2014-11-21 28 views





Public Class Form1 

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 
    Dim sw As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("Numbers.txt") 
    Dim sr As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText("Numbers2.txt") 
    Dim num As Double 
    Dim min As Double = CDbl(sw.ReadLine) 
    Dim line As String = sw.ReadLine 
    Do Until sw.EndOfStream 
     num = CDbl(sw.ReadLine) 
     If min > num Then 
     End If 
End Sub 

所以......你为什么不想把数据解析成数组? – Zack 2014-11-21 18:36:01


我想看看我是否可以用另一种方式解析数据到数组中 – 2014-11-21 18:51:38


您可以通过多次遍历两个交替输出文件来对数据进行冒泡排序。 – 2014-11-21 18:56:49



好,骂的我不知道你的文本文件的样子,我不能没有他的字符串格式帮助 所以我做了两个函数谁可以帮助关于中央计划



Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 
    If Button1.Text = "20; 30; 50; 40; 10; 80; 90; 70" Then 'A pair list of simple numbers 
     Button1.Text = "20; 30; 50; 40; 80; 90; 70" 'Odd list of simple numbers 
     If Button1.Text = "20; 30; 50; 40; 80; 90; 70" Then 
      Button1.Text = "18; 91,123; 47,789; 29; 35; 78.456; 91; 84" 'A test with a mix of some decimal separators mistakes 
      If Button1.Text = "18; 91,123; 47,789; 29; 35; 78.456; 91; 84" Then 
       Button1.Text = "25.45; 78; 10.123; 65; 27.485; 78; 19; 41; 26" 'Another odd test 
       Button1.Text = "20; 30; 50; 40; 10; 80; 90; 70" 
      End If 
     End If 
    End If 
    Dim StringList As String = Button1.Text 
    Me.Text = "Medan of " & StringList & " = " & MedianOf(StringList, "; ") 'Using "; " (; + space) separator (can be changed) 
End Sub 

Private Function MedianOf(ByVal StrLine As String, ByVal Separator As String) As Double 
    Dim Nb As Double 
    Dim Str As String = StrLine 

    'Write all values in the good order with the next function down here e.g.(from "23; 12; 78; ..." to "12; 23; 78; ...") 
    StrLine = GetOrderOf(StrLine, Separator) 

    'Counts how many values StrLine contains 
    Dim ValuesInString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(StrLine, "\" & Separator).GetUpperBound(0) + 1 

    'Check ValuesInString count odd's (calculated with different ways) 
    If ((ValuesInString And 1) = 1) = True Then 
     Nb = CDbl(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(StrLine, "\" & Separator)(ValuesInString \ 2)) 
     MessageBox.Show("ODD:" & Environment.NewLine & "First String =  " & Str & Environment.NewLine & "Ordered string = " & StrLine & Environment.NewLine & "*** Median value = " & Nb & " ***") 
     Nb = (CDbl(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(StrLine, "\" & Separator)((ValuesInString/2) - 1)) + CDbl(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(StrLine, "\" & Separator)(ValuesInString/2)))/2 
     MessageBox.Show("PAIR:" & Environment.NewLine & "First String =  " & Str & Environment.NewLine & "Ordered string = " & StrLine & Environment.NewLine & "(" & StrLine.Split(Separator)((ValuesInString/2) - 1) & "+" & StrLine.Split(Separator)(ValuesInString/2) & ")/2 = " & Nb) 
    End If 
    'MessagesBoxes were added only for a best understanding of how it works 
    'Should be disabled if tests are ok 

    Return Nb 
End Function 

Private Function GetOrderOf(ByVal Line As String, ByVal Separator As String) As String 
    If Separator = "." Or Separator = "," Then MessageBox.Show("Wrong... so Wrong separator") 
    Line = Line.Replace(".", ",") 
    Dim Line_InOrder As String = "" 
    Dim Str As String = "" 
    Dim Nb As Double = 0 
    Do While Line.Length > 0 
     Nb = 0 
     If Line.Contains(Separator) Then 
      For Each St As String In System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Line, "\" & Separator) 
       If CDbl(St) > Nb Then 
        Nb = CDbl(St) 
        Str = St 
       End If 
      Str = Line 
      Line &= Separator 
     End If 
     If Line.Contains(Str & Separator) Then 
      Line = Replace(Line, Str & Separator, "", , 1) 
      Line = Replace(Line, Separator & Str, "", , 1) 
     End If 

     If Line_InOrder.Length = 0 Then 
      Line_InOrder = Str 
      Line_InOrder = Str & Separator & Line_InOrder 
     End If 
    Return Line_InOrder 
End Function 