2016-05-03 27 views


create table vehicles(veh_id tinyint not null auto_increment, Reg_number varchar(10)not null, primary key(veh_id)); 

create table transport(trans_id int not null auto_increment, veh_id tinyint not null, source varchar(10)not null, destination varchar(10)not null del_date date not null, load varchar(10)not null, customer varchar(10), primary key(trans_id)); 

create table expenses(exp_id)int not null auto_increment, veh_id tinyint not null, del_date date not null, trans_id int not null, cess varchar(10), labour varchar(10), allowances varchar(10), misc varchar(10), primary key(exp_id)); 


SELECT vehicles.Reg_number 
      , transport.trans_id 
      , transport.del_num 
      , transport.veh_id 
      , transport.destination 
      , transport.source 
      , transport.load 
      , expenses.cess 
      , expenses.labour 
      , expenses.exp_id 
      , expenses.allowances 
      , expenses.fuel 
from vehicles 
inner join transport using(veh_id) 
inner join expenses using(trans_id) 
where expenses.trans_id=transport.trans_id and 
     vehicles.veh_id=transport.veh_id and 
     transport.del_date between '2016-04-27' and '2016-05-06'; 



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