2011-05-12 167 views

我对Google App Engine(和python)的合理新手我正在实现一个系统,该系统将基本解析传入的电子邮件并将详细信息存储在Data Store中。现在我确实有工作,但我觉得现在应该有更好的方式来做到这一点。使用Google App Engine从电子邮件中收集数据


Order Details: Random Batch Name here 

Order Status: 74 of 131 Shipped In Total 

Message ID: 123456 

Message Date: 21/04/2011 16:13:00 

Mobile Number:

Message: message would be here 


class LogSenderHandler(InboundMailHandler): 
    def receive(self, message): 

     # Get the body text from the e-mail 
     plaintext_bodies = message.bodies('text/plain') 
     for content_type, body in plaintext_bodies: 
      body_text = body.decode().split('\n') 

      # Loop through each line in the e-mail and discard a line if it is blank 
      for line in body_text: 
       if line != "": 

        # I'm sure there's a better way of doing this, just don't know how right now! 
        # Split the current line based on the ": " value and only let it be done once 
        splitline = line.split(': ', 1) 

        # Check to see which line we now have the details for and place value into the correct variable 
        if splitline[0] == "Order Details": 
         batch = splitline[1] 
        if splitline[0] == "Message ID": 
         messageID = splitline[1] 
        if splitline[0] == "Message Date": 
         messageDate = splitline[1] 
        if splitline[0] == "Mobile Number": 
         mobileNumber = splitline[1] 
        if splitline[0] == "Message": 
         theMessage = splitline[1] 

     newNumber = SMSNumber(status = "Waiting", 
           batch = common.slugify(batch), 
           messageID = messageID, 
           messageDate = messageDate, 
           sentMessage = theMessage) 

     newNumber._key_name = mobileNumber 

有处理这个问题的更好方法是?如果有人有任何意见,我们将非常感激! :)



“更好”是什么意思? – geoffspear 2011-05-12 13:22:52


确实效率更高。 – vultuk 2011-05-12 13:27:27


http://docs.python.org/library/email.parser.html也许这一个? 'import email >>> msg = email.message_from_string(myString)' – lucemia 2011-05-12 20:10:34



一个整齐的方法是通过文件,分割对结肠的线进行迭代,并添加线到Map。然后,从地图中读出相关条目并将它们传递给构造函数 - 指定一个默认值,以防它不存在。
