2015-10-17 57 views




budget = 0 
itemCost = 0 
cartTotal = 0 

print ("Hello! Welcome to the best grocery store ever!") 
budget = int (input ("What is your budget for today? ")) 
itemCost = int (input ("Please tell me the cost of the most recent item your cart. Print ALL DONE to quit ")) 

while itemCost != "All DONE" and cartTotal <= budget: 
    itemCost = int (input ("Please tell me the cost of the most recent item your cart. Print ALL DONE to quit ")) #works 
    cartTotal = itemCost + itemCost 
    print ("OK, the items in your cart cost a total of ", cartTotal) 
    print ("Your budget is ", budget, " you have spent ", cartTotal, " you have ", budget - cartTotal, " left over.") 
    print ("You are a horrible budgeter!") 

你不允许数量超过1 –



所以我做了什么,如果输入的是一个数字(.isdigit)被选中,如果是,则补充说,总运行。你的代码不会接受'ALL DONE',因为它只接受整数输入,所以我也改变了。最后,我已将预算更改为浮动,因为这样做对我来说可能更有意义。希望这可以帮助!编辑:它不喜欢花车作为成本,但除了我已经测试它,它似乎工作

budget = 0 
itemCost = 0 
cartTotal = 0 

on = "TRUE" 

print("Hello! Welcome to the best grocery store ever!") 
budget = float(input("What is your budget for today?")) 
while on == "TRUE" : 
    itemCost = input("Please tell me the cost of the most recent item in your cart. Type ALL DONE to quit. ") 
    if itemCost == "ALL DONE" : 
     on = "FALSE" 

    elif itemCost.isdigit() : 
     cartTotal += float(itemCost) 
     if cartTotal < budget : 
      print("Ok, the items in your cart cost a total of ", cartTotal) 
      print ("Your budget is ", budget, " you have spent ", cartTotal, " you have ", budget - cartTotal, " left over.") 
     else : 
      print("You are a horrible budgeter!") 
    else : 
     print("Invalid entry!") #If neither a number nor ALL DONE was entered, this happens 