2015-02-10 56 views


-Collection of Class2 

-Collection of Class3 


首先,我填充Class1,Class2,但我只填充Class3 Key - 不是值。然后,我要回去和填充值,这导致功能class1的是这样的:

For i=1 to Class1Collection.Count 
For j=1 to Class1Collection(i).Count 
    If (Class1Collection.Item(i).Item(j) = myComparisonValue) Then 
     Set myReturnValue = Class1Collection.Item(i).Item(j) 
     Exit For 
    End If 
    Next j 
Next i 




可能有助于提你处理(多少i和j?)什么是关键Class3的什么量级的? – 2015-02-11 01:38:52


约300我和6000 js:但让我澄清我的问题多一点。我在class2中拥有集合的关键,但为了将它放在正确的“位置”,我需要找到Class2集合中的相应位置......真正的问题是找到该关键字的唯一方法是循环遍历每个可能的class2s集合,直到我得到匹配的密钥,所以我可以消除其中一个循环,而是执行一次关键查找,这可以提高性能,但它仍然远远低于可以接受。 – mrkb80 2015-02-11 13:54:43




Class1Collection.Item(i).Item(j) = myComparisonValue 


Dim myComparisonValue As Long 
myComparisonValue = Len(myComparisonValue) 
For i = 1 To Class1Collection.Count 
    For j = 1 To Class1Collection(i).Count 
     If Len(Class1Collection.Item(i).Item(j)) = myComparisonValue Then 
      If (Class1Collection.Item(i).Item(j) = myComparisonValue) Then 
       Set myReturnValue = Class1Collection.Item(i).Item(j) 
       Exit For 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next j 
Next i 

的原因,这是(往往)要快,因为比较字符串。 Len只是快速读取已存储的值,因此速度很快。 不幸的是,这种方法在您有许多长度相同的密钥的情况下无效。 为此,我会考虑在您的收藏夹中添加一个数字键,并根据此数据进行比较。 ObjPtr函数是获取唯一密钥的廉价方法。


Option Explicit 

Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32"() As Long 

Private Type ThingAMaBob 
    Key As Long 
    Text As String 
End Type 

Private Type ThingAMaBobs 
    UpperBound As Long 
    Items() As ThingAMaBob 
End Type 

Private Type ThingAMaBobsCollection 
    UpperBound As Long 
    Items() As ThingAMaBobs 
End Type 

Private Sub Test() 
    Const xMax As Long = 1000& 
    Const yMax As Long = 1000& 
    Dim udtCol As ThingAMaBobsCollection 
    Dim stTime As Long 
    Dim endTime As Long 
    Dim seekValue As String 
    Dim seekKey As String 
    Dim x As Long 
    Dim y As Long 
    stTime = GetTickCount 
    udtCol = CreateUDT(xMax, yMax) 
    endTime = GetTickCount 
    Debug.Print "Milliseconds to fill", endTime - stTime 

    x = xMax \ 2& 
    y = yMax \ 2& 
    seekValue = udtCol.Items(x).Items(y).Text 

    stTime = GetTickCount 
    seekKey = SeekKeyByValue(udtCol, seekValue, True) 
    endTime = GetTickCount 
    Debug.Print "Milliseconds to get key by value", endTime - stTime 

    stTime = GetTickCount 
    seekValue = SeekValueByKey(udtCol, seekKey) 
    endTime = GetTickCount 
    Debug.Print "Milliseconds to get value by key", endTime - stTime 

End Sub 

Private Function CreateUDT(ByVal xMax As Long, ByVal yMax As Long) As ThingAMaBobsCollection 
    Dim rtnVal As ThingAMaBobsCollection 
    Dim x As Long, y As Long 
    xMax = xMax - 1& 
    yMax = yMax - 1& 
    With rtnVal 
     .UpperBound = xMax 
     ReDim .Items(.UpperBound) 
     For x = 0& To xMax 
      With .Items(x) 
       .UpperBound = yMax 
       ReDim .Items(.UpperBound) 
       For y = 0& To yMax 
        .Items(y).Text = RandomString(RndBetween(8&, 16&)) 
        .Items(y).Key = StrPtr(.Items(y).Text) 
      End With 
    End With 
    CreateUDT = rtnVal 
End Function 

Private Function SeekKeyByValue(ByRef col As ThingAMaBobsCollection, ByVal seekValue As String, ByVal compareCase As Boolean) 
    Dim x As Long 
    Dim y As Long 
    Dim seekLen As Long 
    Dim rtnVal As Long 
    seekLen = Len(seekValue) 
    If compareCase Then 
     For x = 0& To col.UpperBound 
      For y = 0& To col.Items(x).UpperBound 
       If Len(col.Items(x).Items(y).Text) = seekLen Then 
        If col.Items(x).Items(y).Text = seekValue Then 
         rtnVal = col.Items(x).Items(y).Key 
        End If 
       End If 
     seekValue = LCase$(seekValue) 
     For x = 0& To col.UpperBound 
      For y = 0& To col.Items(x).UpperBound 
       If Len(col.Items(x).Items(y).Text) = seekLen Then 
        If LCase$(col.Items(x).Items(y).Text) = seekValue Then 
         rtnVal = col.Items(x).Items(y).Key 
        End If 
       End If 
    End If 
    SeekKeyByValue = seekLen 
End Function 

Private Function SeekValueByKey(ByRef col As ThingAMaBobsCollection, ByVal seekKey As Long) As String 
    Dim x As Long 
    Dim y As Long 
    Dim rtnVal As String 
    For x = 0& To col.UpperBound 
     For y = 0& To col.Items(x).UpperBound 
      If col.Items(x).Items(y).Key = seekKey Then 
       rtnVal = col.Items(x).Items(y).Key 
      End If 
    SeekValueByKey = rtnVal 
End Function 

Private Function RandomString(ByVal Length As Long, Optional ByVal charset As String = "[email protected]#$%^&*()_+`-={}|:""<>?[]\;',./") As String 
    Dim chars() As Byte, value() As Byte, chrUprBnd As Long, i As Long 
    If Length > 0& Then 
     chars = charset 
     chrUprBnd = Len(charset) - 1& 
     Length = (Length * 2&) - 1& 
     ReDim value(Length) As Byte 
     For i = 0& To Length Step 2& 
      value(i) = chars(CLng(chrUprBnd * Rnd) * 2&) 
    End If 
    RandomString = value 
End Function 

Private Function RndBetween(ByVal UpperBound As Long, ByVal lowerbound As Long) As Long 
    RndBetween = Int((UpperBound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound) 
End Function 

我一般同意这里的想法,但是我的表现与字符串比较无关,它与我运行这些嵌套循环的次数更相关。我这样说,因为为了测试,我实际上把我的钥匙换成了应该是最理想的整数,虽然性能提高了,但它仍然非常糟糕。此外,评论的退出是准确的,但我能够删除一个嵌套的循环(通过使用键查找),所以这不再是一个问题。 – mrkb80 2015-02-11 13:57:31


仅供参考,比整数稍微更理想,LongPtrs是最优的:)但是这不太可能是重要的:)我讨厌打破对象模型,所以接下来我要尝试的是将键和值加载到两个-d数组并用类包装它们。 UDT数组也非常快,并且会稍微保留您的数据结构。 – Pillgram 2015-02-11 14:09:55


我包含一个UDT挂钩到测试工具的例子。一旦加载了值,您可以通过键或按值快速查找。这可能值得一试。 – Pillgram 2015-02-11 14:45:35