2017-01-11 26 views


根据ZVON http://zvon.org/other/haskell/Outputprelude/filter_f.html

filter (>5) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]返回任何大于5: [6,7,8]


map fst . filter snd . assocs . soeA

它不应该是地图FST。过滤器(== True)snd。联合。 soeA

为了分析我运行该组合物的前两个功能,并通过一个参数:assocs . soeA $ 9返回 [(0,False),(1,False),(2,True),(3,True),(4,False),(5,True),(6,False),(7,True),(8,False),(9,False)]

soe 9返回[2,3,5,7]


的完整代码: `

module FastSeive where 

import Control.Monad 
import Control.Monad.ST 
import Data.Array.ST 
import Data.Array.Unboxed 

soeST :: forall s. Int -> ST s (STUArray s Int Bool) 
soeST n = do 
    arr <- newArray (0, n) True 
    mapM_ (\i -> writeArray arr i False) [0, 1] 
    let n2 = n `div` 2 

    let loop :: Int -> ST s() 
     loop i | i > n2 = return() 
     loop i = do 
      b <- readArray arr i 

      let reset :: Int -> ST s() 
       reset j | j > n = return() 
       reset j = writeArray arr j False >> reset (j + i) 

      when b (reset (2*i)) 

      loop (succ i) 

    loop 2 
    return arr 

soeA :: Int -> UArray Int Bool 
soeA n = runST (soeST n >>= freeze) 

soe :: Int -> [Int] 
soe = map fst . filter snd . assocs . soeA 

soeCount :: Int -> Int 
soeCount = length . filter id . elems . soeA 




简短的回答是:在这里,sndBool -returning功能filter预期。在你写的表达中:map fst . filter (==True) snd . assocs . soeAsnd将是filter的第二个参数,而(==True)将是第一个参数。当然,它不会检查,因为filter已经应用于两个参数,并且不能在函数组合中使用:它不再是一个函数。


(f . g) x = f (g x) 
-- In haskell, it is defined as being right associative 

-- Meaning that if we put explicit parenthesises, we'd have: 
soe = (map fst . (filter snd . (assocs . soeA))) 
-- That only really matters for the compiler, though, 
-- because we know function composition is associative. 

soe = map fst . filter snd . assocs . soeA 
-- "Un-pointfree-ing" it: 
soe x = (map fst . filter snd . assocs . soeA) x 
-- Applying (.)'s definition: 
soe x = map fst ((filter snd . assocs . soeA) x) 
-- Again: 
soe x = map fst (filter snd ((assocs . soeA) x)) 
-- And again: 
soe x = map fst (filter snd (asocs (soeA x))) 

现在很清楚的是sndfilter的第一个参数,而第二个参数将评估什么assocs (soeA x)将评估。

更一般地,当一个写f . g . h,这可以被读从右到左为第一适用h到它的参数,然后g该结果,然后f到下一个结果的函数,并产生该最终值。

现在,对于更长的答案,我们可以看看如何推断表达式的类型。它会告诉我们为什么sndBool -returning函数filter预计即使它有一个snd :: (a, b) -> b类型签名。


filter的类型是(a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]snd的类型是(a, b) -> b


filter :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] 
snd :: forall a b. (a, b) -> b 


filter :: forall c. (c -> Bool) -> [c] -> [c] 

filter得到首先应用于snd。所以,我们可以尝试和统一c -> Boolfilter(a, b) -> bsnd的类型。我们得到以下公式:

c -> Bool = (a, b) -> b 


c = (a, b) 
b = Bool 


c = (a, Bool) 
b = Bool 

我们假设assocs (soeA x)的类型是[(Int, Bool)]。由于filter的第二个参数的类型为[c],我们可以进一步统一:

[c] = [(Int, Bool)] 


c = (Int, Bool) 


(Int, Bool) = c = (a, Bool) 


a = Int 


filter :: ((Int, Bool) -> Bool) -> [(Int, Bool)] -> [(Int, Bool)] 
snd :: (Int, Bool) -> Bool 



谢谢。你的样本与圆括号“soe x = map fst(filter snd((assocs。soeA)x))”真的有助于澄清 – brander