2009-04-30 85 views

我有一个弹出式搜索框,当用户鼠标悬停在超链接上时,当用户鼠标移出搜索框时,框会消失。这工作正常。当文本框具有焦点时,搜索框应保持可见状态,直到文本框失去焦点,此时如果光标不在框上方,该框将隐藏。这适用于除IE以外的所有浏览器(IE7具体)。在IE中,文本框的模糊事件是在鼠标悬停搜索框的文本框上触发的。这是我写的代码:在Internet Explorer 7中鼠标点击模糊射击

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(document).ready(function() { 
     //add mouseover event to the search button to show the search box 
      function() { 

     //add mouseout event to the search button to show the hide box 
      function() { 

     //add mouseover event to the search box so it doesnt hide when the user attempts to click the box 
      function() { 

     //add mouseout event to the search box so it doesnt hides when the users mouse exits the box 
      function() { 

     //don't ever hide the search box when the textbox has focus 
      function() { 
        function() { 

     //hide the search box when the textbox loses focus 
      function() { 
        function() { 



<a class="search" href="#"><span>Search</span></a> 
<div class="open"> 
    <input id="tbSearch" type="text" /> 
    <a class="go" href="#"><span>Go</span></a> 





<script type="text/javascript"> 

$(function() { 

var showBox = function() { 
var hideBox = function() { 
    if (!$(".open").attr("searching")) { 

$(".search").hover(showBox, hideBox); 
$(".open").hover(showBox, hideBox).hide(); 

    $("#tbSearch").focus(function() { 
    $(".open").attr("searching", "true"); 
    }).blur(function() { 


这个工作万无一失!谢谢 – 2009-05-04 16:43:34

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(document).ready(function() { 
     //add mouseover event to the search button to show the search box 
     $(".search").bind('mouseenter mouseleave',function(){ 

     //add mouseover event to the search box so it doesnt hide when the user attempts to click the box 
     $(".open").bind('mouseenter mouseleave',function(){ 

     //don't ever hide the search box when the textbox has focus 
     $("#tbSearch").focus(function() { 

     //hide the search box when the textbox loses focus 
