2012-02-03 38 views

我使用的是netbeans 6.9的struts 1.3.8,我想更新我的应用程序中的购物车信息,但是当选中任何复选框它会删除购物车中的第一行,并且我不知道为什么它没有将正确的cartid删除或编辑或检出。捕获复选框的错误ID [struts 1.3.8始终捕获第一个ID]


    <h1>Customer Cart</h1><h6><p align="left"><a href="logout">logout</a></p></h6> 
    <!-- include the DB connection --> 
    <%@ include file="DBconnection.jsp" %> 

    <% String userID = (String) session.getAttribute("userID"); 
       String categoryID = (String) session.getAttribute("categoryID"); 
       String brandID = (String) session.getAttribute("brandID"); 


    <!-- retrive the brands from DB to populate the select box --> 
    <% String QueryString = "select cart.cartID, cart.itemID, cart.Qyt, item.itemName, item.itemPrice from cart , item where cart.itemID = item.itemID and customerID=" + userID + ";"; 

    <html:form action="/updateCart"> 

     <table border="0"> 
        <td colspan="5"> 
         <span style='color:red'> 
          <i><html:errors property="checkbox" /></i> 
          <i><html:errors property="cartQyt" /></i> 
        <th>Item Name</th> 
        <th>Item Price</th> 

          try { 
           rs = stmt.executeQuery(QueryString); 
           while (rs.next()) { 
            int cartID = rs.getInt("cartID"); 
            int cartItemID = rs.getInt("itemID"); 
            String itemName = rs.getString("itemName"); 
            int itemPrice = rs.getInt("itemPrice"); 
            int Qyt = rs.getInt("Qyt"); 
        <td><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="<%=cartID%>"/></td> 
        <td><input type="text" name="cartQyt" value="<%=Qyt%>" /></td> 

        <td colspan="4"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="cartItemID" value="<%=cartItemID%>"/> 
         <input type="hidden" name="cartUserID" value="<%=userID%>"/> 
         <input type="hidden" name="cartItemPrice" value="<%=itemPrice%>"/> 
         <html:submit property="cartButton" value="Edit"/> 
         <html:submit property="cartButton" value="Delete"/> 
         <html:submit property="cartButton" value="Check out"/> 

           } catch (Exception e) { 
            System.out.println("retrieve from DB:" + e); 

        <a href="userHome.jsp"><input type="button" name="back" value="back to home"/></a> 





public class AddToCartForm extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm { 

private int Qyt; 
private int itemID; 
private int itemQyt; 
private int number; 
private int cartUserID; 
private int cartItemID; 
private int cartItemPrice; 
private int cartQyt; 
private String cartItemName; 
private int cartID; 
private String cartButton; 
private String checkbox; 

public String getCartButton() { 
    return cartButton; 

public void setCartButton(String cartButton) { 
    this.cartButton = cartButton; 

public String getCheckbox() { 
    return checkbox; 

public void setCheckbox(String checkbox) { 
    this.checkbox = checkbox; 

public int getCartID() { 
    return cartID; 

public void setCartID(int cartID) { 
    this.cartID = cartID; 

public int getCartItemID() { 
    return cartItemID; 

public void setCartItemID(int cartItemID) { 
    this.cartItemID = cartItemID; 

public String getCartItemName() { 
    return cartItemName; 

public void setCartItemName(String cartItemName) { 
    this.cartItemName = cartItemName; 

public int getCartItemPrice() { 
    return cartItemPrice; 

public void setCartItemPrice(int cartItemPrice) { 
    this.cartItemPrice = cartItemPrice; 

public int getCartQyt() { 
    return cartQyt; 

public void setCartQyt(int cartQyt) { 
    this.cartQyt = cartQyt; 

public int getCartUserID() { 
    return cartUserID; 

public void setCartUserID(int cartUserID) { 
    this.cartUserID = cartUserID; 

public int getItemQyt() { 
    return itemQyt; 

public void setItemQyt(int itemQyt) { 
    this.itemQyt = itemQyt; 

public int getItemID() { 
    return itemID; 

public void setItemID(int itemID) { 
    this.itemID = itemID; 

* @return 
public int getQyt() { 
    return Qyt; 

* @param string 
public void setQyt(int Qyt) { 
    this.Qyt = Qyt; 

* @return 
public int getNumber() { 
    return number; 

* @param i 
public void setNumber(int number) { 
    this.number = number; 

public AddToCartForm() { 
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub 


public class updateCartAction extends org.apache.struts.action.Action { 

/* forward name="success" path="" */ 
private static final String SUCCESS = "success"; 
private static final String FAILURE = "failure"; 
// Initialize SQL connection equal null 
private Connection con = null; 
private ResultSet rs = null; 
private Statement stmt = null; 

* This is the action called from the Struts framework. 
* @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance. 
* @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request. 
* @param request The HTTP Request we are processing. 
* @param response The HTTP Response we are processing. 
* @throws java.lang.Exception 
* @return 
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, 
     HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
     throws Exception { 

    //Initilized Action error 
    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); 
    // set the session on 
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); 
    //Call AddToCartForm Instance here 
    AddToCartForm formBean = (AddToCartForm) form; 
    // define newQuantity and itemID and orderStatus and Qyt and itemPrice and customerID 
    int newQuantity = 0; 

    String orderStatus = "Open"; 
    //Initilize Date today = new Date(); 
    java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); 
    String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd"; 
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT); 
    String strDateNew = sdf.format(now); 
    // extract user data 
    //Integer cartUserID = formBean.getCartUserID(); 
    Integer checkbox = formBean.getCartID(); 
    Integer cartItemID = formBean.getCartItemID(); 
    Integer cartQyt = formBean.getCartQyt(); 
    String cartButton = formBean.getCartButton(); 
    Integer cartItemPrice = formBean.getCartItemPrice(); 
    Integer userID = Integer.parseInt(session.getAttribute("userID").toString()); 

    // check user data 
    System.out.println("cart User whose ID is : " + userID + " want to " + cartButton + " the cart its ID is : " + cartItemID + " that contains the item its ID is : " + cartItemID + " with the Qyt :" + cartQyt); 

    //Set up flag message 
    boolean flag = false; 

    // perform validation 
    if ((checkbox == 0) || // checkbox parameter does not exist 
     (checkbox < 1)){ // the user did not select any checkbox 
     errors.add("checkbox", new ActionMessage("errors.checkbox.required")); 
    // perform validation 
    if ((cartQyt == 0) || // cartQyt parameter does not exist 
     (cartQyt < 1)){ // cartQyt parameter is empty 
     errors.add("cartQyt", new ActionMessage("errors.cartQyt.required")); 
    //Save error messages keys into the appropriate HTTP request attribute for use by the <html:errors> tag 
    saveErrors(request, errors); 
    //Check- is errors empty 
    if (errors.isEmpty()) { 
     flag = true; 
    } else { 
     flag = false; 
    if (flag == true) { 

     // start updateCartAction 
     System.out.println("////////////////////////// Start updateCartAction /////////////////////////"); 
     // Now Start communicate with database 
     try { 
      con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/gsm", "root", "root"); 

      if (cartButton.equals("Delete")){ //// if the user select delete button 


        // delete from cart 
        PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM cart where cartID=?"); 
        ps.setInt(1, checkbox); 
        //Execute all the above statement 
        //Check which cartID was deleted 
        System.out.println("Deleted from cart table, the cartID: " + checkbox); 

       } catch (Exception e) { 
        errors.add("SQLDeletingCart", new ActionMessage("errors.SQLDeletingCart")); 
        System.out.println("ERROR Deleting : Did not delete cart info from the cart : " + e); 

       //Save error messages keys into the appropriate HTTP request attribute for use by the <html:errors> tag 
       saveErrors(request, errors); 
       //Check- is errors empty 
       if (errors.isEmpty()) { 
        flag = true; 
       } else { 
        flag = false; 

      }else if (cartButton.equals("Edit")){ //// if the user select edit button 


        // update the cart Qyt 
        PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement("UPDATE cart SET Qyt=? where cartID=?"); 
        ps.setInt(1, cartQyt); 
        ps.setInt(2, checkbox); 
        //Execute all the above statement 
        flag = true; 
        //Check which cartID was deleted 
        System.out.println("Updated the quantity in the cart: " + cartQyt + " for the cartID: " + checkbox); 

        } catch (Exception e) { 
         errors.add("SQLUpdatingCart", new ActionMessage("errors.SQLUpdating")); 
         System.out.println("ERROR Updating : Did not update the Qyt in the cart : " + e); 

        //Save error messages keys into the appropriate HTTP request attribute for use by the <html:errors> tag 
        saveErrors(request, errors); 
        //Check- is errors empty 
        if (errors.isEmpty()) { 
         flag = true; 
        } else { 
         flag = false; 
         String UserID = (String)session.getAttribute("userID"); 
         session.setAttribute("userID", UserID); 
         return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); 

      }else if (cartButton.equals("Check out")){ //// if the user select check out button 



          // get the cart and item info 
          PreparedStatement ps1 = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement("select cart.itemID, cart.customerID, cart.Qyt, item.itemQyt, item.itemPrice from cart, item where cart.itemID=item.itemID and cart.cartID=?"); 
          ps1.setInt(1, checkbox); 
          rs = ps1.executeQuery(); 

          if (rs.next()) // Succes 
           flag = true; 
           int itemID = rs.getInt("itemID"); 
           int customerID = rs.getInt("customerID"); 
           int Qyt = rs.getInt("Qyt"); 
           int itemQyt = rs.getInt("itemQyt"); 
           int itemPrice = rs.getInt("itemPrice"); 
           //new quantity 
           newQuantity = itemQyt - Qyt; 
           ///// check the data 
           System.out.println("The Item ID in the cart is: " + itemID + " and its price is : " + itemPrice + " for the customer whose ID is : " + customerID + " and the quantity selected is : " + Qyt + " from the total Qyt which is: " + itemQyt + " and the new Qyt for the item is : " + newQuantity); 


          flag = false; 

         } catch (Exception e) { 
          errors.add("SQLSelectingCartInfo", new ActionMessage("errors.SQLSelectingCartInfo")); 
          System.out.println("ERROR Selecting : Did not get the cart and item info : " + e); 

         //Save error messages keys into the appropriate HTTP request attribute for use by the <html:errors> tag 
         saveErrors(request, errors); 
         //Check- is errors empty 
         if (errors.isEmpty()) { 
          flag = true; 
         } else { 
          flag = false; 
          String UserID = (String)session.getAttribute("userID"); 
          session.setAttribute("userID", UserID); 
          return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); 


          // update the item Qyt in the item table after checking it out 
          PreparedStatement ps2 = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement("UPDATE item SET itemQyt=? WHERE itemID=?"); 
          ps2.setInt(1, newQuantity); 
          ps2.setInt(2, cartItemID); 
          int updateRows = ps2.executeUpdate(); 

         } catch (Exception e) { 
          errors.add("SQLUpdatingItem", new ActionMessage("errors.SQLUpdatingItem")); 
          System.out.println("ERROR Updating : Did not Update the itemQyt in the item table which the itemId is : " + cartItemID + " and the new Qyt is :" + newQuantity + " " + e); 

         //Save error messages keys into the appropriate HTTP request attribute for use by the <html:errors> tag 
         saveErrors(request, errors); 
         //Check- is errors empty 
         if (errors.isEmpty()) { 
          flag = true; 
         } else { 
          flag = false; 
          String UserID = (String)session.getAttribute("userID"); 
          session.setAttribute("userID", UserID); 
          return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); 

          // insert the cart info in the order table 
          PreparedStatement ps3 = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO customerOrder(oderStatus, OrderDate, orderQyt, orderTotalPrice, customerID, itemID)" 
           + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?) "); 
          ps3.setString(1, orderStatus); 
          ps3.setString(2, strDateNew); 
          ps3.setInt(3, cartQyt); 
          ps3.setInt(4, cartItemPrice); 
          ps3.setInt(5, userID); 
          ps3.setInt(6, cartItemID); 

          ///// check the data 
          System.out.println("The customer whose ID is: " + userID + " and his ordered item ID : " + cartItemID + " with price = " + cartItemPrice + " and quantity = " + cartQyt + " on that fate : " + strDateNew + " and the order status is : " + orderStatus); 

         } catch (Exception e) { 
          errors.add("SQLInsertingOrder", new ActionMessage("errors.SQLInsertingOrder")); 
          System.out.println("ERROR Inserting : Did not insert the info in the order : " + e); 

         //Save error messages keys into the appropriate HTTP request attribute for use by the <html:errors> tag 
         saveErrors(request, errors); 
         //Check- is errors empty 
         if (errors.isEmpty()) { 
          flag = true; 
         } else { 
          flag = false; 
          String UserID = (String)session.getAttribute("userID"); 
          session.setAttribute("userID", UserID); 
          return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); 


          // delete from cart table after check it out 
          PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM cart where cartID=?"); 
          ps.setInt(1, checkbox); 
          //Execute all the above statement 

         } catch (Exception e) { 
          errors.add("SQLDeletingCart", new ActionMessage("errors.SQLDeletingCart")); 
          System.out.println("ERROR Deleting from cart : Did not delete the order from the cart : " + e); 

         //Save error messages keys into the appropriate HTTP request attribute for use by the <html:errors> tag 
         saveErrors(request, errors); 
         //Check- is errors empty 
         if (errors.isEmpty()) { 
          flag = true; 
         } else { 
          flag = false; 
          String UserID = (String)session.getAttribute("userID"); 
          session.setAttribute("userID", UserID); 
          return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); 

        }catch(Exception e){ 
         System.out.println("ERROR : " + e); 

        //Save error messages keys into the appropriate HTTP request attribute for use by the <html:errors> tag 
        saveErrors(request, errors); 
        //Check- is errors empty 
        if (errors.isEmpty()) { 
         flag = true; 
        } else { 
         flag = false; 
         String UserID = (String)session.getAttribute("userID"); 
         session.setAttribute("userID", UserID); 
         return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); 

     }catch (Exception ex) { 
      errors.add("SQLException", new ActionMessage("errors.SQLException")); 
      throw new SQLException(ex.fillInStackTrace()); 

     //Close SQL server connection 
     try { 
      if (con != null) { 
     } catch (SQLException e) { 
      throw new SQLException(e.getSQLState() + e.fillInStackTrace()); 

     //Save error messages keys into the appropriate HTTP request attribute for use by the <html:errors> tag 
     saveErrors(request, errors); 
     //Check- is errors empty 
     if (errors.isEmpty()) { 
      flag = true; 
     } else { 
      flag = false; 

     if(flag) { 
      String UserID = (String)session.getAttribute("userID"); 
      session.setAttribute("userID", UserID); 
      return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS); 
     }else { 
      String UserID = (String)session.getAttribute("userID"); 
      session.setAttribute("userID", UserID); 
      return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); 


    return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); 



你正在使用用于 “cartId”

<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="<%=cartID%>"/> 



注: “名” 复选框的