2011-03-29 83 views





你可以使用特殊的库。如果您只需要读取数据,那么您可以使用元数据提取器here是库(使用版本2.5.0-RC3,它适用于android),或者,如果您需要读取和更新元数据信息,则可以使用Sanselan library





import android.util.Log; 

public class Exif { 
    private static final String TAG = "CameraExif"; 

    // Returns the degrees in clockwise. Values are 0, 90, 180, or 270. 
    public static int getOrientation(byte[] jpeg) { 
     if (jpeg == null) { 
      return 0; 

     int offset = 0; 
     int length = 0; 

     // ISO/IEC 10918-1:1993(E) 
     while (offset + 3 < jpeg.length && (jpeg[offset++] & 0xFF) == 0xFF) { 
      int marker = jpeg[offset] & 0xFF; 

      // Check if the marker is a padding. 
      if (marker == 0xFF) { 

      // Check if the marker is SOI or TEM. 
      if (marker == 0xD8 || marker == 0x01) { 
      // Check if the marker is EOI or SOS. 
      if (marker == 0xD9 || marker == 0xDA) { 

      // Get the length and check if it is reasonable. 
      length = pack(jpeg, offset, 2, false); 
      if (length < 2 || offset + length > jpeg.length) { 
       Log.e(TAG, "Invalid length"); 
       return 0; 

      // Break if the marker is EXIF in APP1. 
      if (marker == 0xE1 && length >= 8 && 
        pack(jpeg, offset + 2, 4, false) == 0x45786966 && 
        pack(jpeg, offset + 6, 2, false) == 0) { 
       offset += 8; 
       length -= 8; 

      // Skip other markers. 
      offset += length; 
      length = 0; 

     // JEITA CP-3451 Exif Version 2.2 
     if (length > 8) { 
      // Identify the byte order. 
      int tag = pack(jpeg, offset, 4, false); 
      if (tag != 0x49492A00 && tag != 0x4D4D002A) { 
       Log.e(TAG, "Invalid byte order"); 
       return 0; 
      boolean littleEndian = (tag == 0x49492A00); 

      // Get the offset and check if it is reasonable. 
      int count = pack(jpeg, offset + 4, 4, littleEndian) + 2; 
      if (count < 10 || count > length) { 
       Log.e(TAG, "Invalid offset"); 
       return 0; 
      offset += count; 
      length -= count; 

      // Get the count and go through all the elements. 
      count = pack(jpeg, offset - 2, 2, littleEndian); 
      while (count-- > 0 && length >= 12) { 
       // Get the tag and check if it is orientation. 
       tag = pack(jpeg, offset, 2, littleEndian); 
       if (tag == 0x0112) { 
        // We do not really care about type and count, do we? 
        int orientation = pack(jpeg, offset + 8, 2, littleEndian); 
        switch (orientation) { 
         case 1: 
          return 0; 
         case 3: 
          return 180; 
         case 6: 
          return 90; 
         case 8: 
          return 270; 
        Log.i(TAG, "Unsupported orientation"); 
        return 0; 
       offset += 12; 
       length -= 12; 

     Log.i(TAG, "Orientation not found"); 
     return 0; 

    private static int pack(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, 
      boolean littleEndian) { 
     int step = 1; 
     if (littleEndian) { 
      offset += length - 1; 
      step = -1; 

     int value = 0; 
     while (length-- > 0) { 
      value = (value << 8) | (bytes[offset] & 0xFF); 
      offset += step; 
     return value; 



感谢倍无限的力量无限 – Aggressor 2015-05-27 18:56:36