
$updateOwnPost = $auth->createPermission('updateOwnPost'); 
$updateOwnPost->description = 'Update own post'; 
$updateOwnPost->ruleName = $rule->name; 

// "updateOwnPost" will be used from "updatePost" 
$auth->addChild($updateOwnPost, $updatePost); 

// allow "author" to update their own posts 
$auth->addChild($author, $updateOwnPost); 


$auth = Yii::$app->authManager; 
$authorRole = $auth->getRole('author'); 
$auth->assign($authorRole, $userid_here); 

检查用户是否有能力编辑下面的使用代码,其中$ post是帖子的模型

if (\Yii::$app->user->can('updatePost', ['post' => $post])) { 
    // update post 

所有这些都来自指南。 让我知道,如果你在我的脚本中有任何问题


您的文本中的代码:'将它添加到您的RBAC角色'中,将其放入我的RbacController中的actionInit()方法中? – 2014-11-01 11:08:20


绝对!只需比较你的代码。 – 2014-11-02 11:16:42


我可以使用上述检查任何模型的帖子?我仍然不明白它是如何知道这个检查是关于哪个模型的。 – 2015-07-14 14:55:19

if (\Yii::$app->user->can('updatePost', ['post' => $post])) { 
    // update post } 


if (\Yii::$app->user->can('updatePost', ['post' => $model])) { 
    // update post } 
