2017-08-12 83 views


public class AttendanceFragment : Fragment 
    private static ListView listView; 
    private static ProgressBar progress; 
    private static List<DA_ClassSectionAttendance> dataList=new List<DA_ClassSectionAttendance>(); 

// If i instantiate this variable 'dataList' here 
//it will be persisted even the user logs out I know its declared as static 
// because I am accessing this variable on broadcast receiver. 
// But I want this re-instantiated after user logs out but HOW? 
    private static AttendanceListAdapter attendanceAdapter; 
    private static DA_Attendance daAttendance; 
    public override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 

     // dataList = new List<DA_ClassSectionAttendance>(); if I instantiate this variable here everytime this fragment created or restores dataList.Count is zero or null 
     attendanceAdapter = new AttendanceListAdapter(this.Activity, dataList); 
     if((dataList==null || dataList.Count==0)) // pull data from server for the first time when fragment is created but I want this method call when user logs out as well. 
       GetClassSection(); // this method pulls data from server 


     //set whether MenuOption show/hide from toolbar 
     HasOptionsMenu = true; 



无论如何,可变静态变量在Android中是不好的做法 –


