2016-12-06 60 views


我试过SetMinSize和SetSizeHints,但这些似乎没有效果。 SetSize也似乎不起作用。



static const int max = 100; 

wxProgressDialog dialog("Progress dialog example", 
         // "Reserve" enough space for the multiline 
         // messages below, we'll change it anyhow 
         // immediately in the loop below 
         wxString(' ', 100) + "\n\n\n\n", 
         max, // range 
         this, // parent 
         wxPD_CAN_ABORT | 
         wxPD_CAN_SKIP | 
         wxPD_APP_MODAL | 
         //wxPD_AUTO_HIDE | // -- try this as well 
         wxPD_ELAPSED_TIME | 
         wxPD_ESTIMATED_TIME | 
         wxPD_REMAINING_TIME | 
         wxPD_SMOOTH // - makes indeterminate mode bar on WinXP very small 

bool cont = true; 
for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++) 
    wxString msg; 

    // test both modes of wxProgressDialog behaviour: start in 
    // indeterminate mode but switch to the determinate one later 
    const bool determinate = i > max/2; 

    if (i == max) 
     msg = "That's all, folks!\n" 
       "Nothing to see here any more."; 
    else if (!determinate) 
     msg = "Testing indeterminate mode\n" 
       "This mode allows you to show to the user\n" 
       "that something is going on even if you don't know\n" 
       "when exactly will you finish."; 
    else if (determinate) 
     msg = "Now in standard determinate mode\n" 
       "This is the standard usage mode in which you\n" 
       "update the dialog after performing each new step of work.\n" 
       "It requires knowing the total number of steps in advance."; 

    // will be set to true if "Skip" button was pressed 
    bool skip = false; 
    if (determinate) 
     cont = dialog.Update(i, msg, &skip); 
     cont = dialog.Pulse(msg, &skip); 

    // each skip will move progress about quarter forward 
    if (skip) 
     i += max/4; 

     if (i >= 100) 
      i = 99; 

    if (!cont) 
     if (wxMessageBox(wxT("Do you really want to cancel?"), 
          wxT("Progress dialog question"), // caption 
          wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION) == wxYES) 

     cont = true; 


if (!cont) 
    wxLogStatus(wxT("Progress dialog aborted!")); 
    wxLogStatus(wxT("Countdown from %d finished"), max); 



没有看到您的代码,我们的魔法玻璃球不能正常工作。你在哪里打电话Fit()?我只希望在wxProgressDialog ctor。 – Ripi2



如果你想有一个固定的大小,你需要使用wxGenericProgressDialog ,似乎没有任何方法可以阻止本机对话框,在支持它的系统(Vista和更高版本)下默认使用本地对话框,将其大小调整为其内容。
