2014-09-29 176 views





import getopt, sys 

flago='' #show open tickets 
flagl='' #show out of lvl tickets 
flagc='' #show closed tickets 
flaga='' #show all 

options, remainder = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'olca') 

for opt, arg in options: 
    if opt in ('-o'): 
     flago = True 
    elif opt in ('-l'): 
     flagl = True 
    elif opt == '-c': 
     flagc = True 
    elif opt == '-a': 
     flaga = True 
# fname = remainder[0] 

#only show tickets if lvl matches regardless of status 
reqlvls = ("lvl1", "lvl2", "lvl3") 

#loop through a file with following variables 
# number, status(open/closed), lvl#, comments 
file = open ('test.conf') 
for line in file: 
    fields = line.strip().split(":") 

    #print all 
    if flaga: 
     print NUM, STAT, VER, COMM 
    #show open 
    elif flago: 
     # VER is messing up if it is set to VER:[lvl1, lvl3] 
     # Need to iterate check open and iterate over VER 
     if STAT == "open" and VER in reqlvls: 
      print NUM, STAT, VER, COMM 
    #show NA 
    elif flagl: 
     if VER not in reqlvls: 
      print NUM, STAT, VER, COMM 
    #hide if not reqlvl 
    elif flagc: 
     if STAT == "closed" and VER in reqlvls: 
      print NUM, STAT, VER, COMM 


10:open:lvl1:"should show w/ -o" 
11:open:lvl5:"should not show w/ -o, NA b/c of lvl" 
12:open:lvl3, lvl5:"should w/ -o, req lvl > na lvl" 
13:open:lvl1, lvl3:"should w/ -o" 
14:open:lvl4, lvl5:"should not w/ -o NA b/c of lvl" 
20:closed:lvl2:"should show closed" 
21:closed:lvl5:"should not show w/ -c, NA b/c of lvl" 
22:closed:lvl3, lvl5:"should w/ -c, req lvl > na lvl" 
23:closed:lvl1, lvl3:"should w/ -c" 
24:closed:lvl4, lvl5:"should not w/ -c NA b/c of lvl" 


./test.py -a 
10 open lvl1 "should show w/ -o" 
11 open lvl5 "should not show w/ -o, NA b/c of lvl" 
12 open lvl3, lvl5 "should w/ -o, req lvl > na lvl" 
13 open lvl1, lvl3 "should w/ -o" 
14 open lvl4, lvl5 "should not w/ -o NA b/c of lvl" 
20 closed lvl2 "should show closed" 
21 closed lvl5 "should not show w/ -c, NA b/c of lvl" 
22 closed lvl3, lvl5 "should w/ -c, req lvl > na lvl" 
23 closed lvl1, lvl3 "should w/ -c" 
24 closed lvl4, lvl5 "should not w/ -c NA b/c of lvl" 

$ ./test.py -o #should show 10,12,13 
10 open lvl1 "should show w/ -o" 

$ ./test.py -c #should show 20,22,23 
20 closed lvl2 "should show closed" 

$ ./test.py -l #should show 11,14,21,24 
11 open lvl5 "should not show w/ -o, NA b/c of lvl" 
12 open lvl3, lvl5 "should w/ -o, req lvl > na lvl" 
13 open lvl1, lvl3 "should w/ -o" 
14 open lvl4, lvl5 "should not w/ -o NA b/c of lvl" 
21 closed lvl5 "should not show w/ -c, NA b/c of lvl" 
22 closed lvl3, lvl5 "should w/ -c, req lvl > na lvl" 
23 closed lvl1, lvl3 "should w/ -c" 
24 closed lvl4, lvl5 "should not w/ -c NA b/c of lvl" 


def checkreq(VER): 
    for s in reqlvls: 
    for item in VER: 
     if item in s: 
      print 'LVL: ', s 
      return s 


elif flago: 
     if STAT == "open" and checkreq(VER): 


Check if list item contains items from another list


太多的代码,并在此输出。将其简化为一个简单的例子。 – 2014-09-29 14:42:29


只是想确保我得到了可能需要的一切 – user3699853 2014-09-29 15:48:42




>>> VER = "lvl2" 
>>> sum([x in VER for x in reqlvls]) 
>>> VER = "lvl2, lvl5" 
>>> sum([x in VER for x in reqlvls]) 
>>> VER = "lvl6, lvl7" 
>>> sum([x in VER for x in reqlvls]) 


elif flago: 
     # VER is messing up if it is set to VER:[lvl1, lvl3] 
     # Need to iterate check open and iterate over VER 
     if STAT == "open" and sum([x in VER for x in reqlvls]): 
      print NUM, STAT, VER, COMM 

谢谢你的工作。所以这只是将reql中的所有VER加起来,0是假的,1+是真的 – user3699853 2014-09-29 15:44:39