2016-09-15 181 views

所以我是编程新手,这是一部分大学工程课程。我决定在课外玩得开心,写点东西。我试图用C++编写一个程序,允许用户输入3个长度,宽度和高度的矩形棱镜值,程序将使用3个值来计算棱镜的表面积和体积。错误:'操作符*'不匹配(操作数类型是'std :: string {aka std basic_string <char>}'和{aka std basic_string <char>}')

这是我到目前为止。 (用Vocareum写)

//Calculate rectangular prism//   
#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

int main() 
string length; // length of prism in cm 
string width; // width of prism in cm 
string height; // height of prism in cm 

cout << "Please enter the length, width, and height of the rectangular prism." << endl; 

cin >> length; //length of prism in cm 
cin >> width; //width of prism in cm 
cin >> height; //height of prism in cm 

double volume; //volume of prism in cm^3 
double sa; //surface area of prism in cm^2 

volume = length * width * height; 
sa = (length * width * 2) + (width * height * 2) + (height * length * 2); 

cout << "The volume of the rectangular prism is " << volume << " cm^3." << endl; 
cout << "The surface area of the rectangular prism is " << sa << " cm^2." << endl; 

return 0; 

//Whenever I try to compile, I'll get 4 error messages that reads 
//"error: no match for 'operator*' (operand types are 'std: :string {aka std basic_string<char>}' and {aka std basic_string<char>}') 
//ps these 3 comments aren't in the code 



我也倾向于写:'CIN >>长度宽度>> >>高度;'和'常量双体积=长度* width * height;' - 倾向于初始化变量,而不是分配给它们,并且倾向于在可能的情况下声明const。 –



您的length,widthheight变量的类型是string,它不能被解释为数字。 如果你想它来编译只是改变他们的类型floatdouble(或int
