2017-06-19 81 views

      <h2> Here's the ES results: 
       $forall EsHighlight high <- highlights re 
         #{toHtml high} 



"large <em>bamboo</em>, and a crotched stick. Throwing these down, he poked under a pile of rubbish, and brought out a rough block of wood, pierced through and through with a hole, which was immediately clapped on the top of the jar. Then planting the crotched stick upright about two yards distant, and making it sustain one end of the <em>bamboo</em>, he inserted the other end of the latter into the hole in the block: concluding these arrangements by placing an old calabash under the farther end of the <em>bamboo</em>." 

的问题是,<em>不会被渲染成HTML,但仍字符串。所以网页显示<em>本身。 我能做什么?


使用^ {...}取而代之。 – mb14


@ mb14 thx但它不工作 – osager


使用^ {..}你需要一个小部件而不是字符串(或文本)。你需要以某种方式将'high'转换成一个小部件(也许使用'[whamlet | .. |]'生成''。 – mb14


