2017-07-14 87 views

给定一个数组image它可能是一个2D,3D或4D,但是更可取的nD数组,我想用一个列表来提取数组的一个连续部分,列表表示我如何如果扩展名不在图像中,则沿着所有轴延伸并填充pad_value用填充切片numpy ayarray独立于数组维度


def extract_patch_around_point(image, loc, extend, pad_value=0): 
    offsets_low = [] 
    offsets_high = [] 
    for i, x in enumerate(loc): 
     offset_low = -np.min([x - extend[i], 0]) 
     offset_high = np.max([x + extend[i] - image.shape[1] + 1, 0]) 

    upper_patch_offsets = [] 
    lower_image_offsets = [] 
    upper_image_offsets = [] 
    for i in range(image.ndim): 
     upper_patch_offset = 2*extend[i] + 1 - offsets_high[i] 

     image_offset_low = loc[i] - extend[i] + offsets_low[i] 
     image_offset_high = np.min([loc[i] + extend[i] + 1, image.shape[i]]) 


    patch = pad_value*np.ones(2*np.array(extend) + 1) 

    # This is ugly 
    A = np.ix_(range(offsets_low[0], upper_patch_offsets[0]), 
       range(offsets_low[1], upper_patch_offsets[1])) 
    B = np.ix_(range(lower_image_offsets[0], upper_image_offsets[0]), 
       range(lower_image_offsets[1], upper_image_offsets[1])) 
    patch[A] = image[B] 

    return patch 



'numpy'函数可以处理可变数量的维度。他们将维度扩展到某个期望的数字(查看'atleast_3d'的代码)。他们交换坐标轴,以便工作坐标系(与坐骑相反)按照已知的顺序(在开始或结束时)。他们创建索引元组。 – hpaulj



根据我的需求的理解,我会建议一个零填充的版本,然后使用slice符号来保持它通用于维数,像这样 -

def extract_patch_around_point(image, loc, extend, pad_value=0): 
    extend = np.asarray(extend) 
    image_ext_shp = image.shape + 2*np.array(extend) 
    image_ext = np.full(image_ext_shp, pad_value) 
    insert_idx = [slice(i,-i) for i in extend] 
    image_ext[insert_idx] = image 

    region_idx = [slice(i,j) for i,j in zip(loc,extend*2+1+loc)] 
    return image_ext[region_idx] 

样品试验 -


In [229]: np.random.seed(1234) 
    ...: image = np.random.randint(11,99,(13,8)) 
    ...: loc = (5,3) 
    ...: extend = np.array([2,4]) 

In [230]: image 
array([[58, 94, 49, 64, 87, 35, 26, 60], 
     [34, 37, 41, 54, 41, 37, 69, 80], 
     [91, 84, 58, 61, 87, 48, 45, 49], 
     [78, 22, 11, 86, 91, 14, 13, 30], 
     [23, 76, 86, 92, 25, 82, 71, 57], 
     [39, 92, 98, 24, 23, 80, 42, 95], 
     [56, 27, 52, 83, 67, 81, 67, 97], 
     [55, 94, 58, 60, 29, 96, 57, 48], 
     [49, 18, 78, 16, 58, 58, 26, 45], 
     [21, 39, 15, 93, 66, 89, 34, 61], 
     [73, 66, 95, 11, 44, 32, 82, 79], 
     [92, 63, 75, 96, 52, 12, 25, 14], 
     [41, 23, 84, 30, 37, 79, 75, 33]]) 

In [231]: image[loc] 
Out[231]: 24 

In [232]: out = extract_patch_around_point(image, loc, extend, pad_value=0) 

In [233]: out 
array([[ 0, 78, 22, 11, 86, 91, 14, 13, 30], 
     [ 0, 23, 76, 86, 92, 25, 82, 71, 57], 
     [ 0, 39, 92, 98, 24, 23, 80, 42, 95], <-- At middle 
     [ 0, 56, 27, 52, 83, 67, 81, 67, 97], 
     [ 0, 55, 94, 58, 60, 29, 96, 57, 48]]) 


In [234]: np.random.seed(1234) 
    ...: image = np.random.randint(11,99,(13,5,8)) 
    ...: loc = (5,2,3) 
    ...: extend = np.array([1,2,4]) 

In [235]: image[loc] 
Out[235]: 82 

In [236]: out = extract_patch_around_point(image, loc, extend, pad_value=0) 

In [237]: out.shape 
Out[237]: (3, 5, 9) 

In [238]: out 
array([[[ 0, 23, 87, 19, 58, 98, 36, 32, 33], 
     [ 0, 56, 30, 52, 58, 47, 50, 28, 50], 
     [ 0, 70, 93, 48, 98, 49, 19, 65, 28], 
     [ 0, 52, 58, 30, 54, 55, 46, 53, 31], 
     [ 0, 37, 34, 13, 76, 38, 89, 79, 71]], 

     [[ 0, 14, 92, 58, 72, 74, 43, 24, 67], 
     [ 0, 59, 69, 46, 68, 71, 94, 20, 71], 
     [ 0, 61, 62, 60, 82, 92, 15, 14, 57], <-- At middle 
     [ 0, 58, 74, 95, 16, 94, 83, 83, 74], 
     [ 0, 67, 25, 92, 71, 19, 52, 44, 80]], 

     [[ 0, 74, 28, 12, 12, 13, 62, 88, 63], 
     [ 0, 25, 58, 86, 76, 40, 20, 91, 61], 
     [ 0, 28, 42, 85, 22, 45, 64, 35, 66], 
     [ 0, 64, 34, 69, 27, 17, 92, 89, 68], 
     [ 0, 15, 57, 86, 17, 98, 29, 59, 50]]]) 

谢谢!这确实是一个有效的解决方案:但它不会复制原始图像的内存吗?我承认在我的例子中也发生了这种情况,但是我可以检查切片是否超出范围,如果不立即返回切片。 –


@JonasTeuwen是的,它涉及复制。关于填充的整个想法是为了避免那些用于出界的检查来缓解处理泛型暗淡的代码。 – Divakar



import numpy as np 

    # Givens. Matrix to be sliced, point around which to slice, 
    # and the padding around the given point 
    matrix = np.random.normal(size=[5,5,5]) 
    loc = (3,3,3) 
    padding = 2 

    # If one knows the dimensionality, the slice can be obtained easily 
    ans1 = matrix[loc[0] - padding:loc[0] + 1, 
        loc[1] - padding:loc[1] + 1, 
        loc[2] - padding:loc[2] + 1] 

    # If one does not know the dimensionality, the slice can be 
    # obtained iteratively 
    ans2 = matrix 
    for i in range(matrix.ndim): 
     # Compute slice for the particular axis 
     s = slice(loc[i] - padding, loc[i] + 1, 1) 
     # Move particular axis to front, slice it, then move it back 
     ans2 = np.moveaxis(np.moveaxis(ans2, i, 0)[s], 0, i) 

    # Assert the two answers are equal 
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(ans1, ans2) 
