2012-07-18 64 views

我想将一个mysql查询表导出到excel文件。我有它在我的网站上的另一个页面上工作,但它似乎遇到此特定查询的麻烦。 我得到这个错误:PHPExcel列未找到:1054

Warning: PDO::query() [pdo.query]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 
Unknown column 'u2.confirmed_cash' in 'field list' in 
/home2/jtdsdevc/public_html /rbk/usage-v3/inc/excel-exporter 
/MySqlExcelBuilder.class.php on line 130 


// Setup the SQL Statements 
$sql_statement = getReport($idLeague, $idTeam); 

function getReport($idLeague, $idTeam){ 
global $connect; 

$sql = " 
    SELECT idPlayer AS id, 
    (SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', location, name) FROM `team` WHERE `team`.id = u.idTeam) AS team, 
    (SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, last_name) FROM `player` WHERE `player`.id = u.idPlayer) AS name, 
    (SELECT u2.confirmed_cash FROM `usage` u2 WHERE u.idPlayer = u2.idPlayer ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1) AS total_cash, 
    (SELECT u2.confirmed_product FROM `usage` u2 WHERE u.idPlayer = u2.idPlayer ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1) AS total_product, 
    max(date) AS last_entry 
    FROM `usage` u INNER JOIN `team` t ON u.idTeam =t.id INNER JOIN `league` l ON t.idLeague =l.id WHERE (t.idleague =".$idLeague." or l.pID =".$idLeague.") 

return $sql; 

// Add the SQL statements to the spread sheet 

// Get the spreadsheet after the SQL statements are built... 
$phpExcel = $mysql_xls->getExcel(); // This needs to come after all the pages have been added. 


if ($sh = $this->pdo->query($sql)) 


SELECT idPlayer AS id, 
(SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', location, name) FROM `team` WHERE `team`.id = u.idTeam) AS team, 
(SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, last_name) FROM `player` WHERE `player`.id = u.idPlayer) AS name, 
(SELECT u2.confirmed_cash FROM `usage` u2 WHERE u.idPlayer = u2.idPlayer ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1) AS total_cash, 
(SELECT u3.confirmed_product FROM `usage` u3 WHERE u.idPlayer = u3.idPlayer ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1) AS total_product, 
max(date) AS last_entry 
FROM `usage` u 
INNER JOIN `team` t ON u.idTeam =t.id 
INNER JOIN `league` l ON t.idLeague =l.id 
WHERE (t.idleague =1 or l.pID =1) 



那么列'usage.confirmed_cash'是否存在?不确定它是否在'SELECT'列表中很重要,但是您使用别名'u2'作为两个不同的查询。将第二个更改为不同的别名。 – 2012-07-18 17:20:59


我按照你的建议做了,仍然没有骰子。该列确实存在于表中,事实上,当我将复制/粘贴该查询(并将变量替换为phpMyAdmin)时,它工作得很好! – Falantar014 2012-07-18 18:08:07


只是为了澄清任何人读这个,MySqlExcelBuilder.class.php不是PHPExcel的一部分(否则我会被问起它在PHPExcel库中的人问questiosn) – 2012-07-18 19:24:18



