2012-02-13 62 views


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 


    <itemsPerPage>{Number of Inventories per Page}</itemsPerPage> 
    <numberOfItems>{Number of Inventories}</numberOfItems> 

     {Requested Salesforce fields e.g:} 
     <Id>{Salesforce Id}</Id> 
     <pb__ItemDescription__c>{Item Description}</pb__ItemDescription__c> 
     <pb__PurchaseListPrice__c>{Item List Price e.g.:}2000000.00</pb__PurchaseListPrice__c> 
     <CurrencyIsoCode>{Currency Iso Code e.g:}EUR</CurrencyIsoCode> 
     <pb__UnitBedrooms__c>{Number of Bedrooms}</pb__UnitBedrooms__c> 

      <Id>{internal Propertybase InventoryAsset Id}</Id> 
      <category>{Images, Videos or Documents}</category> 
      <filename>{original name of the uploaded file}</filename> 
      <url>{full url to image/video/document}</url> 
      <thumbnailUrl>{full url to thumbnail image}</thumbnailUrl> 
      <midresUrl>{full url to thumbnail image}</midresUrl> 
      <tags>{comma separated tags}</tags> 
      <mimeType>{e.g. image/jpeg}</mimeType> 

      <Id>{internal Propertybase InventoryAsset Id}</Id> 
      <category>{Images, Videos or Documents}</category> 
      <url>{full url to image/video/document}</url> 
      <tags>{comma separated tags}</tags> 

     {more assets ...} 


    {more items ...} 



public class searchResult 
    public page pagination; 
    public item[] itemList; 

public class page 
    public string itemsPerPage; 
    public string numberOfItems; 
public class item 
    public string Id; 
    public string Name; 
    public string pb__IsForSale__c; 
    public string pb__IsForLease__c; 
    public string pb__ItemDescription__c; 
    public string pb__PurchaseListPrice__c; 
    public string CurrencyIsoCode; 
    public string pb__UnitBedrooms__c; 
    public string pb__TotalAreaSqft__c; 
    public string pb__UnitType__c; 
    public asset[] externalDocs; 
public class asset 
    public string id; 
    public string category; 
    public string isExternalLink; 
    public string title; 
    public string filename; 
    public string url; 
    public string thumbnailUrl; 
    public string midresUrl; 
    public string tags; 
    public string mimeType; 


public void ReadPO(string filename) 
    // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class; 
    // specify the type of object to be deserialized. 
    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(searchResult)); 

    /* If the XML document has been altered with unknown 
    nodes or attributes, handle them with the 
    UnknownNode and UnknownAttribute events.*/ 
    serializer.UnknownNode += new XmlNodeEventHandler(serializer_UnknownNode); 
    serializer.UnknownAttribute += new XmlAttributeEventHandler(serializer_UnknownAttribute); 

    // A FileStream is needed to read the XML document. 
    FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open); 

    // Declare an object variable of the type to be deserialized. 
    searchResult po; 

    /* Use the Deserialize method to restore the object's state with 
    data from the XML document. */ 
    po = (searchResult)serializer.Deserialize(fs); 

    page dppage = po.pagination; 
    item[] dpitems = po.itemList; 
    foreach (item itemProp in dpitems) 
     asset[] extImage = itemProp.externalDocs; 
     foreach (asset link in extImage) 
      SqlConnection conninsert = new SqlConnection(); 
      conninsert.ConnectionString = "Data Source=MAMOOR-5E14351F; Database=elysian_RealEstateDB; User Id=sa; Password=bhomes"; 
      SqlCommand cmdinsert = new SqlCommand("Insert Into testtable2(column1, column2, column3, column4, column5, column6, column7, column8, column9 ,column10) Values (@Id, @Category, @isExt, @Title, @FilName, @Url, @Thumb, @MidRes, @Tag, @mimeType)", conninsert); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"Id"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.id }); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"Category"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.category }); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"isExt"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.isExternalLink }); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"Title"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.title }); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"FilName"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.filename }); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"Url"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.url }); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"Thumb"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.thumbnailUrl }); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"MidRes"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.midresUrl }); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"Tag"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.tags }); 
      cmdinsert.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter((@"mimeType"), SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = link.mimeType }); 


tring or binary data would be truncated. 
The statement has been terminated. 

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during 
the execution of the current web request. 
Please review the stack trace for more information 
about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 
String or binary data would be truncated. 
The statement has been terminated. 


"Input string was not in a correct format." 



<?xml version="1.0"?> 
     <CurrencyIsoCode>UAE Dirham</CurrencyIsoCode> 
     <title>external video</title> 



您是否确实需要为每个项目打开数据库连接?似乎你可以将它从你的foreach中移出(extImage中的资源链接块 – 2012-02-13 16:34:36


然后它给了我这个错误变量名'@Asset_Item_id'已经被声明。变量名在查询批处理或存储过程中必须是唯一的' – 2012-02-13 16:47:19


好吧,那是因为你已经添加了它们,你不能多次添加它们,将'.Parameters.Add()...'代码移动到块的外部,将它们添加到那里并引用它们通过它们在'foreach'块中的命名值。 – 2012-02-13 16:50:59




例如,如果数据库中的Title列的大小为255个字符,但XML文档中<title>元素的内容超过255个字符,则SQL Server将引发此错误。


我有所有的数据库字段设置为nvarchar(50),它不够? – 2012-02-13 15:57:01


可能没有,因为你得到这个错误。如果可能,请尝试更改为'nvarchar(MAX)'。 – dillenmeister 2012-02-13 15:59:54



{Requested Salesforce fields e.g:} 

没有其可变数目字段(节点)的例子 – 2012-02-13 16:00:30





我把它们放在共同根目录searchResult – 2012-02-13 15:55:47


是的,对不起。看到@dillenmeister的回答,它是正确的。 – linepogl 2012-02-13 15:57:17