2013-04-10 52 views


public class MyHashTab { 

public MyHashTab(int initialCapacity, MyList[] anArray) { 


public static void insert(int searchKey, MyList[] anArray) { 

    int hash = searchKey % anArray.length; 

    MyList current = new MyList(); 

    current.iData = searchKey; 

    if (anArray[hash] == null) { 

     current = anArray[hash]; 


     insertMyList(current, anArray); 



public static void insertMyList(MyList current, MyList[] anArray) { 

    System.out.println("We are here."); 

public static void printHash(MyList[] anArray) { 

    System.out.println("The generated hash table with separate chaining is: "); 

    for (int i = 0; i < anArray.length; i++) { 

     System.out.println("The items for index[" + i + "]: " + anArray[i]); 



public class MyList { 

int iData; // This integer is used as a key value, and as a way to see the actual node instead of it's memory address. 
MyList current; 
MyList previous; // This is a pointer to a nodes left child. Pointing seems rude, but they sometimes point to null which, as well know, is less rude. 
MyList next; // This is a pointer to a nodes right child. 





current = anArray[hash]; 


anArray[hash] = current; 

我相信你也应该调用insertMyList(current, anArray)不管阵列位置是否原是空,所以逻辑应该

if(anArray[hash] == null) { 
    anArray[hash] = new MyList(); 
insertMyList(anArray[hash], anArray); 

这并它!谢谢Zim-Zam。我相当肯定,我花在分配问题上的时间比任何其他错误都多。再次感谢。 – joerdie 2013-04-10 15:20:19