2016-11-26 61 views



  • search_session_id - 要求
  • user_session_id - 要求
  • discover_fields - 可选
  • START_TIME - 可选
  • end_time - 可选
  • summary_fields - 可选
  • field_summary - 可选
  • local_search - 可选




#!/usr/bin/env python3 

"""Script to generate searches on the ArcSight Logger""" 

import arcsightrest 
import argparse 

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script used to send search ' 
              'queries to ArcSight Logger API') 
parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', 
        help='IP Address of the Loggger', required=True) 
parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', 
        help='Username to access the logger', required=True) 
parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', 
        help='Password to access the logger', required=True) 
parser.add_argument('-ussl', '--unsecuressl', action='store_true', 
        help='Disable ssl warnings',) 
parser.add_argument('-w', '--wait', action='store_true', 
        help='Wait for query to finish',) 
parser.add_argument('-q', '--query', 
        help='Query to be used in the search') 
parser.add_argument('-st', '--starttime', 
        help='From which time the query should look') 
parser.add_argument('-et', '--endtime', 
        help='To which time the query should look') 
parser.add_argument('-e', '--event', 
        help='Events based input search id') 
parser.add_argument('-s', '--status', 
        help='Status of running search') 
args = (parser.parse_args()) 

Sets the target Logger Server 
arcsightrest.ArcsightLogger.TARGET = args.target 

Gets login token from the Logger API 
arc = arcsightrest.ArcsightLogger(args.username, args.password, 
Checks if query is used, and starts a search 
if args.query: 
    if args.starttime: 
     search_id, response = arc.search(args.query, start_time=args.starttime, 
    search_id, response = arc.search(args.query) 

    if args.starttime and args.discover_fields: 
     search_id, response = arc.search(args.query, start_time=args.starttime, 
    print('The search id is {}'.format(search_id)) 
    if response: 
     print('The search has successfully started') 

正如你所看到的,我可没有结束持续,使如果有每一个组合语句的可选参数。必须有一个更简单的方法来设计这个?如果我只是将它解析为kwargs,它们将不会以正确的格式发送,或者我会要求使用脚本的人编写诸如end_time=SOMETIME而不是仅仅--endtime TIME。现在这似乎是一个小的代价,但如果我需要将所有参数都添加到脚本中,那么这将会变得更长和更乏味。


子命令呢? https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/argparse.html#sub-commands – errikos




import argparse 

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script used to send search ' 
              'queries to ArcSight Logger API') 
parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', 
        help='IP Address of the Loggger', required=True) 
parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', 
        help='Username to access the logger', required=True) 
parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', 
        help='Password to access the logger', required=True) 
parser.add_argument('-q', '--query', 
        help='Query to be used in the search') 
parser.add_argument('-st', '--starttime', 
        help='From which time the query should look') 
parser.add_argument('-et', '--endtime', 
        help='To which time the query should look') 
args = (parser.parse_args()) 

# Mock search 
def search(query, start_time=None, end_time=None, discover_fields=None): 
    return 'Id', ', '.join(str(x) for x in [start_time, end_time, discover_fields]) 

Checks if query is used, and starts a search 
if args.query: 
    # {name used in argparse: search parameter name} 
    query_args = { 
     'starttime': 'start_time', 
     'endtime': 'end_time', 
     'discover_fields': 'discover_fields' 
    d = vars(args) 
    real_args = {v: d[k] for k, v in query_args.items() if k in d} 
    search_id, response = search(args.query, **real_args) 

    print('The search id is {}'.format(search_id)) 
    print('Response is {}'.format(response)) 


>python test.py -t foo -u user -p pass -q 
query -st start -et end 
The search id is Id 
Response is start, end, None 

由于一些参数名的解析器使用的名称不同于传递给search的名称需要重新映射。 vars用于从parse_args()返回的Namespace对象创建dict。然后,词典理解遍历映射的参数名称,挑选给定用户的名称,并创建一个新的词典,其中包含arc.search可以理解的键名称。最后,**real_args在函数调用中解压缩名为参数的字典。
