2013-04-22 68 views


var TableSort = function (tableId) { 
    var that = this; 

    // Store a reference to the table node as a property 
    this.table = document.getElementById(tableId); 

    // Validate the table node 
    if (this.table && this.table.nodeType != 1) { 
     throw new Error("TableSort: Table id is not a DOM element."); 
    if (this.table.tagName != "TABLE") { 
     throw new Error("TableSort: Table id is not a table element."); 

    // Set three global properties 
    this.sortColumn = ""; 
    this.sortUp = true; 
    this.imageNodes = []; 

    // Get the header nodes 
    var headers = this.table.getElementsByTagName("th"); 

    // Loop through the header nodes 
    var header, columnName, imageNode, imageClick; 
    for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { 
     header = headers[i]; 

     // Create a node for the image 
     imageNode = document.createElement("img"); 

     // Add the "sort arrow" images to the header column 
     // And set the first column as the default sort column 
     columnName = header.className; 
     if (i == 0) { 
      this.sortColumn = columnName; 
      imageNode.src = "arrows_up.png"; 
     } else { 
      imageNode.src = "arrows_off.png"; 

     // Get the event handler for the image 
     imageClick = this.imageClickHandler(columnName); 

     // Add the event handler to the image 
     jsLib.event.add(imageNode, "click", imageClick); 

     // Add the image node to column header and to array of image nodes 
     this.imageNodes[columnName] = imageNode; 

    // Sort the table 

TableSort.prototype.imageClickHandler = function (columnName) { 
    var that = this; 

    // return an event handler 
    return function() { 
     // If current sort column, toggle the sort direction 
     if (that.sortColumn == columnName) { 
      that.sortUp = ! that.sortUp; 
     // Otherwise... 
     } else { 
      // Set the image for the old sort column 
      that.imageNodes[that.sortColumn].src = "arrows_off.png"; 

      // Switch the current sort column and sort ascending 
      that.sortColumn = columnName; 
      that.sortUp = true; 

     // Set the appropriate arrows for the current sort column 
     if (that.sortUp) { 
      that.imageNodes[that.sortColumn].src = "arrows_up.png"; 
     } else { 
      that.imageNodes[that.sortColumn].src = "arrows_down.png"; 


TableSort.prototype.sort = function() { 
    var that = this; 
    if (this.sortColumn == "") return; 

    // Get the rows from the table 
    var rowNodes = this.table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); 
    if (rowNodes.length <= 1) return; 

    // Store a reference to each row in the rows array 
    var rows = []; 
    for (var i = 0; i < rowNodes.length; i++) { 

    // Get a reference to the tbody node 
    var tbodyNode = rows[0].parentNode; 

    // Remove the header row from the array (but not the DOM) 

    // Remove all rows except the header row from the DOM 
    var row; 
    for (i = 0; i < (rows.length); i++) { 
     row = rows[i]; 

    // Define two functions that check for data types 
    var isMoney = function (value) { 
     var m = value.replace(/[$,]/g, ""); 
     return ! isNaN(m); 
    var isDate = function (value) { 
     var d = new Date(value); 
     return ! isNaN(d); 

    // Define the direction variable 
    var direction = (that.sortUp) ? 1 : -1; 

    // Define the function that compares the rows 
    var compareColumnValues = function (rowA, rowB) { 
     var valueA, valueB; 
     var i, cell; 

     // Get the cell value for row A 
     var cellsA = rowA.getElementsByTagName("td"); 
     for (i = 0; i < cellsA.length; i++) { 
      cell = cellsA[i]; 
      if (cell.className == that.sortColumn) { 
       valueA = cell.firstChild.nodeValue; 

     // Get the cell value for row B 
     var cellsB = rowB.getElementsByTagName("td"); 
     for (i = 0; i < cellsB.length; i++) { 
      cell = cellsB[i]; 
      if (cell.className == that.sortColumn) { 
       valueB = cell.firstChild.nodeValue; 

     // Convert the values to the appropriate data type 
     if (! isNaN(valueA) && ! isNaN(valueB)) { 
      valueA = parseFloat(valueA); 
      valueB = parseFloat(valueB); 
     } else if (isDate(valueA) && isDate(valueB)) { 
      valueA = new Date(valueA); 
      valueB = new Date(valueB); 
     } else if (isMoney(valueA) && isMoney(valueB)) { 
      valueA = parseFloat(valueA.replace(/[$,]/g, "")); 
      valueB = parseFloat(valueB.replace(/[$,]/g, "")); 

     // Compare the two values and return the appropriate comparison value 
     if (valueA < valueB) { 
      return -1 * direction; 
     } else if (valueB < valueA) { 
      return 1 * direction; 
     } else { 
      return 0; 

    // Use the compareColumnValues function to sort the rows array 

    // Add all rows back to the DOM 
    for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { 

只是尝试这一个,并跳过实施自己的可排序表的麻烦:https://google-developers.appspot.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/table – Saturnix 2013-04-23 00:27:58





var sortableRows = this.table.getElementsByTagName('tbody'), 
    rowNodes = sortableRows.getElementsByTagName('tr'); 


// Remove the header row from the array (but not the DOM) 
// And now we remove the footer row and cache it 
var footerRow = rows.pop(); 


// Add all rows back to the DOM, before the footer row 
for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { 
    tbodyNode.insertBefore(rows[i], footerRow); 


var sortedFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); 

// Write all the sorted rows to a fragment 
for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { 

// Insert fragment containing sorted rows before footer 
tbodyNode.insertBefore(sortedFragment, footerRow); 

我欣赏周围的工作,但我不是在这种情况下允许修改html。我想也许我可以删除阵列的最后一行,但我无法让它工作 – user2101459 2013-04-23 01:17:32


我已更新答案以反映您的约束 – thefrontender 2013-04-23 01:45:35


我感谢您的帮助 – user2101459 2013-04-23 02:49:42








