2012-04-16 341 views

boost::filesystem库的哪些方法可以帮助我获取相对于另一个路径的路径?boost :: filesystem获取相对路径



所有其他都失败,将两者都转换为绝对字符串和子字符串。 – 2012-04-16 00:33:25


新版本的boost有一个非常简单的**答案,提供[下面](https://stackoverflow.com/a/37715252/16287) – 2017-10-12 22:11:33




template < > 
    path& path::append< typename path::iterator >(typename path::iterator begin, typename path::iterator end, const codecvt_type& cvt) 
     for(; begin != end ; ++begin) 
      *this /= *begin; 
     return *this; 
    // Return path when appended to a_From will resolve to same as a_To 
    boost::filesystem::path make_relative(boost::filesystem::path a_From, boost::filesystem::path a_To) 
     a_From = boost::filesystem::absolute(a_From); a_To = boost::filesystem::absolute(a_To); 
     boost::filesystem::path ret; 
     boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator itrFrom(a_From.begin()), itrTo(a_To.begin()); 
     // Find common base 
     for(boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator toEnd(a_To.end()), fromEnd(a_From.end()) ; itrFrom != fromEnd && itrTo != toEnd && *itrFrom == *itrTo; ++itrFrom, ++itrTo); 
     // Navigate backwards in directory to reach previously found base 
     for(boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator fromEnd(a_From.end()); itrFrom != fromEnd; ++itrFrom) 
      if((*itrFrom) != ".") 
       ret /= ".."; 
     // Now navigate down the directory branch 
     ret.append(itrTo, a_To.end()); 
     return ret; 



boost::filesystem::path a("foo/bar"), b("foo/test/korv.txt"); 
std::cout << make_relative(a, b).string() << std::endl; 

在该示例调用中不需要限定'make_relative'。它可能是错误的(给定的代码看起来不像'make_relative'在'boost :: filesystem'中),如果它是正确的,由于ADL,它是没有必要的。 – MSalters 2013-08-26 11:22:49


不幸的是,Boost.Filesystem中不存在这样的函数。 It has been requested,但他们似乎并不在乎。


Boost.Filesystem 1.60增加了the relative function可以用来处理这个。


实际上,该补丁被拒绝的原因(使用附加)。 – 2012-04-16 00:55:22


@ MahmoudAl-Qudsi:我链接到一个功能请求。在该请求的评论中有一个补丁链接,但它不是请求的*部分*。 – 2012-04-16 01:09:56


你说得对。也许还有更多的评论会有帮助? :) – 2012-04-16 01:49:12



namespace boost { namespace filesystem { 

template <> path& path::append<path::iterator>(path::iterator begin, path::iterator end, const codecvt_type& cvt) 
    for(; begin != end ; ++begin) 
     *this /= *begin; 
    return *this; 

// Return path when appended to a_From will resolve to same as a_To 
boost::filesystem::path make_relative(boost::filesystem::path a_From, boost::filesystem::path a_To) 
    a_From = boost::filesystem::absolute(a_From); a_To = boost::filesystem::absolute(a_To); 
    boost::filesystem::path ret; 
    boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator itrFrom(a_From.begin()), itrTo(a_To.begin()); 
    // Find common base 
    for(boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator toEnd(a_To.end()), fromEnd(a_From.end()) ; itrFrom != fromEnd && itrTo != toEnd && *itrFrom == *itrTo; ++itrFrom, ++itrTo); 
    // Navigate backwards in directory to reach previously found base 
    for(boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator fromEnd(a_From.end()); itrFrom != fromEnd; ++itrFrom) 
     if((*itrFrom) != ".") 
      ret /= ".."; 
    // Now navigate down the directory branch 
    ret.append(itrTo, a_To.end()); 
    return ret; 

} } // namespace boost::filesystem 

的代码所提供的答案是相当长的,每行。假设你写namespace fs = boost::filesystem;那么这段代码可以让你最的方式,看起来更容易读给我听:

static fs::path relativeTo(fs::path from, fs::path to) 
    // Start at the root path and while they are the same then do nothing then when they first 
    // diverge take the entire from path, swap it with '..' segments, and then append the remainder of the to path. 
    fs::path::const_iterator fromIter = from.begin(); 
    fs::path::const_iterator toIter = to.begin(); 

    // Loop through both while they are the same to find nearest common directory 
    while (fromIter != from.end() && toIter != to.end() && (*toIter) == (*fromIter)) 

    // Replace from path segments with '..' (from => nearest common directory) 
    fs::path finalPath; 
    while (fromIter != from.end()) 
     finalPath /= ".."; 

    // Append the remainder of the to path (nearest common directory => to) 
    while (toIter != to.end()) 
     finalPath /= *toIter; 

    return finalPath; 

这工作对我来说 – 2015-10-09 14:33:05


这看起来比其他答案好多了。 – 2015-12-26 18:52:31


boost新版本(在1.60开始),就可以使用boost::filesystem::relative(See the documentation here.)

#include <boost/filesystem.hpp> 
#include <iostream> 
namespace fs = boost::filesystem; 

int main() 
    fs::path parentPath("/home/user1/"); 
    fs::path childPath("/home/user1/Downloads/Books"); 
    fs::path relativePath = fs::relative(childPath, parentPath); 
    std::cout << relativePath << std::endl; 