2014-03-19 61 views




Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 
[Switching to Thread 1 (LWP 1)] 
0x00010b2c in allocate (node=0x401ba18a, reqSize=1000) at temp.c:95 
95   if(node->flag == 1){ 
(gdb) print node 
$1 = (struct block *) 0x401ba18a 
(gdb) print node->flag 
Cannot access memory at address 0x401ba192 


static int allocate(struct block* node, int reqSize) { 
printf("We've called allocate\n"); 
//check if the request is too small 
if(reqSize < minSize){ 
    printf("The request is too small!\n"); 
    return -1; 
//check if the request is too large 
if(reqSize > memory){ 
    printf("The request is too large!\n"); 
    return -1; 
//check if the current block is already allocated 
if(node->flag == 1){ 
    printf("This block has been allocated!\n"); 
    return -1; 
    //var to hold returned value 
    int returnVal = 0; 
    //If the size of the request is less than or equal to half the node 
    printf("The size of the request is less than or equal too half the node\n"); 
    //check if there is a left node, if not, make one and call allocate 
    if(node->left == NULL){ 
     printf("There's no left node so we are making one and calling allocate with  it\n"); 

     struct block buddy1 = { .init =1.}; 
     buddy1 = findSpace(); 
     buddy1.init = 1; 
     buddy1.size = ((node->size)/2); 
     printf("with the size %d\n",(node->size)/2); 
     buddy1.flag = 0; 
     buddy1.parent = node; 
     buddy1.left = NULL; 
     buddy1.right = NULL; 

     struct block buddy2 = { .init =1.}; 
     buddy2 = findSpace(); 
     buddy2.init = 1; 
     buddy2.size = ((node->size)/2); 
     printf("with the size %d\n",(node->size)/2); 
     buddy2.flag = 0; 
     buddy2.parent = node; 
     buddy1.left = NULL; 
     buddy1.right = NULL; 

     node->left = &buddy1; 
     node->right = &buddy2; 
     returnVal = allocate(node->left,reqSize); 
     return returnVal; 
    //otherwise call allocate on the left node 
    printf("There is a left node so we are calling allocate on it\n"); 
    returnVal = allocate(node->left,reqSize); 

    if(returnVal == -1){ 
     printf("couldn't allocate a left node for some reason, so we are checking if a right node exists\n"); 
     if(node->right ==NULL){ 
      printf("it doesn't. We're making one and calling allocate on it!\n"); 
      struct block buddy = { .init =1.}; 
      buddy = findSpace(); 
      buddy.init = 1; 
      buddy.size = ((node->size)/2); 
      printf("with the size %d\n",(node->size)/2); 
      buddy.flag = 0; 
      buddy.parent = node; 
      //node->left = NULL; 
      node->right = &buddy; 
      returnVal = allocate(&buddy,reqSize); 
      printf("it did, so we are calling allocate on it\n"); 
      returnVal = allocate(node->right,reqSize); 
      //return returnVal; 

    return returnVal; 

if(node->flag == 1){ 
    return -1; 

printf("This is the node we need!\n"); 
node->flag = 1; 
return 1; 





