2012-04-03 78 views


  • 我使用pageXOffset和pageYOffset'magic numbers'来更正每个浏览器的可视状态。
  • 对话窗口必须保持静止,以使数字正确。


var shouldDisplay = false; 

function DisplayTooltip(tooltip_text) { 
    shouldDisplay = (tooltip_text != "") ? true : false; 
    if (shouldDisplay) { 
    else { 
     //Sometimes the tooltip hasn't finished fading in before we ask to hide it. This causes it to hide, then fade back in. 

function AdjustToolTipPosition(e) { 
    if (shouldDisplay) { 
     //msie e.page event should be standardizes, but seems to go awry when working inside of a modal window. 
     var pageYOffset = $.browser.msie ? 260 : 572; //-314 
     var pageXOffset = $.browser.msie ? 474 : 160; //+314 

     $('#CustomTooltip').css('top', e.pageY - pageYOffset + 'px'); 
     var offsetLeft = e.pageX - pageXOffset; 
     var isOutsideViewport = $("#HistoricalChartDialog").width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width() - offsetLeft < 0; 

     //Prevent the tooltip from going off the screen by changing the offset when it would go off screen. 
     if (isOutsideViewport) { 
      offsetLeft = $("#HistoricalChartDialog").width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width(); 

     $('#CustomTooltip').css('left', offsetLeft + 'px'); 

// Initialize the Historical Chart dialog.   
    autoOpen: false, 
    buttons: { 
     'Close': function() { 
    hide: 'fold', 
    modal: true, 
    draggable: false, 
    resizable: false, 
    position: 'center', 
    title: 'Historical Charts', 
    width: 700, 
    height: 475 

我只是为了提供jQuery对话框初始值设定项。工具提示仅显示在此对话窗口内 - 但坐标是整个页面的。是否可以检索相对于对话窗口的坐标,以便我可以利用jQuery的mousemove将pageX和pageY属性的坐标标准化的事实?


//Seperate file because the offsets are different for the image under MVC. 
var shouldDisplay = false; 

function DisplayTooltip(tooltip_text) { 
    shouldDisplay = (tooltip_text != "") ? true : false; 
    if (shouldDisplay) { 
    else { 
     //Sometimes the tooltip hasn't finished fading in before we ask to hide it. This causes it to hide, then fade back in. 

function AdjustToolTipPosition(e) { 
    if (shouldDisplay) { 
     var xPos = e.pageX - $(this).closest('.ui-dialog').offset().left + 15; 
     var widthDifference = $(this).width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width(); 
     //Prevent the tooltip from going off the screen by changing the offset when it would go off screen. 
     xPos = (widthDifference - xPos < 0) ? widthDifference : xPos; 
     $('#CustomTooltip').css('left', xPos + 'px'); 

     var yPos = e.pageY - $(this).closest('.ui-dialog').offset().top - 10; 
     $('#CustomTooltip').css('top', yPos + 'px'); 




$("#example").mousemove(function(e) { 
    var xPos = e.pageX - $(this).position().left; 
    var yPos = e.pageY - $(this).position().top; 
    $("#pos").text("x: " + xPos + "/y: " + yPos); 

Example fiddle


function AdjustToolTipPosition(e) { 
    if (shouldDisplay) { 
     var xPos = e.pageX - $(this).position().left; 
     var yPos = e.pageY - $(this).position().top; 

     var isOutsideViewport = $("#HistoricalChartDialog").width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width() - xPos < 0; 
     if (isOutsideViewport) { 
      offsetLeft = $("#HistoricalChartDialog").width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width(); 

      'top': yPos + 'px', 
      'left': xPos + 'px' 

嘿。你的回答非常有帮助,但不完全正确。 $(this).position()。left将返回jQuery对话框内相对于对话框本身的第一个div的位置。你需要使用$(this).closest('。ui-dialog')。offset()。left/top来获得正确的值。 :) – 2012-04-03 15:52:40


啊是的,我没有考虑到父母的div。很高兴你的工作虽然。 – 2012-04-03 15:55:45
