2013-03-21 82 views

我的工作簿包含一个,两个或三个工作表。 每张表至少可以包含以下列标题名称之一:“Tel”或“Number”。搜索特定的列标题名称,复制列并粘贴以追加到其他wookbooksheet

如何复制包含这些列标题名称 的整个列(仅用于数据),并将它们(作为仅具有相同列标题名称的一列中的附加内容)粘贴到另一个工作簿工作表中,其中VBA代码(Sheet Module )是。谢谢。


这将有助于你迄今尝试过的。 – chuff 2013-03-21 03:40:15


Option Compare Text 

Sub search_and_append() 

    Dim i As Long 
    Dim width As Long 
    Dim ws As Worksheet 
    Dim telList As Object 
    Dim count As Long 
    Dim numList As Object 
    Set telList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
    Set numList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 

    ' search for all tel/number list on other sheets 
    ' Assuming header means Row 1 
    For Each ws In Worksheets 
     If ws.Name <> Me.Name Then 
      With ws 
       width = .Cells(1, .Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
       For i = 1 To width 
        If Trim(.Cells(1, i).Value) = "Tel" Then 
         Height = .Cells(.Rows.count, i).End(xlUp).Row 
         If Height > 1 Then 
          For j = 2 To Height 
           If Not telList.exists(.Cells(j, i).Value) Then 
            telList.Add .Cells(j, i).Value, "" 
           End If 
          Next j 
         End If 
        End If 
        If Trim(.Cells(1, i).Value) = "Number" Then 
         Height = .Cells(.Rows.count, i).End(xlUp).Row 
         If Height > 1 Then 
          For j = 2 To Height 
           If Not numList.exists(.Cells(j, i).Value) Then 
            numList.Add .Cells(j, i).Value, "" 
           End If 
          Next j 
         End If 
        End If 
      End With 
     End If 


    ' paste the tel/number list found back to this sheet 
    With Me 
     width = .Cells(1, .Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
     For i = 1 To width 
      If Trim(.Cells(1, i).Value) = "Tel" Then 
       Height = .Cells(.Rows.count, i).End(xlUp).Row 
       count = 0 
       For Each tel In telList 
        count = count + 1 
        .Cells(Height + count, i).Value = tel 
      End If 
      If Trim(.Cells(1, i).Value) = "Number" Then 
       Height = .Cells(.Rows.count, i).End(xlUp).Row 
       count = 0 
       For Each tel In telList 
        count = count + 1 
        .Cells(Height + count, i).Value = tel 
      End If 
    End With 

End Sub 

对不起,@Larry和kimtch,但不起作用。错误出现在我身上。名字和我在一起。我替换了这个名字我,在导入工作簿中创建了一个带有我名字的工作表,更改了ws集等等,如果您解决了这个错误,我将不胜感激。谢谢。 – 2013-03-21 12:23:51


@ user2127061将代码放入工作表模块中,例如目标工作表是工作表1,然后将代码插入工作表1的代码模块。 – Larry 2013-03-21 14:44:42


嗨,@拉里。现在它工作。问题是我放置代码的地方。虽然列标题名称“数字”未被捕获。然后我用“TEL”替换“Number”。你能适应吗? – 2013-03-22 00:16:12