2012-11-19 32 views

谷物我碰到在谷歌提出的采访问题就来了,我解决不了的最大数量:算法 - 能够运输





number of transports = N/C 

fuel amount for distance D = D * F 

X = N - ((number of transports) * 2 * (fuel amount for distance D)) 

提示:骆驼总是启动每个往返与籽粒的'C'公斤。提示2:如果骆驼卸下目的地的所有谷物,它将在回程途中挨饿。提示3:骆驼不需要返回绿洲。 –



假设N,d,C和F是输入, -

float computeMaxGrains(float N, float D, float C, float F) 
    //Case when the cart can carry all grains at once 
    if(N <= C) 
     float remainingGrains = N - D*F; 
     if(remainingGrains >= 0) 
      return remainingGrains; 
      //out of fuel 
      return 0; 

    // Grains consumed per Km = (Total Number of Trips) * F 
    // Total Number of Trips = 2*(N/C) + 1 
    float grainsConsumedPerKm = (float) (2*(Math.floor(N/C)) + 1); 

    // Remaining grains after Camels fuel = C*(N/C - 1) 
    float remainingGrains = (float) (C*(Math.floor(N/C))); 

    // Distance that the Camel is able to travel before the camel is 
    // 1 less round trip = 
    // (N - Remaining Grains)/grainsConsumedPerKm 
    // From equation N - (grainsConsumedPerKm * distanceTravelled) = 
    // Remaining Grains 
    float distanceTravelled = (N - remainingGrains)/grainsConsumedPerKm; 

    if(distanceTravelled >= D) 
     return N - (D * grainsConsumedPerKm); 

    //Use recursion for every 1 less round trip 
    return computeMaxGrains(remainingGrains, D-distanceTravelled, C, F); 

太棒了。感谢您的好解释takyon和显示递归在这里如何帮助。 – user1684308


我想你错过了F乘以F而计算grainConsumedPerKm? – Rajeev


这样的想法,同时还有比在绿洲的骆驼将前往d * F粒子多,用C千克,或不过多留在绿洲。骆驼在那里旅行时消费D * F kg,从他的负载下降 - 2 * D * F kg粮食,如果剩下足够的粮食以保证返程,则返回。


这只是一个猜测。我不完全确定。设G(x)表示从源头运输到距离x的最大谷物量。 然后

G(x+1)= (G(x)/C)*(C-2F) + max(F,G(x)%C - F) 

现在,G(0)= N,我们需要找到使用上述配方G(d)。


  1. F =时,他不回来,收集剩余的谷物中 上次访问
  2. G(X)% C - F =上次访问中剩余的谷物,然后消耗F返回目的地


The first question is whether there is enough grain, and cart capacity, to 
justify an initial trip from oasis to town. The camel would eat FD, so 
if FD >= min(N,C) the answer is 0 

If FD < min(N,C), the net amount transferred on the initial oasis to town 
trip is min(N,C)-FD. 

The camel is now in town, the remaining grain pile is N-min(N,C), and we 
have to decide whether to send it back again. If C <= 2FD, no round trip 
can be profitable. 

Otherwise consider a round trip with at least C remaining at the oasis. That 
gains net C-2FD (FD put in the cart in town to keep the camel fed getting 
to the oasis, C-FD remaining in the cart when it gets back to town). 

If N>C, we can do floor((N-C)/C) of those round trips, net gain 

After doing the initial run and any full cart round trips, the remaining 
grain pile is N%C, the remainder on dividing N by C. 

If N%C > 2FD it is worth doing a final trip to empty the grain pile, with 
an additional net gain of N%C-2FD. 

真的很清楚分析,但它有助于明确提到C-2FD可能是负面的可能性(即,即使第一次旅行,从城镇到绿洲再返回也是净亏损是净收益)。 –


@j_random_hacker谢谢 - 我在草稿中有了这句话,并以某种方式放弃了它。我编辑了我的答案并将其重新输入。 –


不客气:) –