2010-03-17 76 views

我找到关于模型和验证的示例和教程。我说的验证(或者至少大部分)应该在模型中,我同意这一点。但我不能有任何示例或教程来说明应该如何完成。Kohana 3:验证模型示例




我觉得很有趣,因此具有更好的Kohana 3文档不是项目本身。感谢您的好Q. – Brenden 2011-12-01 18:20:29


嗯,实际上这些代码的记录非常好,并且与userguide模块的API部分配对,我认为它非常好。但可能是更多的例子,特别是在用户指南部分。很多TODO和丢失的东西:) – Svish 2011-12-02 10:01:06





应用程序/类/模型/ news.php

<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No Direct Script Access'); 

Class Model_News extends Model 
     CREATE TABLE `news_example` (
     `title` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, 
     `post` TEXT NOT NULL); 

    public function get_latest_news() { 
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `news_example` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0, 10'; 
     return $this->_db->query(Database::SELECT, $sql, FALSE) 

    public function validate_news($arr) { 
     return Validate::factory($arr) 
      ->filter(TRUE, 'trim') 
      ->rule('title', 'not_empty') 
      ->rule('post', 'not_empty'); 
    public function add_news($d) { 
     // Create a new user record in the database 
     $insert_id = DB::insert('news_example', array('title','post')) 

     return $insert_id; 

应用程序/消息/ errors.php

return array(
    'title' => array(
     'not_empty' => 'Title can\'t be blank.', 
    'post' => array(
     'not_empty' => 'Post can\'t be blank.', 

application/classes/controller/n ews.php

<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No Direct Script Access'); 

Class Controller_News extends Controller 
    public function action_index() { 
     //setup the model and view 
     $news = Model::factory('news'); 
     $view = View::factory('news') 
      ->bind('validator', $validator) 
      ->bind('errors', $errors) 
      ->bind('recent_posts', $recent_posts); 

     if (Request::$method == "POST") { 
      //added the arr::extract() method here to pull the keys that we want 
      //to stop the user from adding their own post data 
      $validator = $news->validate_news(arr::extract($_POST,array('title','post'))); 
      if ($validator->check()) { 
       //validation passed, add to the db 
       //clearing so it won't populate the form 
       $validator = null; 
      } else { 
       //validation failed, get errors 
       $errors = $validator->errors('errors'); 
     $recent_posts = $news->get_latest_news(); 
     $this->request->response = $view; 

应用程序/视图/ news.php

<?php if ($errors): ?> 
<?php foreach ($errors as $error): ?> 
    <li><?php echo $error ?></li> 
<?php endforeach ?> 
<?php endif ?> 

<?php echo Form::open() ?> 
    <dt><?php echo Form::label('title', 'title') ?></dt> 
    <dd><?php echo Form::input('title', $validator['title']) ?></dd> 
    <dt><?php echo Form::label('post', 'post') ?></dt> 
    <dd><?php echo Form::input('post', $validator['post']) ?></dd> 
<?php echo Form::submit(NULL, 'Post') ?> 
<?php echo Form::close() ?> 
<?php if ($recent_posts): ?> 
<?php foreach ($recent_posts as $post): ?> 
    <li><?php echo $post['title'] . ' - ' . $post['post'];?></li> 
<?php endforeach ?> 
<?php endif ?> 


它在Kohana 3.0.7中进行了测试,并且应该给你一个很好的开始你如何布置代码的方法。与其他框架不同的是,Kohana似乎对你放置逻辑的位置非常开放,所以这对我来说才是有意义的。如果要使用ORM而不是滚动自己的数据库交互,它有自己的验证语法,您可以查找here


你的代码不应该在View中抛出关于不存在'$ validator ['title']'的通知吗? – zerkms 2012-02-16 01:11:34


如果验证失败,@zerkms $ validator ['title']在视图中作为的默认文本。如果没有设置,则输入的默认值是没有意义的。该变量在bind('validator',$ validator)中定义,因此不存在对未定义变量的引用的危险。是的,一个关键的查找是在一个null上完成的,但是我不认为这是一个问题,除非你正在运行E_STRICT。 – preds 2012-02-21 07:07:32


“没有引用未定义变量的危险”---存在未定义索引通知的危险 – zerkms 2012-02-21 07:13:54




<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); 

class Client_Model extends Model { 

public $validation; 

// This array is needed for validation 
public $fields = array(
    'clientName' => '' 

public function __construct() { 
    // load database library into $this->db (can be omitted if not required) 

    $this->validation = new Validation($_POST); 

public function create() { 
    return $this->validation->validate(); 

// This might go in base Model class 
public function getFormValues() { 
    return arr::overwrite($this->fields, $this->validation->as_array()); 

// This might go in base Model class 
public function getValidationErrors() { 
    return arr::overwrite($this->fields, $this->validation->errors('form_errors')); 



<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.'); 

class Clients_Controller extends Base_Controller { 

public function __construct() { 

public function index() { 

    $content = new View('clients/read'); 
    $content->foobar = 'bob.'; 

    $this->template->content = $content; 


/* A new user signs up for an account. */ 
public function signup() { 

    $content = new View('clients/create'); 
    $post = $this->input->post(); 
    $client = new Client_Model; 

    if (!empty($post) && $this->isPostRequest()) { 
     $content->message = 'You submitted the form, '.$this->input->post('clientName'); 
     $content->message .= '<br />Performing Validation<br />'; 

     if ($client->create()) { 
      // Validation passed 
      $content->message .= 'Validation passed'; 
     } else { 
      // Validation failed 
      $content->message .= 'Validation failed'; 

    } else { 
     $content->message = 'You did not submit the form.'; 

    $contnet->message .= '<br />'; 
    print_r ($client->getFormValues()); 
    print_r ($client->getValidationErrors()); 

    $this->template->content = $content; 



$lang = Array (
'clientName' => Array (
'required' => 'The Client Name field is required.' 

答复!难以置信。谢谢!将通过它看,看看我能从它得到的东西:) – Svish 2010-03-18 19:11:52


@Svish如果它帮助你请接受答案。 – alex 2010-07-22 00:38:24


这是KO3还是KO2? – Svish 2010-09-06 12:32:52



<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); 

class Model_Contract extends ORM { 

    protected $_belongs_to = array('user' => array()); 

    protected $_rules = array(
    'document' => array(
     'Upload::valid'  => NULL, 
     'Upload::not_empty' => NULL, 
     'Upload::type'  => array(array('pdf', 'doc', 'odt')), 
     'Upload::size'  => array('10M') 

    protected $_ignored_columns = array('document'); 

    * Overwriting the ORM::save() method 
    * Move the uploaded file and save it to the database in the case of success 
    * A Log message will be writed if the Upload::save fails to move the uploaded file 
    public function save() 
    $user_id = Auth::instance()->get_user()->id; 
    $file = Upload::save($this->document, NULL, 'upload/contracts/'); 

    if (FALSE !== $file) 
     $this->sent_on = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 
     $this->filename = $this->document['name']; 
     $this->stored_filename = $file; 
     $this->user_id = $user_id; 
     Kohana::$log->add('error', 'Não foi possível salvar o arquivo. A gravação da linha no banco de dados foi abortada.'); 

    return parent::save(); 


    * Overwriting the ORM::delete() method 
    * Delete the database register if the file was deleted 
    * If not, record a Log message and return FALSE 
    public function delete($id = NULL) 

    if (unlink($this->stored_filename)) 
     return parent::delete($id); 

    Kohana::$log->add('error', 'Não foi possível deletar o arquivo do sistema. O registro foi mantido no banco de dados.'); 
    return FALSE; 