2016-01-21 74 views


当开始游戏时,我希望蛇的长度为3,所以我在函数中使用了三个malloc,并使用了指针,指针 - >下一个,指针 - >下一个 - >下一个等,并且一切正常。


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

typedef struct snake snake; 
struct snake { 
    int x; /* x coordinate */ 
    int y; /* y coordinate */ 
    snake *previous; 
    snake *next; 

snake *initSnake(void) { 
    snake *pointer, *tmp1, *tmp2 = NULL; 
    /* three iterations, so the snake will have a length of three */ 
    for(int i = 0; i<3; i++, tmp1 = tmp1->next) { 
     if(NULL == (tmp1 = (snake*)malloc(sizeof(snake)))) { 
      return NULL; 
     /* coordinates */ 
     tmp1->x = 20; 
     tmp1->y = 10 + i; 
     /* first previous points to NULL */ 
     tmp1->previous = tmp2; 
     /* temporarily store last pointer to be used for next previous pointer */ 
     tmp2 = tmp1; 
     if(0 == i) { 
      /* store first pointer so it can be returned */ 
      pointer = tmp1; 

    /* the last next pointer has to point to NULL */ 
    tmp1 = NULL; 
    /* now return the pointer to the first element in list */ 
    return pointer; 

int main() { 
    /* pointer to first element in list */ 
    snake *head = NULL; 

    if(NULL == (head = initSnake())) { 
     fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory!\n"); 
     return EXIT_FAILURE; 
    /* here everything works fine */ 
    printf("%d\n", head->y); 
    printf("%d\n", head->previous); 
    /* when trying to acces the content of the next element, the program crashes... */ 
    printf("%d\n", head->next->x); 
    /* pause */ 

的问题是,当我尝试访问的第二个元素主要功能内的列表,游戏崩溃。我怀疑在for循环中 tmp1 = tmp1->next有什么问题,我不能真正访问下一个指针,但我不完全确定。



可能设置tmp1->未来= NULL会有所帮助,或拨打释放calloc代替的malloc。并且不要强制malloc的返回值。 – bruceg


@bruceg为什么不投放malloc的返回?我很少看到它,但我的教授在做C讲座时坚持要这样做。 – user1662035


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605845/do-i-cast-the-result-of-malloc – bruceg




/* the last next pointer has to point to NULL */ 
tmp1->next = NULL; // -> next ! 



哎呀,也不for循环做tmp1 = tmp1->next的:因为它没有设置此刻的你尝试执行此操作。您需要下一个与以前一起设置:

/* first previous points to NULL */ 
    tmp1->previous = tmp2; 
    if (tmp2) 
     tmp2->next = tmp1; 

Online demo


但tmp1已经是列表中的最后一个' - >下一个指针',因为我将'tmp1'设置为' tmp1-> next',然后离开循环。 – user1662035


此刻你做了tmp1 = tmp1-> next,你从未设置过下一个值。看到我的编辑 – Christophe


实际上你的双链表只有单链接... – Christophe


你有很多暗示,你真的不知道如何记忆,变量&指针的工作失误。例如在for循环结束时做tmp1 = tmp1->next,紧接着tmp1 = (snake*)malloc(sizeof(snake))覆盖tmp1,并使之前的操作变得毫无意义。代码中的其他地方也有类似的操作。


snake *initSnake(void) { 
    snake *head, **current, *prev; 

    /* three iterations, so the snake will have a length of three */ 
    for(int i = 0, prev = NULL, current = &head; i<3; i++) { 
     if(NULL == (*current = malloc(sizeof(snake)))) { 
      return NULL; /* note that if this happens midway 
        through allocation, nothing gets freed */ 
     /* coordinates */ 
     (*current)->x = 20; 
     (*current)->y = 10 + i; 
     /* next, previous pointers */ 
     (*current)->next = NULL; 
     (*current)->previous = prev; 
     prev = *current; 
     current = &current->next; 

    /* now return the pointer to the first element in list */ 
    return head; 