2015-03-31 45 views


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你在寻找像素大小吗?这不是吗? http://www.macrumors.com/2014/11/18/apple-watch-resolutions/ – 2015-03-31 18:54:22


@Nic Hubbard Watch应用程序中的本地通知如何显示?是否与远程通知相同?通知控制器界面用于通过手表应用程序进行本地通知? – iOSdev 2015-04-28 07:29:45




    CGRect contentFrame = self.contentFrame; 
    CGSize size = contentFrame.size; 
    CGFloat contentScale = 2.0; 
    size.width *= contentScale; 
    size.height *= contentScale; 

    //I lined up the generated image with one in the simulator until 
    //they perfectly matched. I did this on both 38 and 42 mm. 
    //I am not sure why they all came out to be off 4. 

    //There is an offset of 10 in IB and I am not sure I need this 
    //to be 4 to match perfect. 
    size.height -= 4; 

    //it looks like there is 2 pixels around the edge 
    size.width -= 4; 

    //Using page mode we need to take off an additional 14 pixels for the page dots at the bottom 
    size.height -= 14; 

    return size; 

或者更好的是,Watchkit是否允许我使用'CAGradientLayer'绘制本地渐变? – 2015-03-31 18:22:17


工作。谢谢! – 2015-03-31 19:11:57


要绘制渐变,您需要将其绘制到图像上,然后将其设置为组中的背景图像。您只能访问有限的界面元素,如https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/WatchKit/Reference/WatchKit_framework/index.html所述。您可以将CGGradient绘制到位图上下文中。 – 2015-03-31 20:01:11