2016-05-23 75 views


Cougar Electric Car Company is made up of students at 

<a href="http://www.kenn.cr.k12.ia.us/" target="">Kennedy High School</a> 

in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Students work in teams to design and construct safe, 
energy-efficient electric one-person vehicles that they showcase during a 
series of rallies across the Midwest. This is hands-on education. Team 
members apply what they’ve learned in math science, and or vocational education – and more. 

<img style="float: right;" src="http://leifsegen.com/sandbox/livia_t/electric-car/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IMG_5139-300x225.jpg" alt="IMG_5139" width="300" height="225" /> 

<h6>The program is designed to challenge students to:</h6> 
<li>Apply classroom lessons to build a one-person light electric vehicle</li> 
<li>Design and engineer the vehicle to roll safely and efficiently</li> 
<li>Use problem-solving skills</li> 
<li>Promote efforts in the community to gain support</li> 
<li>Compete against other schools to see whose vehicle performs best</li> 
<li>Document the design/build/compete process</li> 

<h6><strong>Since 1997</strong></h6> 

The program was launched by two students and Kennedy teacher 
Barry Wilson in 1997. Since then, the program has impacted hundreds 
of students and sparked interest in manufacturing, engineering, 
automotive, alternative energy, and many more career paths. 

这里是链接到我的公司简介页面: Cougar Electric Car About Us page


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的规则谢谢你,这工作完美 –



<li style="list-style: none;"><img style="float: right;" src="http://leifsegen.com/sandbox/livia_t/electric-car/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IMG_5139-300x225.jpg" alt="IMG_5139" width="300" height="225"></li><li>Apply classroom lessons to&nbsp;build a one-person light electric vehicle</li> 
<li>Design and engineer the vehicle to roll safely and efficiently</li> 
<li>Use problem-solving skills</li> 
<li>Promote efforts in the community to gain support</li> 
<li>Compete against other schools to see whose&nbsp;vehicle performs best</li> 
<li>Document the design/build/compete&nbsp;process</li> 