2013-03-07 110 views


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 

namespace LinqQueries 

    // Test the linq queries 
    public class Test 
     public void TestIt() 
      List<ThirdParty> As = new List<ThirdParty>(); 

      // This is nearly the query I want to run, find A and C where B 
      // and C match criteria 
      var cData = from a in As 
         from b in a.myObjects.OfType<MyInfo>() 
         where b.someProp == 1 
         from c in b.cs 
         where c.data == 1 
         select new {a, c}; 

      // This treats A and B as the same object, which is what I 
      // really want, but it calls two sub-queries under the hood, 
      // which seems less efficient 
      var cDataShorter = from a in As 
           from c in a.GetCs() 
           where a.GetMyProp() == 1 
           where c.data == 1 
           select new { a, c }; 

    // library class I can't change 
    public class ThirdParty 
     // Generic list of objects I can put my info object in 
     public List<Object> myObjects; 

    // my info class that I add to ThirdParty 
    public class MyInfo 
     public List<C> cs; 
     public int someProp; 

    // My extension method for A to simplify some things. 
    static public class MyExtentionOfThirdPartyClass 
     // Get the first MyInfo in ThirdParty 
     public static MyInfo GetB(this ThirdParty a) 
      return (from b in a.myObjects.OfType<MyInfo>() 
        select b).FirstOrDefault(); 

     // more hidden linq to slow things down... 
     public static int GetMyProp(this ThirdParty a) 
      return a.GetB().someProp; 

     // get the list of cs with hidden linq 
     public static List<C> GetCs(this ThirdParty a) 
      return a.GetB().cs; 

    // fairly generic object with data in it 
    public class C 
     public int data; 

运行这两个查询并用秒表计时。请注意延迟执行。 – 2013-03-07 21:41:48


LINQ针对可读性和易开发性进行了优化 - 而不是执行速度。如果存在性能问题,请尝试用一些循环替换LINQ。做一些时间来验证速度,并在循环上面写一条评论来解释它在做什么。 – 2013-03-07 21:49:12


@DasKrümelmonster鉴于在这里执行的操作是什么,我的猜测是LINQ应用的开销将会小到可以忽略,因为真正的“工作”不是微不足道的。当真正的“工作”要做的非常快,并且有很多项目时,LINQ开销会开始被注意到。你需要确定个人资料,但赔率不够重要。 – Servy 2013-03-07 21:50:43








As.SelectMany(a => a.myObjects, (aa, mo) => new R {Tp = aa, Mi = mo as MyInfo}) 
    .Where(r => r.Mi != null && r.Mi.someProp == 1) 
    //.Distinct(new Comparer<R>((r1, r2) => r1.Tp.Equals(r2.Tp))) 
    // If you need only one (first) MyInfo from a ThirdParty 
    // You don't need R if you're not going to use Distinct, just use an anonymous 
    .SelectMany(r => r.Mi.cs, (rr, c) => new {a = rr.Tp, c}) 
    .Where(ao => ao.c.data == 1)  

public class R { 
    public ThirdParty Tp; 
    public MyInfo Mi; 



这个解决方案效率相同,GetMyProp和GetCs都像我的第二个例子那样运行子查询。 – 2013-03-07 23:18:11


@Denise Skidmore,好吧,没有子查询的解决方案。检查我的更新。 – aush 2013-03-08 00:08:18
