2015-04-23 276 views

我可以通过JMX获得“PS Scavenge,PS MarkSweep”属性:CollectionCount,CollectionTime通过JMX。但我的问题是:“ 哪一个是年轻gc信息?哪一个是完整gc信息? ”如何获得更多详细信息GC。使用JMX(jconsole)来监控JVM GC.how以获得年轻的GC信息和完整的GC信息?


的ObjectName gcObjName =新的ObjectName( \t \t \t \t “java.lang中:类型= GarbageCollector,名字= PS MarkSweep”); \t \t Set setGCObjNames = mbsc.queryNames(gcObjName,null); \t \t为(OBJ的ObjectName:setGCObjNames){ \t \t \t的ObjectName objname表=新的ObjectName(obj.getCanonicalName()); \t \t \t的System.out.println( “CollectionCount:” \t \t \t \t \t + mbsc.getAttribute(objname表, “CollectionCount”)); \t \t \t的System.out.println( “CollectionTime:” \t \t \t \t \t + mbsc.getAttribute(objname表, “CollectionTime”)); – topCoder



jstat是jstat GC信息。两者是不同的。


import java.io.Serializable; 

public class PerformanceBean implements Serializable { 
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6021047939070147624L; 

    * Survivor space 0 utilization as a percentage of the space's current 
    * capacity. 
    public final long jstatS0; 

    * Survivor space 1 utilization as a percentage of the space's current 
    * capacity. 
    public final long jstatS1; 

    * Eden space utilization as a percentage of the space's current capacity. 

    public final long jstatE; 

    * Old space utilization as a percentage of the space's current capacity. 

    public final long jstatO; 
    * Permanent space utilization as a percentage of the space's current 
    * capacity. 
    public final long jstatP; 

    /* Number of young generation GC events. */ 
    public final long jstatYGC; 

    /* Young generation garbage collection time. */ 
    public final long jstatYGCT; 

    /* Number of full GC events. */ 
    public final long jstatFGC; 

    /* Full garbage collection time. */ 
    public final long jstatFGCT; 

    /* Total garbage collection time. */ 

    public final long jstatGCT; 

    /* Operation System info */ 

    public final int availableProcessors; 
    public final double systemLoadAverage; 
    public final String osName; 
    public final String arch; 

    * Below is a picture showing an example of a memory pool: 
    *  +----------------------------------------------+ 
    *  +////////////////   |     + 
    *  +////////////////   |     + 
    *  +----------------------------------------------+ 
    *  |--------| 
    *   init 
    *  |---------------| 
    *   used 
    *  |---------------------------| 
    *    committed 
    *  |----------------------------------------------| 
    *       max 

    * Memory Usage--heapMemoryUsage 
    public final long initHeap; 
    public final long usedHeap; 
    public final long committedHeap; 
    public final long maxHeap; 

    /* Memory Usage--nonHeapMemoryUsage */ 
    public final long initNonHeap; 
    public final long usedNonHeap; 
    public final long committedNonHeap; 
    public final long maxNonHeap; 

    public static class Builder { 
     // Optional parameters - initialized to default values 
     private long jstatS0 = 0; 
     private long jstatS1 = 0; 
     private long jstatE = 0; 
     private long jstatO = 0; 
     private long jstatP = 0; 
     private long jstatYGC = 0; 
     private long jstatYGCT = 0; 
     private long jstatFGC = 0; 
     private long jstatFGCT = 0; 
     private long jstatGCT = 0; 
     public int availableProcessors = 0; 
     public double systemLoadAverage = 0; 
     public String osName = ""; 
     public String arch = ""; 
     private long initHeap = 0; 
     private long usedHeap = 0; 
     private long committedHeap = 0; 
     private long maxHeap = 0; 
     private long initNonHeap = 0; 
     private long usedNonHeap = 0; 
     private long committedNonHeap = 0; 
     private long maxNonHeap = 0; 

     public Builder jstatS0(long val) { 
      jstatS0 = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder jstatS1(long val) { 
      jstatS1 = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder jstatE(long val) { 
      jstatE = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder jstatO(long val) { 
      jstatO = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder jstatP(long val) { 
      jstatP = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder jstatYGC(long val) { 
      jstatYGC = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder jstatYGCT(long val) { 
      jstatYGCT = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder jstatFGC(long val) { 
      jstatFGC = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder jstatFGCT(long val) { 
      jstatFGCT = val; 
      return this; 
     public Builder jstatGCT(long val) { 
      jstatGCT = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder availableProcessors(int val) { 
      availableProcessors = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder systemLoadAverage(double val) { 
      systemLoadAverage = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder arch(String val) { 
      arch = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder osName(String val) { 
      osName = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder initHeap(long val) { 
      initHeap = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder usedHeap(long val) { 
      usedHeap = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder committedHeap(long val) { 
      committedHeap = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder maxHeap(long val) { 
      maxHeap = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder initNonHeap(long val) { 
      initNonHeap = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder usedNonHeap(long val) { 
      usedNonHeap = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder committedNonHeap(long val) { 
      committedNonHeap = val; 
      return this; 

     public Builder maxNonHeap(long val) { 
      maxNonHeap = val; 
      return this; 
     public PerformanceBean build(){ 
      return new PerformanceBean(this); 


    private PerformanceBean(Builder builder) { 
     jstatS0 = builder.jstatS0; 
     jstatS1 = builder.jstatS1; 
     jstatE = builder.jstatE; 
     jstatO = builder.jstatO; 
     jstatP = builder.jstatP; 
     jstatYGC = builder.jstatYGC; 
     jstatYGCT = builder.jstatYGCT; 
     jstatFGC = builder.jstatFGC; 
     jstatFGCT = builder.jstatFGCT; 
     jstatGCT = builder.jstatGCT; 
     availableProcessors = builder.availableProcessors; 
     systemLoadAverage = builder.systemLoadAverage; 
     osName = builder.osName; 
     arch = builder.arch; 
     initHeap = builder.initHeap; 
     usedHeap = builder.usedHeap; 
     committedHeap = builder.committedHeap; 
     maxHeap = builder.maxHeap; 
     initNonHeap = builder.initNonHeap; 
     usedNonHeap = builder.usedNonHeap; 
     committedNonHeap = builder.committedNonHeap; 
     maxNonHeap = builder.maxNonHeap; 

// public static long getSerialversionuid() { 
//  return serialVersionUID; 
// } 
// public long getJstatS0() { 
//  return jstatS0; 
// } 
// public long getJstatS1() { 
//  return jstatS1; 
// } 
// public long getJstatE() { 
//  return jstatE; 
// } 
// public long getJstatO() { 
//  return jstatO; 
// } 
// public long getJstatP() { 
//  return jstatP; 
// } 
// public long getJstatYGC() { 
//  return jstatYGC; 
// } 
// public long getJstatYGCT() { 
//  return jstatYGCT; 
// } 
// public long getJstatFGC() { 
//  return jstatFGC; 
// } 
// public long getJstatFGCT() { 
//  return jstatFGCT; 
// } 
// public long getJstatGCT() { 
//  return jstatGCT; 
// } 
// public double getSystemLoadAverage() { 
//  return systemLoadAverage; 
// } 
// public String getOsName() { 
//  return osName; 
// } 
// public String getArch() { 
//  return arch; 
// } 
// public long getInitHeap() { 
//  return initHeap; 
// } 
// public long getUsedHeap() { 
//  return usedHeap; 
// } 
// public long getCommittedHeap() { 
//  return committedHeap; 
// } 
// public long getMaxHeap() { 
//  return maxHeap; 
// } 
// public long getInitNonHeap() { 
//  return initNonHeap; 
// } 
// public long getUsedNonHeap() { 
//  return usedNonHeap; 
// } 
// public long getCommittedNonHeap() { 
//  return committedNonHeap; 
// } 
// public long getMaxNonHeap() { 
//  return maxNonHeap; 
// } 
