2016-07-15 43 views


我没有搜索网络的这个特定的问题,通过这个链接:Java reverse an int value without using array申请类似的解决方案整数,但我找到解决方案,他们正在使用其他数据类型来保存结果值。例如,要反转int,使用long来传递结果,但如果仅仅使用int来传递结果呢?我很惊讶没有人不使用其他类型就解决了这个问题。我也想知道是否有可能做到这一点?请提供您的输入。


public int reverseLong(long value){ 

int sign =1; 
long result=0; //to hold result 

if(value < 0){ 
    value =-value; 
    sign = -1; 
while(value !=0){  
    result = result*10+value%10; 
    value = value/10; 

    if(){ //could be a check on 'result' for overflow case 
     throw new NumberFormatException(); 

return sign*result; 

所以基本上'123'变成了'321'? –


http://stackoverflow.com/a/4808804/4941367可能会有所帮助。 – Jeremy


是的,123变成321,-345变成-543,并且2,147,483,647因为有溢出而给出例外。 –




public long reverseLong(long value){ 

    int sign = 1; 
    long result=0; //to hold result 

    if(value < 0){ 
     value =-value; 
     sign = -1; 

    while(value !=0){ 
    * To give a little perspective about how one can arrive at writing this 
    * condition:- Think of long as some type which holds only 2 or 3 bits of 
    * data. If it holds only 2 bits, then range of values it can hold will be 
    * 0 to 3. Now it's easy to validate or arrive at conditions like the one 
    * in below. 
    if(result > (Long.MAX_VALUE - value%10)/10){ 
     throw new NumberFormatException(); 
    result = result*10+value%10; 
    value = value/10; 

return sign*result; 