2016-06-13 81 views

我想从给定的条件字典中删除单词。 我想这样做,在下一次迭代时,字典将计算新的一个,最后一项删除,所以它不会再计算。双回路去除物品

// sample data 
    $dict = ['aaa', 'aaan','aba', 'abat', 'ime', 'iso', 'nime', 'tiso',]; 
    $unique = ['abatiso', 'aaanime']; 

    // could use while to further optimize unset (and remove on the fly) http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php#88578 
    while (list($key_word, $word) = each($unique)) { // $key is unused, just for the optimization that the whille provides 
     foreach ($dict as $key_other => $other) { 

// ... conditions calculations 

    echo "n compounds: " . count($compounds) . NL; 



   // Removed: abatiso => wc: aba + tiso = abatiso 
       // Removed: abatiso => wc: abat + iso = abatiso 
       // Removed: abatiso => wc: abati + so = abatiso 
       // Removed: abatiso => wc: abatis + o = abatiso 



Removed: aaaaaah => wc: aaaa + aah = aaaaaah 
Removed: aaaaaah => wc: aaaaaa + h = aaaaaah 
Removed: aaaaargh => wc: aaa + aargh = aaaaargh 
Removed: aaaalead => wc: aaaa + lead = aaaalead 
Removed: aaabbbccc => wc: aaab + bbccc = aaabbbccc 
Removed: aaacomix => wc: aaa + comix = aaacomix 
Removed: aaagak => wc: aaa + gak = aaagak 
Removed: aaahh => wc: aaa + hh = aaahh 
Removed: aaainc => wc: aaa + inc = aaainc 
Removed: aaainc => wc: aaai + nc = aaainc 
Removed: aaanet => wc: aaa + net = aaanet 
Removed: aaanet => wc: aaan + et = aaanet 
Removed: aaanime => wc: aaa + nime = aaanime 
Removed: aaanime => wc: aaan + ime = aaanime 
Removed: aaaron => wc: aaa + ron = aaaron 
Removed: aabbcc => wc: aab + bcc = aabbcc 
Removed: aabmup => wc: aab + mup = aabmup 
Removed: aabre => wc: aab + re = aabre 
Removed: aabybro => wc: aaby + bro = aabybro 
Removed: aacap => wc: aac + ap = aacap 
Removed: aacap => wc: aaca + p = aacap 
Removed: aaccording => wc: aac + cording = aaccording 
Removed: aacd => wc: aac + d = aacd 
Removed: aachener => wc: aach + ener = aachener 
Removed: aachener => wc: aachen + er = aachener 
Removed: aacisuan => wc: aaci + suan = aacisuan 
Removed: aacisuan => wc: aacis + uan = aacisuan 
Removed: aacult => wc: aac + ult = aacult 


请在您的问题和代码更加具体。 – Eiko


@Eiko你不明白? – Cristo


我正在考虑类似于''for($ i = 0; $ i Cristo






$toUnset = []; 
foreach ($unique as $key => $word) { 
    if (!in_array($word, $toUnset)) { 
     foreach ($dict as $other) { 

      //do your processing 
      $toUnset[] = $word; 

对不起,我没有使用$ key,代码有点凌乱,对这么多正在进行的更改和尝试,我会更正。 我宁愿在飞行中这么做,因为它运行得更快,因为目前需要运行将近24小时:D – Cristo


您的字典有多少项? 24小时听起来像是一个严重的运行问题。 – cb0


只有300k和110k。我认为循环内部的一些strlen和strpos以及一个自定义的binary_search(而不是内置的php in_array/search,因为字典被排序)会让它太慢。 我正在尝试isset vs strlen hack(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955913/isset-vs-strlen-a-fast-clear-string-length-calculation),看起来,promissing – Cristo