2016-01-10 30 views


{{Use mdy dates|date=June 2014}} 
{{Infobox person 
| name  = Richard Matthew Stallman 
| image  = Richard Stallman - Fête de l'Humanité 2014 - 010.jpg 
| caption  = Richard Stallman, 2014 
| birth_date = {{Birth date and age|1953|03|16}} 
| birth_place = New York City 
| nationality = American 
| other_names = RMS, rms 
| known_for = Free software movement, GNU, Emacs, GNU Compiler Collection|GCC 
| alma_mater = Harvard University,<br />Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
| occupation = President of the Free Software Foundation 
| website  = {{URL|https://www.stallman.org/}} 
| awards  = MacArthur Fellowship<br />EFF Pioneer Award<br />''... see #Honors and awards|Honors and awards'' 

{{Citation needed|date=May 2011}} 



var input = document.getElementById('input'); 
input.innerHTML = input.innerHTML.replace(/\{\{[^}]+\}\}/g, '');
<pre id="input"> {{Use mdy dates|date=June 2014}} 
    {{Infobox person 
    | name  = Richard Matthew Stallman 
    | image  =Richard Stallman - Fête de l'Humanité 2014 - 010.jpg 
    | caption  = Richard Stallman, 2014 
    | birth_date = {{Birth date and age|1953|03|16}} 
    | birth_place = New York City 
    | nationality = American 
    | other_names = RMS, rms 
    | known_for = Free software movement, GNU, Emacs, GNU Compiler Collection|GCC 
    | alma_mater = Harvard University,<br />Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
    | occupation = President of the Free Software Foundation 
    | website  = {{URL|https://www.stallman.org/}} 
    | awards  = MacArthur Fellowship<br />EFF Pioneer Award<br />''... see #Honors and awards|Honors and awards'' 


@yurzui这不会对文本的工作,包含{{}}在一个以上的地方https://regex101.com/r/kG7bO0/2 – jcubic


@jcubic你的意思是'foo'不应该匹配? – tchelidze


如果你可以在两个步骤中完成,你可以匹配内部第一个然后外部,这对于内部https://regex101.com/r/pG5sS0/1 –




do { 
    var cnt=0; 
    txt = txt.replace(/{{[^{}]*(?:{(?!{)[^{}]*|}(?!})[^{}]*)*}}/g, function (_) { 
     cnt++; return ''; 
} while (cnt); 


[^{}]* # all that is not a bracket 
(?: # this group is only useful if you need to allow single brackets 
    {(?!{)[^{}]* # an opening bracket not followed by an other opening bracket 
    | # OR 
    }(?!})[^{}]* # same thing for closing brackets 



var stk = 0; 
var result = txt.split(/({{|}})/).reduce(function(c, v) { 
    if (v == '{{') { stk++; return c; } 
    if (v == '}}') { stk = stk ? stk-1 : 0; return c; } 
    return stk ? c : c + v; 