2017-08-23 34 views

我使用Docker与AWS ECR回购。他们要求你做的其中一个步骤是运行“码头标签”来标记带有标签的构建图像,该标签包含图像将存储在ECR中的“完全合格”位置。Docker Python API - 标记容器

我正在努力将脚本迁移到Python API(而不是对docker客户端执行shell调用)。我无法在https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/images.html的API文档中找到相应的“码头标签”。



使用'低级别的API:'https:// docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html#module-docker.api.image'有一个'tag()'方法。 – AChampion





aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-west-2 
docker build -t myproj . 
docker tag calclab:latest XXXXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/myproj:latest 
docker push XXXXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/myproj:latest 


import docker 
import boto3 

def ecrDemo(version_number): 

    # The ECR Repository URI 
    repo = XXXXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/myproj 
    # The name of the [profile] stored in .aws/credentials 
    profile = "sandbox" 
    # The region your ECR repo is in 
    region = "us-west-2" 
    # How you want to tag your project locally 
    local_tag = "myproj" 

    #Set up a session 
    session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile, region_name=region) 
    ecr = session.client('ecr') 

    docker_api = docker.APIClient() 

    print "Building image " + local_tag 
    for line in docker_api.build(path='.', tag=local_tag, stream=True, \ 

    # Make auth call and parse out results 
    auth = ecr.get_authorization_token() 
    token = auth["authorizationData"][0]["authorizationToken"] 
    username, password = b64decode(token).split(':') 
    endpoint = auth["authorizationData"][0]["proxyEndpoint"] 

    # print "Make authentication call" 
    # docker_api.login(username=user, password=password, \ 
    #    registry=endpoint, reauth=True) 
    auth_config_payload = {'username': username, 'password': password} 

    version_tag = repo + ':latest' 
    latest_tag = repo + ':' + version_number 

    print "Tagging version " + version_tag 
    if docker_api.tag(local_tag, version_tag) is False: 
     raise RuntimeError("Tag appeared to fail: " + version_tag) 

    print "Tagging latest " + latest_tag 
    if docker_api.tag(local_tag, latest_tag) is False: 
     raise RuntimeError("Tag appeared to fail: " + tag_latest) 

    print "Pushing to repo " + version_tag 
    for line in docker_api.push(version_tag, stream=True, auth_config=auth_config_payload): 

    print "Pushing to repo " + latest_tag 
    for line in docker_api.push(latest_tag, stream=True, auth_config=auth_config_payload): 

    print "Removing taged deployment images" 
    # You will still have the local_tag image if you need to troubleshoot 
    docker_api.remove_image(version_tag, force=True) 
    docker_api.remove_image(latest_tag, force=True) 

def process_docker_api_line(payload): 
    """ Process the output from API stream, throw an Exception if there is an error """ 
    # Sometimes Docker sends to "{}\n" blocks together... 
    for segment in payload.split('\n'): 
     line = segment.strip() 
     if line: 
       line_payload = json.loads(line) 
      except ValueError as ex: 
       print "Could not decipher payload from API: " + ex.message 
      if line_payload: 
       if "errorDetail" in line_payload: 
        error = line_payload["errorDetail"] 
        raise RuntimeError("Error on build - code " + `error["code"]`) 
       elif "stream" in line_payload: 

这真是太好了,我正准备发布一个问题(如果这就是需要的话),但我需要使用API​​从AWS ECR中提取/推送图像,所以我不能使用经典码头登录功能使用这里发布的方法。 如果你有一个很好的开箱即用的例子,或者只是使用命令或API名称可以为我节省一些麻烦。 –


嗨,除了上面的函数包含一个构建并且不包含项目的回购或凭证这一事实之外,您还需要哪些额外的信息? – Jason


嗨贾森像我说的那样很棒,给了我一个很大的开端(明天就开始工作..)我需要做的是从AWS ECR中拉出图像,重新标记图像并将其推送到另一个ECR(可能另一个地区或帐户)。 我想我错过了上面代码中的pull命令 –



import docker 
tag = 'latest' # or whatever you want 
client = docker.from_env() 
# identifier of the image on your system 
dockername = "%s:%s" % (<name of the image on your system>, <tag>) 
# the target identifier 
target = "%s:%d/%s" % (<registry address>, <registry_port>, <id or name of the image>) 

# the url is usually unix://var/run/docker.sock' but depends on your environment 
cli = docker.APIClient(base_url=<the daemon\'s url or socket>) 
# build the image 
cli.build(path=..., tag=dockername, pull=..., buildargs=...) 
# tag it 
image = client.images.get(dockername) 
image.tag(target, tag=tag) 

谢谢!当然,低级API是这个库的方式。我也能够监视诸如构建之类的事情的进展。 – Jason